I have had lots of problems ripping a VCD and I think I have gotten farther than b4 but I still have a problem. I got a list of what opperations that DVD2VCD compleated b4 I got an error from bbMPEG.
- 3/28/2003 8:26:25 AM
- AVI to SVCD Conversion
- AVI2SVCD ver. 1.1.2 build 1
Initializing finished.
- 3/28/2003 8:26:27 AM
- Free on drive C: 4743.32 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
Audio extraction finished.
- 3/28/2003 8:31:20 AM
- Free on drive C: 3777.73 mb
- AUDIO conversion
Encoding Audio. Filename: C:\Extracted_audio_1.wav
Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
"C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "C:\Extracted_audio_1.wav" -output "C:\Encoded_audio_1.mp2" -logfile "C:\Encoded_audio_1.log" ) -ota( -g max ) -shibatch( --rate 44100 ) -2lame( -e -b 160 -m s )
Audio conversion of C:\Extracted_audio_1.wav finished.
Audio conversion finished.
- 3/28/2003 8:41:21 AM
- Free on drive C: 3677.16 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft
Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
StreamSectors: 1667869728
AudioSectors: 107099216
VideoPAPO: 24177168
ScanOffsetBytes: 151697
SeqAligningBytes: 9641174
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 8
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 1.00
PureMPEGStream: 1526800464.80
Seconds: 5283.52
CalcMPEGStream: 1526800464.80
Frames: 126414
CDSize: 800.00
Number of CDs: 2
Cut point 795.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 126414
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 3
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: Multipass VBR
Min. bitrate: 300
Max. bitrate: 2530
Avg. Bitrate: 2230
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)
---AVS Begin---
----AVS End----
Closing program
CCE Max Speed: 2.240
Video Encoding finished.
- 3/28/2003 11:21:21 AM
- Free on drive C: 2244.60 mb
- Video Pulldown
Executing Pulldown. Commandline:
"C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\pulldown\pulldown.exe" "C:\Crud fro TTT\Encoded_Video_CCE_NTSC.mpv" "C:\Pulldown_Encoded_Video_NTSC.mpv"
Video pulldown finished.
- 3/28/2003 11:26:02 AM
- Free on drive C: 842.95 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 3/28/2003 11:26:04 AM
- Free on drive C: 842.94 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 3/28/2003 11:26:06 AM
- Free on drive C: 842.94 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 3/28/2003 11:26:08 AM
- Free on drive C: 842.94 mb
- Multiplexing and cutting
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
Offset in Seconds: 0
Executing bbMPEG.
Variable Settings:
Movie offset: 0 seconds
Cut point: 795 mb
Executing RunbbMPEG. Commandline:
"C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\RunbbMPEG.exe" "C:\bbMPEG_Muxed_File.mpg"
Length of C:\bbMPEG_Muxed_File00.mpg
2704 Seconds
Offset in Seconds: 2704
Executing bbMPEG.
Variable Settings:
Movie offset: 0 seconds
Cut point: 795 mb
Executing RunbbMPEG. Commandline:
"C:\Vid Editing\DVDtoVCD\bbMPEG\RunbbMPEG.exe" "C:\bbMPEG_Muxed_File.mpg"
After this point I got an error from bbMPEG saying that it couldnt write because something was or wasnot installed. If anyones got some help for me it would be much appreciated.