How do I rip GC games?
29. December 2005 @ 14:19 |
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What are the step by step instructions to ripping GC games? I saw the one on the form but it seems to be missing steps as how to transfer files to the Max Drive Pro.
29. December 2005 @ 17:06 |
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It seems to me that I need to buy the Max Drive Pro (MDP) and the BBA in order to burn my backups. I use the MDP to load the GCOS BIOS and use the BBA to send the Original GC game ISO to my PC. Am I on the right track?
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29. December 2005 @ 19:46 |
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Unfortunately, it seems as though the guys that use soft mods don't really come here anymore. Sorry that I can't help you with that.
29. December 2005 @ 21:36 |
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Where can I go to get softmod help?
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30. December 2005 @ 00:40 |
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ok you need help!
Heres a very quick step by step using the PSO (Phantasy Star Method)
1) First read the sticky on on the forum, it tells u where to get all the programs u need. Theres another newer one somewhere here.
2) Get a copy of PSO and a BROADBAND ADAPTOR (not modem)
3) Format your memory card with the correct settings for PSO streaming.
4) when done get urself a copy of Pheonix 2.something and check out posts on how to use it (sometimes it does not come with all files)
5) set up correct computer ip address.
6) Connect crossover cable to computer router etc. (router is best)
7) load Pheonix
8) go to the rip game (or whatever option)
9) Click online game for PSO
10) if all is well, PSO will stop spining and something will load on screen
11) Follow on screen instructions
12) You will have 10 seconds to switch games for the one u wanna rip
13) select save point and it will rip it to computer with 15 minutes.
PLEASE BE PATIENT for full instructions. I will upload them later, this is off the top of my head!!!
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30. December 2005 @ 00:46 |
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Cracking the GameCube
By: Xavean - February 27, 2004
This document outlines most of the current (public) knowledge on exploiting a flaw in Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II by Sega, which allows just about anyone to do some pretty awesome stuff with their GameCube.
Physical requirements for all the following exercises are as follows:
Nintendo GameCube System
A Memory Card 59 or Memory Card 251, preferably without any important saved data (blank is best).
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II for Nintendo GameCube.
A Nintendo GameCube Broadband Adapter (the dialup adapter will not work!)
A CAT5 Crossover cable (Generally yellow in color, running between $20-25) OR A basic switch/hub/router and two regular CAT5 cables.
A basic PC with an Ethernet card.
Hooking up your hardware should not be confusing at all. If you can't get past this on your own, I suggest you give up right now. Hook up your hardware before continuing.
Brief History:
PSUL v1.1 is the program that started it all (or version 1 to be precise). This program emulates a Sega run Phantasy Star Online on your personal computer. When the GameCube attempts to contact the Sega servers, it will be in reality connecting to your own computer. Once the connection is complete, PSUL will allow you to upload data to the GameCube. Thanks to some great guys in the scene, we have useful tools that will run on the GameCube in cooperation with the PSUL program. Many front-end tools have been built since the initial PSUL release. These tools tend to included PSUL built in, eliminating the needs for a dozen programs to accomplish a simple task.
What can be accomplished at this point in time?
Lots of neat things! Right now, we're able to rip an entire GameCube game disc onto our computer hard drives (which will require 1.4 gigabyte per game). We're able to browse the files on our GameCube discs on the TV screen, we're able to send roms to the GameCube itself to boot, and we can emulate NES roms nearly flawless and some N64 roms as well. There is even an emulator for the old Chip 8 systems if my memory serves me correctly. It's just a matter of finding the tools that people are quickly developing.
What are the drawbacks of doing what you mentioned above?
Well, at this time, ripping GameCube disc images is pretty flawless. However, sending roms from your computer to the GameCube has some draw backs. While the GameCube broadband adapter is capable of a 100 MB/s, Sega for some reason assumed that no one would be using (or for that matter, need) that fast of a connection to play Phantasy Star Online. Therefore, they locked the speed at 10MB/s, making the data stream rather slow. This means that GameCube games being played from a PC hard drive will have lots of sound and FMV skipping problems. They are livable and rarely effect game play, but they exist. Besides that, some games just don't load for some reason or another, and some may even not save.
How is it that NES and Nintendo 64 emulation is already here?
