SONY DRU-500 A - I am crazy
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2. April 2003 @ 11:55 |
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Please help a newbie
Hardware Intel Pentiun 4 ? 2,63 Gh
CD-RW ? Memorex 32
Geoforce 4MX-64
Asus Chaintec PAGE V
HD 80 Gb 7200rpm
512 MB ram pc-800
I am becoming mad, I use Instant Copy, and Recornow
When I burn a DVD, it finish beautifully, and I can see the movie with all the extras, in my standalone DVD reader attach to the TV set, but ?miracle? I can not read it in the sony burner, It does not recognize the disk. Half an hour after burning it ???!!!
Anyone can give me some help ?
This happens even If I make a mirror copy, with recordnow or if I burn an image with instant copy.
Please help
Senior Member
2. April 2003 @ 14:06 |
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What dvd movie player are you using? WINDVD, POWERDVD? Or something else? You have to have a player that works with your OS and equipment.
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2. April 2003 @ 21:20 |
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I am using intervideo windvd player, but the problem that makes me crazy, is that the burner, after burning the disk does not recognize it.
Even in explorer he says that there is no disk in the burner and even in other computers, with dvd drive I can not see the disk it's like if there was not a dvd in the driver.
thank you for your help
3. April 2003 @ 02:10 |
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yip i have the same problem, using sony/dvd burner with nero to do a backup of 12gb of mp3 albums, burns the disk but i am unable to explore it,if it is not tv/dvd plays the copied dvds which i burn with dvdxcopy and because my tv/dvd can play mp3s i put the dvd in and it plays the mp3s through the tv....very strange...pc dvd says there is no disk
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3. April 2003 @ 11:52 |
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I had the same problem on my DRX-500UL although the copied DVD worked OK in a Pioneer A03 and a standalone DVD Player. After I updated to Firmware 2.0e, everything was 100% OK. Strange because it worked OK until I upgraded to firmware 1.0g. Hope that helps.
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7. April 2003 @ 15:07 |
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9. April 2003 @ 13:58 |
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thank you all, but the problem remains, At the beginning, I was able to copy DVD, and As I stated I use smart ripper, then instant copy and after recornow to burn the disks.
I could see them in the dvd burner (I do not have a DVD reader) only the burner, and also in the home standalone dvd
Now I can not see a burned disk in the burner, but I can see them in the standalone.(?!)
The only difference is that I have recornow and Nero installed, and at the same time I have a PCTV PRO, with the antena cable connected with the card...
Anyone can help please. thanks
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14. April 2003 @ 04:19 |
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Hi, Amrodi
Have you ever try to uninstall the recordnows s/w and just use the Nero alone and see what is happening? I have experienced the recordnows which could work side by side with
Roxio, but the roxio will never happy with the Nero at all. So I guess, just guess something must be conflicted in between....?
Just give a wild try and you have nothing loose!