why noone should ever buy the first version of a game system
Junior Member
31. January 2006 @ 21:00 |
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yeah i said it ..U GOTTA PROBLEM WITH IT??.... j/k ..
the first versions of a game system should not be purchased in my opinoin.. due to the fact that when the ps2 came out and the first versions were at the store .. for 1 .. they costed the max... for 2.. they carried the most bugs and later on down the line certain plugins and acsesorys(or however you spell that).. were not compatible with the first versions ..same goes with x box.. all these people complaining about the 360 screwing up but really .. if the people that bought them were smart they would have waited till the bugs were fixed and the price dropped slightly .. which of course hasent happened yet but really .. when the ps3 comes out on the market . i know im gonna want to run out and get one , take it home and cuddle it in my arms all night long .. make sweet love to it and .. oops .. pretend i didint say that lol.. but im gonna wait even after that .. there will be bugs and issues with it and later on there gonna have some things to add on to it that wont be compatible with the first ones out .. my ps2 is the 3rd version ( i think ) ,its the one that costed 199 at the time.. no probs here but my freind got the first one and ..lets just say that he doesint have it anymore..how sad .. .. but really what do i know im a newbie on this site .. dont listen to me lol...
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1. February 2006 @ 04:24 |
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True. But how cool do you look when you say to your mates ive got a PS3.. its all about being a cool, thats why i smoke LOL...
PSP Jap V1.5 2Gb Mem
Liquid Sliver Faceplate,Black Buttons+D-Pad,UMDemulator+Fastloader+Snes+PSPGenesis
WiFi Sniffer,Wab Changer,PsPersonalize,UmdGen
PSP Is Off The Hook. And you know dis Mannn!!!
Senior Member
1. February 2006 @ 11:07 |
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well i think you got some fair insight for the most part, except for the fact that you'll be cheating on your significant other (if you have one) with a PS3!!!! lol, anyway there is a flip side...if no one should buy them when their initially launched, how will the bugs and problems be known and then worked out?? taking something that performed exceptionally well in a "lab environment" and then putting it out in the real world sometimes doesnt always add up to the way it was meant to be, or thought to be.
i THINK a company should reward or provide some sort of perk for individuals who do buy a system at launch. by perk im thinking like i said in another thread, having exclussive early bird launches for games. basically i feel those gamers should have the opportunity to buy a game 2 weeks or so before it publically releases in stores. now that to me would be pretty nice and all along the company is committing itself to their consumer, but thats just my thought
16 product reviews
3. February 2006 @ 19:28 |
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Everyone has their opinions heres mine, I have had my PS2 since the day it was released and I have NO problems. I also use it as my primary DVD player for EVERYTHING (which is one of the main reasons I got it back then). It is so reliable and reads cheap as hell Princo discs...It's all in how you use it and how you treat your equipment boys.
Junior Member
4. February 2006 @ 00:49 |
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lol thanks for the replies peps .. i think hade has a very good idea about this .. great idea dude ,, now all we got to do is figure out how to pass it off to sony .lol .. hmm if there were any chance .. i think it would have to go through the playstation underground ..
oh oner.. thats great that your ps2 still works and all .. but isint it not compatible with certain attachments? like the network adapters and stuff? .. will it support the mod chips just as good ?
i would like to know for future refrence .. thanks ..:} well im off to go make sweet love to my ps2 ... i mean im off to go make love to my umm girl .. yeah thats it ! hehe ... :} later peps...
16 product reviews
4. February 2006 @ 07:04 |
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Mine is compatible with the network adapter and I have an older Messiah 2 modchip that boots anything I throw at it.
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Junior Member
4. February 2006 @ 14:13 |
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cool cool.. i think you are very fortunate not to recive a lemon of a model .. my freind doughboy has always treated his ps2 with ultimate care .. when he got his first one he would dust it everyday and he kept it in a greatly ventalated area. however in just 2 short weeks it bit the dust .. he treated the station well .. and it left him anyways .. i couldint belive it i mean here my freind was ripped in two when he figured out his ps2 was cheating on him ...i had too hesetate to get mine cause i was scared of the heart break myself..
so i waited , and boy am i glad i did .. been running five years now and no probs here .. i dont know if i could take my heart being broken like my freinds was .. it still affects him to this day .. poor guy .. i dont think he'll ever truly get over it.. it has left a scar on him for life .. what im saying is .. the probability of geting a system reliable like oners is a low chance .. oner is fortunate and should go make sweet love to his /or hers .. ps2 right away out of appeciation .. cause statisticly the first system breaks or is defective in some way no matter who you are using it or how well you take care of it ..... thank you
16 product reviews
4. February 2006 @ 20:25 |
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Ummm, I would like to see where you get these "so called" statistics
Quote: cause statisticly the first system breaks or is defective in some way no matter who you are using it or how well you take care of it ..... thank you
because if you can't show any proof to support these "statistics" then how can anyone beleive you let alone what you say be true?
