Audio crackle/pop when capturing
20. January 2006 @ 21:20 |
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I'm trying to capture video using VCR connected to composite inputs (video and analog) on capture card on HP Media Center PC. Video is fine, but audio pops/crackles frequently (every 5 to 10 seconds) during capture and playback.
If I connect the VCR directly to a TV, audio is fine. If I capture TV signal (via coax to capture card), audio is fine. If I connect VCR to line in on audio card, audio is fine. It's only when I connect to the composite inputs (which I need to do when using the programs below) do I get crackle.
I've tried Intervideo Windvd creator and Power Producer Gold and both give the crackle/pop. Sound is on-board Realtek AC97. Capture card is Conexant 23880 Blackbird NTSC dual input.
I'm at a loss as to what could be happening. I called HP, and they recommended updating drivers and then rolling back drivers which I tried, with no success. I've googled this and can't find anyone with the same problem. Your help/assistance would be much appreciated.
21. January 2006 @ 07:54 |
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I downloaded ulead on trial, and I can select realtek as my audio device (which I'm not able to do WINDVD or Power Producer). While previewing on the monitor, video and audio (with audio connected to line-in on the audio card) is excellent, i.e. no snapping and popping sounds. HOWEVER, when I go to record, it gives me an error "Error in capturing audio [13011:5:2]".
I was hopeful for a moment.
This is getting extremely frustrating. Nothing I try is working. Hopefully, there is someone out there that can help me.
Junior Member
21. January 2006 @ 14:09 |
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hello there I am so glad someone is having the same problem as me. I have been trying to capture VHS video to the computer using WinDVR I have great picture but the sound is a crackle pop also, very frustrating as thats all thats wrong. I had the VCR cleaned and repaired so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.
I have a compro hybrid TV Tuner, not sure what the problem is, I want to be able to capture using this program as its the best quality I can get compared to other ones I have tried.
Let me know how you go, would like to get feedback, maybe we can discuss with each other what is happening.
Thanks, I was just about ripping my hair out, so its nice to know i am not the only one having probs here
21. January 2006 @ 18:37 |
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Hopefully some kind knowledgable soul will help us, Beck
Junior Member
22. January 2006 @ 11:04 |
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Yes hopefully, I did ask about using WinDVR on here once, I was told that I didn't have the connections from the vcr to the line in, but I did and in the program its not picking up any line in, only getting cd player option, when I record I get the crackle pop noise in the recording.
So I don't really know what is causing it to do this, its very frustrating as you know.
Thanks for replying
22. January 2006 @ 16:15 |
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One more thing, I just connected the VCR to the tuner/capture card via coax and set the tuner to channel 3. No pops and clicks. Very strange. Somehow there is a problem related to the composite inputs. (I've tried composites on front and back).
Junior Member
22. January 2006 @ 19:34 |
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Ok thats cool, are you using the coax from the vcr, or through a cable or aerial coax?
23. January 2006 @ 10:12 |
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I used coax from the VCR, but I still want to get composites working properly so I can capture analog.
Junior Member
23. January 2006 @ 12:48 |
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Ok so you used a coax from the vcr, I must see if I can do that, not sure if i can only can use composite leads to the capture card.
24. January 2006 @ 18:38 |
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The saga continues. I spoke with HP again today and they want me to a complete system recovery (i.e. back to what it was when I got it). I foresee this taking many hours, with backing up all the files, and freeware and then reloading, and setting up, etc.
For what? I already rolled back and updated both capture card and sound card drivers.
Anyway, I also tried a Soundblaster Live! card today and disabled on-board sound in bios with the same results.
I think it almost has to be the capture card.
Is there any way you can foresee it being software, i.e. do you think a complete system recovery is worth it?
Junior Member
24. January 2006 @ 19:52 |
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I have no idea, to me it seems to be the software and not he capture card, not sure if a complete system recovery will be helpful or not
26. January 2006 @ 08:01 |
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Update: I got a new capture card... same problem.
This is unbelievably frustrating. Maybe bad connection somewhere or a power supply problem, but how am I going to find that?
Junior Member
26. January 2006 @ 12:09 |
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Hello sorry to hear your new capture card did not work
What program are you using again to capture the audio and video?
I am still using InterVideo WinDVR 3 and well I have some good news I can tell you, I had our local computer/reparirman have a look at it for us, and he has the same capture card as me, and of course has no problems with it at all.