Back during the early part of 2003, Nintendo issued bonus discs to those people who preordered The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. These discs included an emulated version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that was originally released on the N64, as well as a port of an unreleased expansion to the game for Nintendo's ill-fated 64DD, a disk drive add-on for the Nintendo 64 itself. The way these games worked, is that Nintendo coded an N64 emulator specifically for the GameCube, and wrote the old Zelda rom right onto the disc, albeit with slight changes made to it to work well with the GameCube's controller. It's important to note that this emulator upped the resolution of N64 games from 320x240 to 600x480, making the 3D graphics twice as sharp, and the textures twice as blurry. At the end of 2003, Nintendo issued another bonus disc to new GameCube owners, new Subscribers to Nintendo Power, as well as people who bought and registered two of four specific games for the GameCube and Game Boy Advanced systems. This bonus disc included both NES Zelda games, emulated perfectly, as well as the Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, a Wind Waker demo, and a short film clip in homage too all previous Zelda games. It's unfortunate that the Super Nintendo Zelda game, A Link to the Past was not emulated as well (The game was recently ported to the GBA, and it was thought that including it would take away from sales). Anyway, those emulators have been ripped by some amazing people, and we're now able to replace the built in Zelda roms with any of our own.
NES and N64 Compatibility:
The emulators from Nintendo work nearly perfectly, however, they are only compatible to an extent. My testing of the NES hasn't been extensive, but I know that Ninja Gaiden, Yo Noid! and Metroid are just a few of the games that work perfectly. The only requirements are that the rom size is under 256Kb, and the rom uses the first (and earliest) mapper, #1. A program I will mention later on will let you know if the rom you load works of not. As for the N64, the emulator itself came with a list of games that Nintendo built in, which I assume they wanted the thing to be compatible with. Those games are:
Animal Forest
Cruise'n USA
Dr. Mario
Legend of Zelda
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Mario Party 1
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Panel de
Pokemon Stadium
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Yes, there are misspellings and repeats of the same game, but that is the list none the less, as Nintendo had it. I've tried some of those games, and they don't work. Others not listed work as well. I don't have a compatibility list, nor do I know of any current one as this current date.
Where can I get NES, N64, or GameCube Roms?
Here are some great sites I can recommend: http://www.yahoo.com/ , http://www.google.com/ , http://www.altavista.com/ , mIRC.com/" class="korostus" target="_blank">http://www.mIRC.com/
File tools needed:
PSUL v1.1 (download here)
Paradox's GC Disc Server v1.4.0 Beta (download here)
Cubesoft's Phoenix v2.1 (download here)
GameCube ISO Ripping Server (download here)
Paradox's N64 Disc Server 1.0 (download here)
Creating a workable memory card file:
*required once before any other actions
Recommend program: PSUL v1.1
If you're feeling lazy, use Phoenix and let it do it for you. I don't detail that here right now though. Read later on for more usage of Phoenix.
The goal here is to create a PSO file on the memory card that allows PSO to connect to the server each time, like it was its first time. This is done by PSUL itself once it connects.
First off, we need to configure both our GameCube's and PCs. First, make a new Local Area Connection on your PC. I'll trust that you're capable enough to do it on your own.
Once that is done, go to ?My Network Places?, right-click on ?Local Area Connection? and click on ?Properties?.
Select ?Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)?, and click ?Properties?.
On the General tab, click ?Use the following IP address? and ?Use the following DNS server addresses?.
Enter the following: IP address:, Subnet mask:, and leave the Default Gateway blank.
Enter the following: Preferred DNS server:, and leave the Alternate DNS server blank.
Click ?Ok?, and ?Ok? once again.
Now your connection for your Ethernet card is set up. Note that if you are using broadband internet, you may need to change the IP address and DNS server to automatic to get your internet working again.
Now we need to set up your Phantasy Star Online data file. Like I mentioned above, it's best to use a blank memory card. If you have PSO data on the current memory card, delete it now.
Start PSO now, with a blank memory card.
Select ?Agree? with the disclaimed that comes up, and push A.
Select ?No? to continue, and push A.
A data file will be made on your card.
Press Start, Choose ?Online Game? and push A.
Select the slot of your memory card, and push A.
Select ?Yes?, and push A.
Select ?Yes? again, and push A.
Repeat twice again.
Select ?Network Setup? and push A.
Select ?Edit Menu? and push A.
