Hi, i know there's already a thread for this but i don't quite understand it. I want to clean the scratches on ps2 game and my swap magic disc because they stopped working but they're both lightly scratched. I've heard about the toothpast method and i would like if somebody could explain it to me in more detail and maybe (probably not) with some pics. Noob question: What's a lint free cloth? Thanks.
Basically what you do is rub toothpaste against the surface of the disc with a cloth. The toothpaste is gritty and it smooths out the scratches.
White toothpaste works best.
You can do the whole disc at once, or you can work on the scratch by itself, but always remember to work the toothpaste in the proper direction or you won't be making it better.
If the toothpaste gets too thick, you can dab the cloth in a little bit of water to make it slide easier.
When you think you're done, you can use a wet cloth or towel to get off the extra toothpaste, and run it under some water, then dry it off.
Look at the bottom of the disc to make sure there's no lint. Lint is little pieces of cloth if you use a cloth, or little pieces of paper if you use a paper towel.
Make sure the disc is clean and dry before you try playing it.
You can always go back and try again if it doesn't work the first time.