Quote: the probability of geting a system reliable like oners is a low chance
I would also like to see these "probabilities" you mention....care to show some documented proof to uphold your claims? I highly doubt you will be able to.
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Junior Member
4. February 2006 @ 20:57 |
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no no your right your right .. i cant prove it or anything .. i just remember the news about it .. and hearing about it from everybody .. and now just look at the xbox 360 .. how many have returned it ?
i heared it was the biggest cristmas return this year .. over everything .. thats what the news said here in louisiana at least ..
you just always hear of it messing up when it first comes out ...
maybe its just gossip .. but i did see my freinds crap out and we knew several people in school that it happened to as well .. i say your fortunate because all in all there were more game systems that crapped out back then .. im not trying to piss in your wheaties or anything .. im just telling you what i saw on the news and the info in my head is what makes the satistics here... but i do remember several game magazines and things commenting on it .. as everyone is doing now with the xbox 360.... well glad to disscuss this with you its been a real pleasure bud ... your right i cant prove it, your so right .. but you can.. you know where all that kind off stuff is on the web .. hell your a moderator .. and im a newbie .. if you can prove my staments wrong id love to see it as well .. till then were just jacking off bud lol... later dude
5. February 2006 @ 02:03 |
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I believe waiting until the price comes down and the bugs are fixed is the smart thing to do. But to tell you the truth I can't say that if I have the cash to buy it at launch, my emotions won't get the best of me. It happened to me with the PS2.
I bought one at launch, never moded, used only Sony peripherals and I even bought a separate DVD player for my room. After four years of gaming it broke down, I had it repaired and one year later it broke down again, so I replaced it with a slimline, installed a Fliptop Mod and the rest is history.

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16 product reviews
5. February 2006 @ 14:32 |
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This discussion is fine but I don't have anything to prove...remember you where the one stating these are "statistics & probabilities" so the burden of proof lies within your ability of providing the means to support what you said! I could understand what you mean though as the same addage is said about new cars, but either way that is why I always get the extended warranties/plans (even if I do not get to use it) as it is worth it's weight in gold to have the "coverage" if needed.
Senior Member
5. February 2006 @ 17:35 |
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Eh I'm getting one when it first releases. I'll just get a warranty with it. No problems there
ps3 with 20gb hard drive
xbox 360 premium edtion with vga/hd hook up to my dell 20.1 inch widescreen lcd.
White and black 1.5 psp's
I'll take this down WHEN micro$oft decides to stop being lazy and make the capcom fighting games backwards compatible with the 360 dammit!!!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
12. February 2006 @ 12:24 |
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Frist gen Consoles have issues so if you want to skip the croweds and the overpriced BS then wait and get it,altho a warrenty that pays for shiping it would be great *L*
Just to point out that you are probly the 2 of every 10 PS2 owenrs not to ever have to replace or have it fixed sicne you got it 0_o what is it a version 1 or 2? *L*
I made my Version 9 read RW discs to bad I knocked it off it stoped working..now I have a version 7 >< runs fine just no RW discs *L*
Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
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Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 20:18 |
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some people might just want the console and games as fast as they can. if I had money, you'd bet your ass i'd buy the consoles as soon as they came out. then i'd get a warranty. then i'd happily play my new system while you're stuck with your old consoles.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
14. February 2006 @ 20:42 |
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I'd rather play perfect dark on the N64 when ti has class,gamepaly and story than that peice of generic crap they pooped out for the 360 >>
Oh wow BF2 and Q4 run better on the 360...not...... *L*
well I guess the 360 is a bad exsample :P
Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
22. February 2006 @ 20:21 |
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I have the money so I'm buying whatever console I want when it launches. I couldn't do that when I was younger so I do it now. It's just money. The new system fun has been worth the cash to me. However, I do strongly believe in getting an extended warranty if you get a launch date system.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. February 2006 @ 20:37 |
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to ture its like if you can get a 5grand comp...a warrenty is a MUST
Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
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13. March 2006 @ 15:02 |
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Wait a minute...
Your saying that people shouldn't buy a system when it comes out... right?
Then, why should it be released at all.
They should keep it back a few months and test every single one for bugs.
No they shouldn't. They don't have time for that. For the people who buy first, if it breaks on them..thats unfortunate.
If everyone was to follow ur advise then no one would buy the system on launch.