I saved the original wav and compressed it w/RazorLame, now I want to replace the uncompressed audio w/the new mp3. I know how to do it in VdubMod using the Streams menu, but in VDub it seems to only let you add a wav, not mp3, under the Audio menu. However, using Gspot I see that scene TV ep rips are done in VDub and all their audio is encoded in Lame, so obviously it's possible. Thanks very much for any help.
You could Simply use V-Dub to compress the Uncompressed audio in the AVI file to MP3...
Just Load in the AVI file that has the Uncompressed audio and then go to "Video" and set it to "Direct stream Copy" and then go to "Audio" and set it to "Full Processing Mode" and then under "Audio" go to "Compression"
and select the MP3 codec and the bitrate you want to use and click "OK' and then go to "File" to "Save as AVI" and save the File and in a Few Minutes you will have an AVI with MP3 audio....
You can also use a Tool Like "AVI-Mux" to Mux the MP3 with the AVI but you should First Demux the Audio from the AVI so it has no audio and then Mux the mp3 audio with it....
Haven't done it in years (not since before NanDub was released), but there used to be numerous utils for adding/removing wav headers to/from mp3's. Basically that was the only way to mux mp3 audio, since NanDub, VirtualDubMod, AVIMuxGUI, etc. didn't exist.
I really don't understand why you would want to go to all the trouble though when you could just use VirtualDubMod.
Ok, here it is... I know it sounds silly, but I'm just curious...
When I download scene release TV eps and check them w/GSpot (a video info tool), it says they're all done w/VirtualDub (not VDubMod), and they all contain mp3 vbr audio. So I just wanted to know how they did that w/VDub when I can only figure out how to do it w/VDubMod. They can't be using the lame acm codec b/c it doesn't allow for VBRs, so they must be muxing w/VDub somehow.