getting soft mod to work with halo 2
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7. July 2005 @ 07:21 |
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guys, why cant we be friends?
but yeah Inglis101 you are retarded lol
7. July 2005 @ 08:04 |
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I agree {noobist} but this is how i see it Jonbtrini say's he has the maps and the files and the modded xbx, but tells us it's WRONG>..
to me he is outright hypocritical.. i mean you can help someone or not it is your choice why be so critical of so many people who you dont knowit's like he's angry at us for wanting know what he already knows,instead of warning us about what bad things could happen and letting us make our descision.JONBTRINI idont know you but it seems you have some hpocritical morales . dont judge dont be so dam condeming to people who are just trying to learn.
Big R
7. July 2005 @ 08:36 |
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@Noobist - I Agree!
@bigroot - If you paid attention, you wouldn't make comments like the one above...i have no problem with people have modded maps/hacks whatever. It's when people use them on Xbox Live that i don't like. It doesn't matter if i personally have modded maps and whatnot because I DON'T HAVE NOR DO I WANT XBOX LIVE. Hence, nobody will ever have to worry about me hacking the game and cheating them out of their online experience...and i will not tell people or show people how to do these things for their OWN GOOD because if you haven't heard, Microsoft & Bungie are actively seeking out people who hack the game and are BANNING their Xboxes (not their account THEIR XBOX!) from Live. So, to you who think i'm not trying to be of help, despite my numerous tutorials i have on afterdawn....piss off
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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7. July 2005 @ 10:00 |
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yes i agree 110% with jonbtrini, hes is not being hypocritical at all. if yu guys would take the time and actually read the posts that he put up instead of just looking for ways to find hacks then you would hav seen that he doesnt use xbl and dislikes ppl who use hacks with xbl.
so to bigroot, please get the facts strait b4 u go and call sumone else out.
7. July 2005 @ 10:08 |
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Thank you Noobist...and let me further elaborate...As i said previously, I have NO PROBLEM with people who want to use hacks or whatever between them and their friends to have fun with the game. This to me, is not a big deal. Especially when you get into some of the AMAZING new multiplayer maps that people have made for Halo 2 such as Descension, Zentation, The Hive, and so on. (I have about 35 multiplayer maps in total that my buddies and I play, complete with new weapons, level skins, etc.) But when people get on Live and get into matchmaking games using hacks and cheats is when i draw the line. I feel every one of these people should be banned. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem if someone was using hacks in their own personal custom game on XBL, but as i also said, Microsoft and Bungie don't even want people doing THAT. Even people playing custom games with hacks and trainers are getting all of you who are bashing me should actually be thanking me that i'm saving you $ you don't have to go out and buy another Xbox when you get banned from XBL for using the cheats!
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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7. July 2005 @ 13:38 |
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okay im done with the dialogue on the issue of wrong or right.
its done. ihave no ambition to futher reply on unesccary issues iwould like nothig better than to accomplish the goal that would be aquire them material such as the hacks. i know bungie has already put the patches in place as to filter the increasing situation of hacks, i could and honestly deal with no {xbl} when using the new material if i can yet aquire it.
man is it hot here
Big R
7. July 2005 @ 17:25 |
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Well if you're not interested in using XBL anymore, then that's a different story. However, all in all it doesn't matter because the majority of sites that had these files have closed their download forums due to the state of cheaters using these hacks on Xbox Live. They intend to not reopen anything until Bungie and Xbox Live issue their next autoupdate patch which will automatically scan for hacked maps/gamefiles...
7. July 2005 @ 22:13 |
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U can still find the files neccessary to soft-mod and load modded maps on ur xbox, it is just hard like jonbtrini says. It took me all day to find everything... Now I'm happily playing Warlock over and over again... but beware- it would b better to make it so ur warlock map FAILS to load so that u dont have to play against custom modders w/ machine gun snipers/ inf ammo and no ammo on the map and u start off with needler --> R4P3
and I also think (according to many ppl I play with on live- not best source of information) the "FIX" Bungie is going to put out will only Ban ur account from matchmaking -- and it only detects the modded maps.... so store them on ur computer for awsome LAN games
xbl gamertag = destructor7
xbc gamertag = d3structor7
-Soft Modded
-160 gig hdd
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Junior Member
7. July 2005 @ 22:26 |
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@jonbtrini-i have read all your tuts and i have helped my friend softmod his xbox. (he doesnt have xbl) me and some of my friends intend to get together for a halo 2 tourny but we would like to get soem new maps and get a system link going. I have asked you a few questions which you havent responded to. i understand that you are busy but if you find time could you send me an email at removedwith any info you could to point me in the right direction of the hacked maps? also what is you website? im sure it will make the realm of softmodding a little bit clearer. Thanks jonbtrini, you are the best when it comes to reading up on modding
ps i totaly agree with not using the maps on xbl and i am trying to set myself up with xlink kai but it is a little bit confusing and i havent been able to figure it out
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7. July 2005 @ 23:23 |
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might wanna remove that email addy, less your inbox be filled with tons of letters on enlarging your unmentionable's and other spam
PS3 60GB (160GB)
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8. July 2005 @ 12:36 |
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has anyone ever had trouble istalling a chip into there xbox?
