Flip top woes
29. January 2006 @ 15:16 |
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I originally posted this on the General Discussion board, but was told I'd have probably had an answer by now if I had posted here.
Right. Well, I have a v.7 and bought a flip top cover for it, along with Swap Magic, obviously. Well, firstly, installing the thing was a nightmare. Secondly, I cannot get beyond Disc Read Error. The very first time the game did load (an original game, not a back up), but I had to hold a corner of my PS2 to get it to boot up. So, naturally, I tried to put the flip top back on again more tightly.
It went from bad to worse. After that, it was impossible to either a) get the flip top lid to go on properly (the tray would keep on getting stuck) or b) boot up another game again without getting a DRE.
This is insanely pissing me off. I have no idea what's causing these DREs: whether it's the laser which has screwed up, the position of the DVD drive, the flip top lid being put on wrongly, or what.
I have two separate queries, really.
1. Would anyone here know what's causing the DREs?
2. I'm just about ready to write off my PS2 as unusable and broken with. Is there anywhere in the UK where I can buy pre-modded PS2 with flip tops? Since flip tops are legal, I seriously can't believe that nowehere offers pre-modded flip top PS2s, but nobody seems to. I am <b>not</b> prepared to ever try modding another PS2 with a flip top again. **** that crap.
If this is construed as advertising and you are not allowed to answer, then feel free to IM me or ask for my email address. Because I seriously want to know if there is anywhere within the UK which does sell pre-modded PS2s. I know about Ebay, but there isn't a lot on there and I don't really like buying second hand.
Please respond if you can help me. I really would have like to have a modded PS2 for import games.
Senior Member
29. January 2006 @ 18:37 |
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hi if you are getting a disk read error this could be caused by a dirty laser (try cleaning it first), or you may of pulled the laser ribbon/cable out whilst taking it apart. do not write it off as it is probably something simple. as for modders in the uk i am unsure as i am in usa there is another forum that may be of use to you here - http://www.pstation.co.uk/index.php you may find someone who can help you with all your questions.
hope this helps
[img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/tabbylewis/idsoonerbeflying2.jpg [/img]
30. January 2006 @ 10:10 |
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Thanks a lot. I'll have a look at that forum.
I did finally find a place in the UK which sells pre-modded PS2s. (Yes, I have given up on my current PS2 :p) I'm also thinking of buying a modified console through Ebay. They seem to be pretty rare, but they do exist...
Which brings me to my next question.
If I buy through Ebay, I won't have a clue what modchip I'm getting with the PS2. Does it make that much difference what modchip is used?
AfterDawn Addict
30. January 2006 @ 19:42 |
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Yes. It'd be foolhardy to buy a modded PS2 off ebay. God knows what chip you'd get or how long it'd work before it gets fried. If you do want a good chip, then go with the DMS 4 Pro SE, Matrix Infinity, or Crystal Chip 1.1. Due to the legal situation in the U.K., I'm not sure where you can find premodded consoles from reputable modders. The key word here is reputable, most legit modders I've talked want nothing to do with the U.K. If it got traced back to them, they could face some serious legal problems. So probably most people who're willing to mod in the U.K. aren't too concerned with the law, and hence not real trustworthy. Search around on google for legit modders in the U.K.
Senior Member
30. January 2006 @ 21:46 |
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as tokijin said try & avoid ebay (they are hard to find on there as ebay do not allow sales of modded ps2s) i used to live in the uk & once a month there would be a computer fair (i was in bristol) there were people there who would chip your ps2 they were good at what they done & reliably there every week (until they got busted) you could see if you have a comp fair near you & try there. i dont know what else to suggest. good luck on your quest
[img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/tabbylewis/idsoonerbeflying2.jpg [/img]
30. January 2006 @ 21:54 |
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Your reply actually came at a really good time for me, since I was totally undecided on whether or not to bid for a modded PS2 on EBay before the aution ends in less than an hour's time. I'm not gonna bid for it now. With more detail (eg what make of modchip, PS2 version, etc.), I might have done, but it was way too vague.
I've actually found two sites (from this forum as it so happens) which <i>seem</i> reputable enough: xmodds.com (based in America, but ships anywhere) and ghost2fitter.co.uk
Googling didn't turn up anything, to be honest :-/
Just one final thing:
This seriously is just a "put in whatever disc you want and boot up" job, isn't it? I don't have to do anything to the PS2 whatsoever? 'Cos this is quite a large investment of money...
Senior Member
30. January 2006 @ 22:05 |
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different chips have different functions but yes you should be able to play all your back ups, before you order find out what chip is installed & check out peoples view of that paticular chip in the afterdawn forums. as for buying from the usa check that they will send you a 240v & not 110v as usa has different electric voltage (you will need to get buckets of electric sent over to use it lol :-)
good luck
[img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c269/tabbylewis/idsoonerbeflying2.jpg [/img]
AfterDawn Addict
30. January 2006 @ 22:28 |
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Go with the DMS 4 Pro SE or the Matrix Infinity. Both of those modders are reputable, so you shouldn't have any issues with clone chips. With either of those chips, you insert your backup and it plays just like an original, no swapping/hitting reset.
Q. What modchip should I get?
A. Matrix Infinity (Green Dot), DMS 4 Pro SE, or the Crystal Chip 1.1. The DMS 4 Pro SE has a HD Loader built into the flash and all the feature's you'd expect from a quality modchip, I recommend the DMS 4 SE Pro, because it has a 2MB flash built into the chip, and it's only about $10 more than the DMS 4 SE Lite. If you're interested in playing games off a HD, take a look at the DMS 4 Pro SE.
The Matrix Infinity is the grandfather of auto boot modchips. It was the first modchip to auto boot backups/imports with no swapping/resetting. It's feature packed and simple to use. Matrix Chips are probably a little more durable than the other two, and extremely reliable. There are a lot of Matrix Infinity clones out there, make sure you order from one of the reputable installers listed in this thread.
The Crystal Chip 1.1 is the latest contender to graduate to the top flight chip category. It is feature packed, simple to use, and effective. The CC auto patches DNA ID's so you'd never need to bother with Windip, Winimage, or Disc ID Insertor. Definitely recommended if you play your backups online alot. To boot backups/imports the Crystal Chip requires the use of "hacked" firmware. It's simply the official firmware modified so the chip can boot backups and imports. Everyone who uses the CC uses the hacked firmware, so fear not. The only feature that the CC doesn't share with the other two chips is support for cheat devices like ARMAX or Game Shark.
http://teammodders.com/ps2_mc.php?ex=2#31 CC 1.1 Hacked Firmware v.19: http://www.forumconsolas.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1213
I personally have a Matrix Infinity and it works great. I have no regrets as to getting a modchip over Swap Magic. Once you have a quality modchip, you'll never go back to disc swapping again. It cost's a little more in the short term, but think of all the time you'll save rebuilding, shrinking DVD-9 to DVD-5, patching PAL games to NTSC, and the like. If you haven't noticed, most people who have trouble getting games to boot are Swap Magic users. This isn't nearly as frequent a problem for people who have modchips. Just some food for thought.
Note: v.12-14 PS2's will need a laser fix like the neo fix. This is necessary to keep the laser from burning out.
From KC36330, a professional modder and member of AD:
If your modder didn't install a laser fix then most likely your laser is now on its way out. All V12-V14 PS2's require the laser fix, especially modded consoles. Even a new unmodded slimline PS2 can burn the laser out in as little as a few hours of game play.
Laser fix info: http://www.modchip.com/ps2/v12laserfix.htm