Anyway he had a look at it, said its connected up to the cd player one, reason for why I can't change the settings to line in etc. He also suggested when capturing to adjust the volume settings, said I had them up too high, could be the reason for the crackle and the pop noise, so I did that, adjusted to really low and guess what its not as bad now, still a little bit, but not as loud as it was.
Maybe you could try that too, have it set to really really low, almost muted nearly
Was wondering too if there is a way I could perhaps take that little bit of crackle noise out of it some how, then it would be perfect.
Thought I would let you know
26. January 2006 @ 19:41 |
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Thanks for the information.
I'm using Intervideo Win DVD creator 2, but I've also tried Power Producer.
I can't understand why I can't set audio to the Realtek Audio, it's greyed out (the Conexant Capture card is selected for audio).
I'll try lowering some settings, (I think I've already tried it), and let you know how I make out.
Junior Member
26. January 2006 @ 22:23 |
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I did try using WinDVD Creator I didn't find it much good, the audio still crackled a fair bit. I will stick to using WinDVR can put up with the slight crackle I am hoping i can use a program called Sony Sound Forge which has a Audio Restoration feature can use it with mpeg files so might be able to fix the sound
Good luck, let me know how you go
27. January 2006 @ 14:43 |
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I haven't been home to try your suggestion yet, however it sounds more like a bandage, than a cure. I'm hoping to find the cure, but so far, no success.
Thanks for the input. I'll keep you posted.
Junior Member
27. January 2006 @ 17:01 |
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Hi hope you can find the cure soon, I have tryed a program that will actually take the crackle and pops out of the recorded mpeg file.
It worked for me, although its still not what I want, I am a bit of a perfectionist I must admit. Have a go at Sony Media Sound Forge 8.0 there are plug-ins that will take the noise out etc.
I used WinDVR again it worked with the crackle, but noticed its sounding a bit wobbly in places, only way I can describe it, very weird so trying another program which will be the last option Ulead Video Studio
Keep me posted like to know how you go, thanks
Getting so frustrated with it though, beyond throwing it out the window now
28. January 2006 @ 17:28 |
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Don't know if this helps or not - but on certain tapes I experienced simmilar sound probs. during captures. These 'bad-audio' tapes were usually the ones my kids had left in the VCR w/o ejecting...
I actually found that certain VCRs tolerated these tapes with better audio results. I have 3 VCRs - all fairly cheap and old - next to my computer/capture station. I switch between the VCRs until one gives me acceptable audio - on really bad tapes I can't fully get rid of the snaps & pops...
garbage in...
Junior Member
29. January 2006 @ 12:31 |
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Thanks for that. I thought it could be the tapes but they play fine when watching them, are good quality not cheap and nasty ones. That sony program I used does take out the noise, crackle and pop.
29. January 2006 @ 12:41 |
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Ok - me too. I hooked up my VCRs to a tube and swear I couldn't hear the snaps/pops either. And in general - it was very hard to hear the bad stuff through the TV. But I could - it wasn't nearly as bad as the captured files - but it was there.
Maybe there is some voodoo in my TV (i only tried one tv) that helps to hide this noise - or maybe (more likely) there is some voodoo in my capture card that does some audio enhancing - thus enhancing the crap too.
Junior Member
29. January 2006 @ 12:51 |
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I tryed Sony Sound Forge 8.0 to take the crackle and pop out of the recorded file. It works, still the sound isn't perfect, but its the best I can get
30. January 2006 @ 14:16 |
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Grasping at straws here...
I have ASUS PVR-416 video capture card, which has Conexant 23880 capture and Conexant 23416 hardware based encoder. I'm also using Intervideo WinDVD creator where I select the Conexant 23880.
However... when I'm capturing, and Ctrl-Alt-Del to Windows Task Manager, it indicates WCreator.exe (intervideo) is using nearly 30% of CPU.
What is going on here? Could this be causing the problem, i.e is Intervideo software decoding? Do you have any other ideas/suggestions.
Other relevevant info is on board sound Realtek AC97, AMD 64 3400+ CPU, 512MB RAM, 200GB IDE Ultra DMA hard drive, NVIDIA GEForce 5200 graphics.
Look forward to your response as I have been pulling my hair out for a few days now.
Junior Member
30. January 2006 @ 14:30 |
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I honestly have no idea, about to give up mine now I think
I have a fair indication that these intervideo programs do use up a considerable amount of cpu.