is xbox live possible after a hard drive swap
Junior Member
17. January 2006 @ 15:41 |
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i have a 120GB hdd and a xecuter 3CE chip. if i boot to the ms dash in a unmodded state can i sign on live? i heard you cannot if you switch out the hard drive is this true?
------Xbox 1.2 -----
Xecuter 3CE modchip
Western Digital 120GB HDD
LED Lit JeweL
----Xbox 1.6B----
Softmodded with UNleashX
Black jewel and paint job.
SOLD that garbage!
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18. January 2006 @ 16:01 |
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i dont see why not im sure u can still go on live...
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18. January 2006 @ 16:40 |
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You have to lock your HDD and turn off modchip if you have one. make sure the HDD is locked.
Junior Member
20. January 2006 @ 20:30 |
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ok thanx alot ill lock the hard drive and and boot to the ms dash and try it
thanx yall
------Xbox 1.2 -----
Xecuter 3CE modchip
Western Digital 120GB HDD
LED Lit JeweL
----Xbox 1.6B----
Softmodded with UNleashX
Black jewel and paint job.
SOLD that garbage!
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20. January 2006 @ 21:40 |
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DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!! MS has ways of detecting whether you have a stock harddrive or not, if you don't have a stock drive, you're outta xbox live. They will usually detect it half way through a game so if you do start, get off before they ban u!!
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21. January 2006 @ 09:54 |
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no becuz my friend goes on with his u idiot shut up and he has been doing it for the last year....
21. January 2006 @ 10:00 |
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Quote: i heard you cannot if you switch out the hard drive is this true?
Not true. I know somebody that played with a 300gb hdd on live
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21. January 2006 @ 10:07 |
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IT is possible, you just have to have the original copy of the game, turn off you modchip BEFORE turning on the xbox. make sure that the M$ dashboard comes up and play.
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21. January 2006 @ 12:09 |
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Y did i get banned using my ms dash on the original halo?? I wasn't cheating coz that ruins a game and I wasn't using offensive language coz i dont got a headset.
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21. January 2006 @ 16:26 |
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You can't play the original halo on xbox live, only halo 2. i think if you have a older modchip then you have to take out the modchip the first time you use live. btw it's you fault you got banned because you should have done a little research before attempting to sign in.
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21. January 2006 @ 22:20 |
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sorry didn't realize how messed up that message is i was tired. I was told by a m8 that it'd work fine plus i was usin live b4 i got my xbox modded and it was halo 2 sorry.
Junior Member
21. January 2006 @ 23:49 |
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the majority of what im getting is lock the hard drive boot to the m$ dash and sign in. if i get banned im gunna get banned from live thats it right i doubt they will prosecute me or n e thing as long as my xbox works and i dont get sued i think ill b happy
------Xbox 1.2 -----
Xecuter 3CE modchip
Western Digital 120GB HDD
LED Lit JeweL
----Xbox 1.6B----
Softmodded with UNleashX
Black jewel and paint job.
SOLD that garbage!
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21. January 2006 @ 23:52 |
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Yea all they'll do is ban ya from xbox live.
8. February 2006 @ 03:05 |
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Just a little FYI, If you already have a XBL account and then mod youx xbox and upgrade your HD and try to go back onto XBL you WILL get banned. XBL. Don't ask me how but myself and 3 of my friends had this happen. I was told MS gets your HD serial# or something and when you change your HD and log on to XBL it knows your HD is different, and since the only way to change your HD is with a mod, blamo, banned. Let me know if this isn't the case because my Xenium was off and my HD was locked.