Push A on the white text box, and write in a new service provider name, and push ?End?.
Go to Next, and Push A.
Select ?Manually set an IP Address? and ?Do not automatically disconnect?.
Leave all other settings the same, and push ?Next?.
IP Address:
Subnet mash:
Default Gateway:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS: Blank
Push ?Next? twice.
Push Save.
Push ?Return to Game?
Push ?Yes?
Now that you're back at the main screen, go to ?Online Game? again and create a PSO Character file. Just be quick about it, since you'll never be using this character to actually play PSO.
Agree to the licensing information, and enter in your registration numbers that came with your copy of PSO, as well as an easy to remember password, and select ?Yes? ONLY ONCE!!
Now, start PSUL v1.1 on your PC using the command prompt ?psul -s?.
Select the second ?Yes?, and now PSO will connect to your PC.
Immediately when the PSO Lobby loads, you'll get a disconnection message. PSUL allowed PSO to connect briefly enough to save all your registration information. Now your memory card is ready!
Ripping a GameCube ISO to a PC:
Recommended program: GameCube ISO Ripping Server
This tool is 100 Kb/s slower than the built in tool in Cubesoft's Phoenix. The reason I recommend it however, is whenever I used Phoenix, the ISO process would just stop at 100% and the file would never be created. Use Phoenix if you wish. The steps for that are self explanatory, as are the steps for this.
Phoenix's ripping tool is just a built in version of the GameCube Server which runs on the GameCube itself, but Phoenix shows the process and writes the file to the PC instead of GameCube Server.
Before starting this process, be sure to have the GOD (GameCube Optical Disc) of the game you wish to copy handy. You'll have 10 seconds to swap discs.
Start GameCube Server, and write the name and location for the GOD ISO to be saved. You have an option of saving the file as a .gcm or an .iso file. Same data, different extensions. Pick as you wish.
The IP addresses for both the GameCube and the PC will be defaulted to what we used when making our memory card, which is pretty universal among GameCube tools.
Click ?Start Server?, and once the command prompt window opens, begin a Online Game in PSO. Once the lobby loads, the PC program quickly hijacks the process and a red screen appears. After a few seconds, it will tell you to swap GODs. Do so, close the lid, and you'll have an hour wait until the ISO is fully copied. Enjoy!
Loading a GameCube ISO from a PC:
Recommended program: Paradox's GC Disc Server v1.4.0 Beta
Like GameCube Disc Server, I chose this over Phoenix because I've had more success rates. Phoenix should be well regarded though, as it features both Paradox as well as two versions of ?Star Cube? built in. It makes me wonder why it doesn't work sometimes.
Open Paradox. Select Image File. Click on the ?!? box to browse for a GOD (GameCube Optical Disc) ISO on your hard drive in either .gcm or .iso format. Once you select your ISO, Click ?Run Iso?.
Begin the Online Game process in PSO, and once the Lobby appears, Paradox hijacks PSO and streams the ISO. As I noted before, game music and FMV will be choppy, due to the restraint that Sega imposed on data being sent between their servers and the GameCube itself.
Viewing Files on a GameCube Disc:
Recommended program: Cubesoft's Phoenix v2.1
We finally get some usage for the mother of all GCN front-ends. I choose Phoenix because it's built in, simple, always works, and saves some time by using the command prompt itself.
Simply open Phoenix, click on the ?Extras? tab, select the ?GameCube DVD Browser?, and click ?Load?.
Begin the Online Game process, and it'll load. Follow the on-screen steps.
Playing NES games:
Recommended program: Cubesoft's Phoenix v2.1
Once again, Phoenix comes in handy. Not only does it do most of the command prompt work for us, it will notify us if our rom is valid or not. (Not all valid roms will load in the end).
So start by opening Phoenix, click on the ?Loaders? tab. Select the task, ?Load a NES Rom File?. Browse for an uncompressed rom. If no error is given, click load and keep your fingers crossed.
Since this uses the Zelda emulator from the Collection Disk, it works the same. In game, push ?Z? to bring up a window for the NES emulator, which does various things like reset.
At the beginning of emulation, it asks if you wish to save or not. I have no idea if this works with any other battery save games for the NES (We're their any others than Zelda anyway?), but you can always select yes. Enjoy your game! I've only test a few NES games. My successes include Ninja Gaiden, Yo Noid! and Metroid. I assume all Zelda's work as well.