if u hav and found a place that helped you out plz post the link
8. July 2005 @ 12:40 |
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You don't need a chip with a's basically the same thing as having a chip-modded box...
Intel Core2 Duo, 400GB HD, 2GB RAM
Softmodded 1.6 XBox w/ 120 GIG HD
V4 PS2 w/ HD Loader, 80 GB HD
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8. July 2005 @ 14:42 |
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yeah i kno, and i kno this is a softmod forum but i have a modchip and am having problems installing it
8. July 2005 @ 19:43 |
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Hey when is bungie starting to ban people i think its monday also if anyone has the patch for warlock please email it to me at removed please send me the best mod available because i have one thats not that good i get beat by other modders with better patches then mine i dont get 10,000 rounds only when im host which isnt all the time
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8. July 2005 @ 21:37 |
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8. July 2005 @ 23:13 |
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can any 1 help me soft mod my x-box no 1 will tell me on halo2 i got action replay and all i need is splintercell1 for the soft mod where i croch and go 100miles per hour.....where do i get the file for this softmod and how do i do it...i got a aim acout for a link its medevil6660 plz help me
Junior Member
9. July 2005 @ 00:06 |
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j/c jon calm down, we just want to know where to find them, if you were to point in in the right direction besides google because google is worthless for this, then people would stopo asking. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about softmodding a chipping before i do it. This isnt your thread anyways.
9. July 2005 @ 07:00 |
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This is for people that do not plan to use it on xbox live and these people track this so if you do they will notice and banned you. The site is and if I play against anyone that has this on their xbox IT WILL NOT BE PRETTY.
9. July 2005 @ 07:02 |
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DO NOT USE ON XBL!!! SYSTEM LINK IS FINE I COULD CARE LESS. And could someone tell me how to softmod using Mechassault.
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9. July 2005 @ 07:41 |
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Ok people you say ayh yo uwil lget banend with a soft mod...TONS TONS TONS of people have soft mods on XBL! THEY HAVNT GOT BANNED!
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9. July 2005 @ 08:23 |
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yah just calm down jombri..its ok yal wanna find out where to get mods for warlock and containment and stuff just let me knwo i will send you..
9. July 2005 @ 16:17 |
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h2king - you stupid ass THIS IS MY THREAD DUMBASS, and i asked nicely TWICE for people not to ask for Halo 2 cheats....for this, you will be banned...
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9. July 2005 @ 22:02 |
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jonbtrini hey i just signed up to this forum board about an hour ago(at least it will be by the time im finished) but anyways ive been doing alot of reading lately and im wondering if u can help me out with a couple of things. See ive got 2 xboxs one of them i have modded using mirc and smartfttp and getting ltools using the 007 version i specifically used it so i would not be able to get on live. With my other xbox its normal for live play. My problem is that i accidently deleted the linux loadup file from my xbox harddrive and it wont let me run linux anymore is there any way i can get it back on there?.... Also i was wondering and hoping if u can like email me no you can't, i'm stupid antihng that can help me out for using halo 2 mods such as auto superbounce, super speed, dual weilding all weapons and auto aim... for personal offline use like for when i have friends come over...
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Suspended permanently
9. July 2005 @ 22:13 |
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hey i was wondering if someone could help me softmod my xbox. i dont have xbox live nor do i want it/ nor can i get it because i have dial up. so i was wondering if someone could help me soft mod my xbox. so jonbtrini it sounds like you know what you are talking about, so can you please help me. please, and thank you.
10. July 2005 @ 10:50 |
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dampit07 - I have another thread specifically on softmodding the Xbox, it's somewhere else in this forum, probably near the top...