I've got a ps2 chipped that I bought second hand so I can't confirm what chip it has, but I do know that it's a good 3 or 4 years old. Basically i'm trying to play games on a PAL tv, but the screen cuts out in certain areas, and it's a big enough cut to make the games unplayable (for example in xenosaga II, I can't my characters health stats in battle). I thought it was at first happening only with NTSC games, but now testing PAL games seems to give the same problem and unless I was oblivious to the problem formay years, it's only happening with PAL games since I got the chipped machine. I've tried on 2 tv's, both of which were bought from curry's within the last year so they are quite new. With one I can adjust the screen to make it fit but it still flickers and I'm unsure whether it is properly supporting the game, furthermore I can rarely get on this tv so it'snot much good. With the other tv there is however no way of adjusting the screen and I can only play with the cut screen. I also get the same problem with my chipped ps1 and my gamecube (when using freeloader). With the gamecube it seems to be ok with PAL games but I can't be sure, it can be quite hard to tell if the screen is cut.
Sorry I do know there are similar threads about but I can't find anyone with the problem with both PAL and NTSC games so I thought a new thread was in order.
i think the program is called WinDip, www.ps2nfo.com it will convert the game to a NTSC screen res. i think the image will be cut a little but not as bad without converting.