Playing Nintendo 64 games:
Recommended program: Paradox's N64 Disc Server 1.0
God bless Paradox. They come through once again, where their Phoenix inclusions do not. Use this exactly like you would when booting a GCN ISO.
When the program finally loads into GameCube memory, it will say loading game. Don't be worried by the Legend of Zelda picture, since that is what the emulator was built for. It's unknown, how many games work, but if you read my prior information, you'll see the list that Nintendo intended to have working.
Loading various .DOL files:
Recommended program: Cubesoft's Phoenix v2.1
If you've been following us to the end, you boot .DOL files similarly to NES roms and the like. Read above to find out more. It's very simple. Since .DOL files (standing for Dolphin) are the most command home brew GCN programs, you'll want to know how to do this. I recommend Phoenix once again, because I am too lazy to do any command prompt work myself.
Copyrights and Information:
All programs and tools are copyrighted by their respective authors. All references to Nintendo or Nintendo products are copyrighted by Nintendo. Ninja Gaiden is copyright Tecmo Inc. Yo Noid! Is copyrighted by Dominos Pizza I guess.
This informational file is copyright to I, Xavean, for exclusive usage on EmuHelp and their certified partners. While I gathered all the information contained in this file from all over the internet, I typed everything that you see here myself. Please respect that and give me credit where it's deserved.
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3. January 2006 @ 08:35 |
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use my post on website links to download needed files!
5. January 2006 @ 12:29 |
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if you have a MDP you need just the BBA and use the newest version of GCoS (On your MDP) and you can stream the file off the gamecube without needing PSO or any memory card (Obviously need the MDP).
YOu type the ip of your gamecube in your browser and you just download it from its internal http server. Very clever.
5. January 2006 @ 13:31 |
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Whenever I try to write to my MDP I get this error:
So I can't write the newest version of GCoS onto the MDP. I have e-mailed and left phone messages with the manufacture but no reply back from them. I have tried to saves form the MDP memory and if saves to it. I also noticed that the MDP configuration file is no longer in the memory. The manual states that if I reformat the memory the configuration file will be put back on. I have tried this and it formats ok, but there is not configuration file. I don't know what to do. Please help.
6. January 2006 @ 06:59 |
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For me the email support from datel has been quite good, id just wait for their response.
7. January 2006 @ 18:51 |
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Well that is a really good tutorial above. I have a couple of questions though I really hope somebody can answer.
I have all the hardware/software listed above. I think that this tutorial was not created however with a router in the equation. I have setup my I/P to on the PC but i do have a router with an address of Now I have setup the POS exactly as listed above and I can't seem to get it to connect properly to PSUL. Is it a problem with having a roter connecting the 2 devices?
Ugly Carsonova
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8. January 2006 @ 01:19 |
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with a router it is much better then direct link to computer as it does not break off connection with the Gamecube!
I have setup my I/P to on the PC but i do have a router with an address of
What is this connection? I never type that in on my PC anywhere!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. January 2006 @ 01:19
8. January 2006 @ 06:00 |
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Well that is the IP address of my router. When i do IPCONFIG on my PC the default gateway comes up as
Ugly Carsonova
8. January 2006 @ 07:08 |
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Maybe I can be more clear.
The Ip Address of my computer is
The Ip Address of the router it is connected to is
Now to take advantage of the exploit in PSO do i absolutely have to change the IP info of my computer to match what the tutorial says above ( Or can I leave it as
Thanks again for any replies....
Ugly Carsonova
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8. January 2006 @ 07:24 |
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u have to change it to this: I dont think the router plays a part in this at all!
8. January 2006 @ 08:00 |
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I did that but then I couldn't even ping my router. It seems that maybe i have a version of the gamecube that could be corrected to eliminate this exploit anyhow....
Ugly Carsonova
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8. January 2006 @ 08:16 |
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Make sure that no other computers on your network are already using before you try to change yours to it. If you have an IP conflict it's not going to help.
Junior Member
8. January 2006 @ 21:38 |
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so it's essentially like if you were to backup your dvd movie to your hard drive .. except in this case its straight from the gamecube to the hard drive on your computer correct? Shouldnt this all be explained with whatever mod chip you get? haha