I got new Lens, because my old ones quit reading DVDs, and i was replacing them. But after i tested them, i noticed some games weren't boating up properly. I was working with my PS2, and i did something very stupid: i removed the lens, when the PS2 was on (ejected!!!). I didn't notice i did that after a couple of minutes later. I put them back (when my PS2 was turned off!!) then turn on my PS2. And i got the back screen of death, but the fan was running, and the green reset light was on, but NO BLUE EJECT LIGHT!!. The button does work, because i can bring the PS2 out of sleep, with the eject button. I did some research, and i know a fuse might of blown, or the BA5815 chip is fried. I don't know what's the problem, because everything on the motherboard looks just fine. i have some pictures of the chips, and most the of the fuses, and i'd really like someone to tell me what's the problem, because after having a broken PS2 for 2 weeks, having it partialy fixed for a couple of hours, then broken again, IS NOT PLEASENT.
here are some pictures (ask me for more if needed!!!):