Hi, I'm a COMPLETE newbie at backing up gc discs, although I can do pretty much any other burning job... I don't know what program, what discs, ANYTHING about burning gc games, HELP!!!!!!!!!! Someone help me!!!!!!!! I know there's that whole PSO thing, but the instructions are so technical lil ol me can't understand them.:( Thx, some1 plz reply!
Do you have a chip?. If not, get the viper extreme, probably the most simplistic backup solution yet. There's always the GC Rip tool but you need a broadband adapter which in my opinion isn't worth it just for backups.
I don't have any chips, I've heard about them but don't know alot about them. I might consided the broadband adaptor, or the chip if it's affordable. I'll look into vipor extreme, but will it read gc games?
sry if there's alot of mistakes in my last message.... I meant to say I might CONSIDER the broad band adaptor. I hate not correcting mistakes... Like I said, I'm a newbie at burning gc games. How much would the adaptor cost? The chip? I'm so confuzzled...
need help pls! want to back up my gamecube games if i get a viper xtreme will that be all i need to backup my GC games to a mini DVD-R and be able to play the backup mini DVD-R to the GC console? where can i get this viper xtreme? is this a software or a device like the one on ps2 the slide card swap magic console and flip top case? pls help me. thank you.
K, thanks for the post. By Max Drive Pro, you mean like that one from the AR people, cause if that's true I have 1. If not, I'll buy 1! Thx for your help!
Will they burn on mini cd-r's, or do you have to use mini-dvd-r's?
first what you want to do is get the max drive pro...must be pro not action replay MUST be max drive pro then you follow the instructions they give you. Use DVD minis. I use verbatims 1.4 gb mini DVD-R disc and then what you do is use DVD Decrypter to rip and burn the iso.hope this helps
Alright, after considerable research 2day, I'd like 2 refrase my question. Is there any known way of taking some mini-dvd'rs, a bba or Max Drive Pro and burning GC discs that can be played on your gamcube? I keep getting conflicting results on all the sites I visit! I don't want to use the Phantasy Star Online Method, since I'd never play that game. Some1 plz help me!!!!!!!!!!