I have just sent my pstwo away to get it chipped... but he couldn't tell me at the time what chip I was going to have put in it. So I wsa just wondering, can i find out what chip i have without opening the case, or should i just go ahead and look inside. I was just trying to save me some time, because I've heard that chips can have a logo on the loading screen.
first of all he should have told you what chip he was going to install before you even shipped it out, 2nd you should have not shipped it without knowing
well it was through a friend of a friend and my friend had just had his done so I took the opportunity. I didn't really ship it out, I took it to my friends place, who took care of it from there. But I was asking if it is possible to find out what chip I have without opening my case.
And I was also wondering, I know how many threads have been dedicated to this, but if I don't get a laser fix with the chip, am I still alright? could I take any extra precautions instead? Is it possible to take breaks every couple of hours and let it cool down?
I have to agree with Xmodds. You should've done your homework beforehand. Chances are you'll end up with a crappy clone chip. Never send your PS2 to a no name modder, always make sure you're aware of what chip you're getting, and don't rely on other people to send your PS2 off for you. The only way I know of is to contact the modder and ask him. Or you could open up your PS2 and check. I'd say it's best to get a laser fix with any model of slim. What modder did you send your PS2 off to?
5. Q. What modchip should I get?
A. Matrix Infinity (Green Dot), DMS 4 Pro SE, or the Crystal Chip 1.1. The DMS 4 Pro SE has a HD Loader built into the flash and all the feature's you'd expect from a quality modchip, I recommend the DMS 4 SE Pro, because it has a 2MB flash built into the chip, and it's only about $10 more than the DMS 4 SE Lite. If you're interested in playing games off a HD, take a look at the DMS 4 Pro SE.
The Matrix Infinity is the grandfather of auto boot modchips. It was the first modchip to auto boot backups/imports with no swapping/resetting. It's feature packed and simple to use. Matrix Chips are probably a little more durable than the other two, and extremely reliable. There are a lot of Matrix Infinity clones out there, make sure you order from one of the reputable installers listed in this thread.
The Crystal Chip 1.1 is the latest contender to graduate to the top flight chip category. It is feature packed, simple to use, and effective. The CC auto patches DNA ID's so you'd never need to bother with Windip, Winimage, or Disc ID Insertor. Definitely recommended if you play your backups online alot. To boot backups/imports the Crystal Chip requires the use of "hacked" firmware. It's simply the official firmware modified so the chip can boot backups and imports. Everyone who uses the CC uses the hacked firmware, so fear not. The only feature that the CC doesn't share with the other two chips is support for cheat devices like ARMAX or Game Shark.
http://teammodders.com/ps2_mc.php?ex=2#31 CC 1.1 Hacked Firmware v.19: http://www.forumconsolas.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1213
I personally have a Matrix Infinity and it works great. I have no regrets as to getting a modchip over Swap Magic. Once you have a quality modchip, you'll never go back to disc swapping again. It cost's a little more in the short term, but think of all the time you'll save rebuilding, shrinking DVD-9 to DVD-5, patching PAL games to NTSC, and the like. If you haven't noticed, most people who have trouble getting games to boot are Swap Magic users. This isn't nearly as frequent a problem for people who have modchips. Just some food for thought.
Note: v.12-14 PS2's will need a laser fix like the neo fix. This is necessary to keep the laser from burning out.
From KC36330, a professional modder and member of AD:
If your modder didn't install a laser fix then most likely your laser is now on its way out. All V12-V14 PS2's require the laser fix, especially modded consoles. Even a new unmodded slimline PS2 can burn the laser out in as little as a few hours of game play.
Laser fix info: http://www.modchip.com/ps2/v12laserfix.htm
the problem is in australia we don't have much to choose from. I can only think of one place that is available for chipping. shame really. damn australians don't do anything right. Oh well :D