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something to consider before jumping the gun (ps3pricing)
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12. January 2006 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As many of you already know the fact that Sony has not really released any new information about their upcoming PS3 has led to many rumors and speculations. These speculations could not be any more present now than ever with the future release of Samsung and Pioneers' BluRay players, and the price tags they respectively have (US$1000, $1800). Here is a little insight on some things people may want to pay more attention to rather than just the dollar signs. i really think its irrelevant to compare what the PS2 retailed for and the relative prices of dvd players at that given point in time. I say this because there is a greater piece to the puzzle that most seem to be over looking. I dont know how many PS3s will be initially launched but i can say with confidence that m$ at this time was hoping to be on track to hit its target mark of 3 million consoles sold on w/e day it is/was?? last i heard they sold some 1.3(giver'take)million units and are not expected to reach their initial target. i think its comparitable to say sony would have a similar target for sales(prolly higher). so what does this mean...well think about it, how has Walmart managed to do so well?? there is no way that either samsung or pioneer can initially expect to market,produce,ship,sell some 3 million BluRay players in such a short time frame. i do however think its realistic to say sony can expect such numbers with their console and therefore allowing Sony to sell the PS3 at a lower price than the average BluRay player. I think its pretty fair for Sony and many to expect the PS3 to retail for around $500. Samsung/pioneer will unfortunately have to sell their players at such a premium price (R&D recoupuration) because lets not forget, BluRay technology is up and coming and i dont think there is really anyone who feels people are immediately going to flock to the electronic stores looking to buy them, when there is going to be a limited amount of movies available (demand=low). Sony if they play their cards right are sitting in the best possible position when it comes to BluRay and the PS3. Just like M$ made the 360 a media center extender (FYI stand-alone extenders retail for $200+) for however many dollars extra you get so much more than a stand alone unit. How much better can it get for you and me having ONE unit able to play BluRay,DVD,PS1,PS2,PS3 etc... I just hope Sony isnt money hungry and tries to get too greedy by having the PS3 retail for too high of a premium price (upwords of $700). hope this makes some people out there think about the economics side of retailing and i encourage people to read up on how Sony has in the past applied a price tag to their breakthough game consoles (ps1,ps2,psp) many thought the PSP would retail for ($500)...enough thoughts and apploud discusion
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13. January 2006 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I completly agree with you. Besides the fact of them under pricing the unit to get more BD players in peoples home, they also have to competively price there units with that of M$. If they do not, all those next generation gamers who patiently waited on the PS3 will resort to buying the X box, simply because of the price. So alot of factors have to be considered. I doubt Sony will be greedy, they know that blue rays success depends on how many of these units they can get into families houses. Think about it, I know personally for myself, I will buy a BD movie to experince this HI def movie, in the same resolution as an IMAX theater. Many people will want to buy these movies to really see something M$ is not offereing in there stand alone system. This would make the PS3 the move complete package. NOt only being able to play BD movies but still the very widely used DVD, which will of course be Progressive scan, with digital outs making it the complete center piece for home entertainment..

13. January 2006 @ 05:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok. There's already a "How much will this PS3 cost?" thread in here. And I doubt it will cost more than $700. $600 maybe. Because for one thing it still has to compete with the XBox 360. So in conclusion it will sost between $400-$650. Doubtful to be more than that or else it will really hurt sales. > forums > consoles > ps3 - modding & hacking > something to consider before jumping the gun (ps3pricing)

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