if your looking to not brake the law in anyway , then your answere is it is not save to use unless you no for a fact you are downloading files that have a creative commons license or is in public domain . downloading and uploading copyrighted files can get you sued or possibly jailed in some parts of the whorld . in the u.s they are only sueing the uploaders on p2p networks . which means if you have any copyprotected files in your shared directory and you are distributing them through limewire or other p2p networks than you are most definatly leaving yourself open to a lawsuit . if u cant resist the free goodies available on p2p networks then limit your shares to a very small handfull and only allow to run a few regulated hours a day so that u can moniter who and what is trying to connect to you . or u could try torrenting as i have only heard of very few users of bittorrent haveing legall action taken against them . im pretty sure in the u.s they go for the juggler vein and just completly close the tracker or domain down . just use a little common sense when your using limewire and such . dont open your whole harddrive up shareing or share thousands of songs . . i would suggest that you form a private club of your own either online or in your town somewhere and swap that way if your scared to go on public networks to do so . you could try private trackers ,but i do not think it reduces your chance of getting caught by much . if this helps i have heard you have the same chances in hitting the megamillions as you do being targeted by the riaa or the mpaa dont no for sure as i think no one no's for sure .
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. January 2006 @ 17:31