My greeting to you all. Thank you for taking time and reading my post. It is full of questions and i would realy appreciate if you can help me out. I think I realy need advise from people who know "what's up" and know quite abit in this area, so please, dont get me wrong, but if you are not sure that your suggestion is the best way to go do not write to me, as this might bring me into deeper confusion. Thanks a gain for your time and willingness to help.
I have a canon z3 miniDV camcorder. I need some of your advise please.
1. what softwre is the best to use? is winDV ok? or should I use something else? I am worried about the Frame loss here, but am not sure if I should be worried.
2. After I capture the video from the miniDV camcorder, I get an uncompressed raw AVI file (720x480 if I remember right) which is about 13GBs. From here on I have 2 goals: First, I want to create a DVD from that AVI file. What software should I use? (I have Nero 6, TMPGEnc DVD source creator, TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6) or maybe you could recommend something else? My goal is to fit that 1 hour miniDV movie on a single 4.7GB DVD media. I am just looking for the best way to do it, quality is important.
The other thing I want to do is encode that raw AVI file and fit it on a single CD also. should I encode it as mpeg1 or Divx? I could not notice much difference between mpeg1(created by tmpgenc) and divx6 with VirtualDub. I also got Divx Converter, but this software changed the size pof the file (720 became 640, or something like this) so, again what do I do here? mpeg1 or divx? how do i fit it on 1 CD?
Some additional questions that arise are:
1. Dos it matter if DVD media is -R or +R for standalone players?
2. If I encode the file should I use NTSC or PAL? (I might send the dvd over to Europe, but want to play it here too.. does that mean It wount work in one of the places?
3. In TMPGEnc DVD source creator (I believe this is the first step before I use DVD Author1.6, if u recomend it of courc, am I right?) under DVD there are 4 choices NTSC NTSC16:9 PAL PAL 16:9 which do i choose? then for every one of them there is a choiseon the right
VBR or CBR what a hack is tis? whih do I choose?
also do I choose MPEG1 layer2 Audio (MP2) or linear PCM?
As you can see I have asked a lot of questions. There are no words enough for me to thank you if youc an pull me out of this messy fog where I am lost. :)
Help, If you want others to help you..