I believe questions like that are core to newbys understanding software and hardware technology. That being said its and excellent question and Ill take time to explian the answer.
Simply put no, but here's why.
The Layman Version When a set of hardware is made it is made to play software that is written a specific way. Im sure you have heard about the "cores" difference in the PS3 and XBOX360 this is because they use different processors in gaming consoles. They are different in ways even from computers. Think of it like the difference between an IBM compatible (did I just use that really old term?) and a MAC computer. Where as they are both computers they dont use the same software because of the way they are created via hardware. This bring up the interesting question of emulation.
You probably know that emulators have taken the underground scene by storm and are probably wondering why exactly they can play. Well emulators are a set of software that is written for a system to emulate software to represent hardware. What you are doing when you play SNES on your PS2 is using a program out of the system memory that believes its a SNES, then also using software you run the game. Therefore instead of a set of hardware running a set of software you have a system fueling a software that represents other hardware to play software. The end result is the same old school game being played that takes a lot more energy to do. It is stressful for a system to emulate hardware and therefore a lot people say it takes about 10X the power of the original hardware in order to play emulated hardware. That is in no way an exact science because there are magical programmers out there that could do great things. Also hardware has taken leaps and bounds recently making emulation MUCH MUCH harder to do.
The only way to make a PS3 play XBOX360 games is to emulate, which is just straight up not possible to do. However, you will probably see an N64 game emulated on PS3 and XBOX360 someday.
Post anymore questions you have, ill try to answer soon.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...