what does it take to become a AfterDawn Addict ?
15. April 2007 @ 12:07 |
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Interesting posts...
Another variable in the mix is advertising. Soon as you have adverts, and I don't blame Ad for taking the $ to finance the site, then you're into traffic & numbers & click through. So a situation develops where the Ad owners have a different goal than the members...
AfterDawn Addict
15. April 2007 @ 12:07 |
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I'm with you lot on this one
However, I'm also off to bed now (hopefully not with any of you lot) so i'll catchya tomorrow!
(Yeah, it's only like 9.10pm here, but i'm shattered, so whatever, lol)
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15. April 2007 @ 12:21 |
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Quote: hopefully not with any of you lot
Nightmares can seem real.....
Quote: it's only like 9.10pm here, but i'm shattered
Lucky ba*tard...wish I had half your luck mate! LOL
1 product review
15. April 2007 @ 13:49 |
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Originally posted by Auslander:
in the end, i think the ultimate solution is to improve public education and teach youth respect for the systems they depend on for successful survival instead of the rebellious nature of youth culture. by no means am i saying rebellion is bad; i'm saying that idiots rebelling is bad.
True. Just improve it. That's all.
Originally posted by Auslander:
hell, maybe even "close our borders" for a while. during that time period, mods could clean house.
This idea, I like. And right now, I have nothing to bring it down, unfortunately.
AfterDawn Addict
15. April 2007 @ 13:54 |
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yeah, i'm sexy with good ideas like that. ^.^ just maybe, the admin will take it into consideration.
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15. April 2007 @ 17:33 |
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i think, as i said and creaky said, hit the offensive post report button more and youll see an improvement. Creaky didnt say the numbers, but i can safely say i can count that number on my hands, maybe even one hand.
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15. April 2007 @ 17:40 |
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Do I win the button basher prize then?
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15. April 2007 @ 18:35 |
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Originally posted by janrocks: Do I win the button basher prize then?
You and Dan for sure :)
16. April 2007 @ 01:24 |
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My addition from here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/322699/2999555
Originally posted by ddp: but not 2 or 3 copies of the same post in 2 or 3 different threads all the time. your tech news posts goto your "*HOT* Tech News And Downloads, I Would Read This Thread And Post Any Good Info,Vista" not into "Where Did All The Old Timers Go ? Also Say A Good Morning Or Afternoon Or A Good Evening Or A Good Night Thread". if you are going to do that than decide which thread is to get everything, retitle it & we'll close the others so people don't post into them by mistake.
- i agree 100% (don't take it all personally Ireland). I personally have to scroll thru 99% of them especially the long-winded ones, i've always got far too much to do, my poor old brain is far too busy for all this
Originally posted by ZIppyDSM: a forum can only withstand so much randomness befor no one can find their way around
- I agree very strongly with not being able to withstand randomness (again this is aimed at a few people, and again, see my other quotes)... If i want random i'll chat with friends or read the newspaper or mooch around the internet, my poor old mouse wheel has to work overtime scrolling thru so much forgettable stuff
Originally posted by creaky: i notice far more than i comment on, just biding my time. been away for so long that i'm allowing some leeway, but endless pointless chatter around the Forums has gone on long enough, time for some action methinks
- this is aimed primarily at some of our older members. For instance, no-one minds the odd 'how are you' in a thread, as long as it's within a post (and a rare occurrence). You will note very very few posts of mine that are random and purely 'chatty'. I'm 'sort of older', and like a random chat as much as the next person. HOWEVER in the right place, NOT on (very) public forums. Good Grief, try to do the 3rd person on this...imagine you go to a brand new site you've never visited before, looking for techie help, from a google search for instance. Imagine how you'd feel, (probably struggling enough with the in's and out of computers as it is) only to fall upon a thread full of mindless chatter. Not a good impression (see my comment further down re cdfreaks). Note how easy it is to end up at Afterdawn from a google search, so we get a lot of newcomers every day, imagine the bad impression so many people must get....
These quotes are from the recent "what does it take to become a AfterDawn Addict ?" thread -
Originally posted by creaky: ..as to offensive reports, they are NOT used even a fraction of the amount they should be (trust me they're not, i won't give a figure of how few people actually frequently report infractions, you people would be somewhat shocked) but luckily us mods prowl all over the shop so we catch a fair few perps quickly, but it's a letdown re how few people hit that 'offensive pointless prat' button. i've said it in a few threads and i'll keep saying it, but unfortunately most regulars (you know who you are ) would rather chat about all sorts of irrelevant tosh across far too many threads than do something useful with their (obvious copious) free time.
- so people don't like reporting idiocy/rule breaking etc. There are posters who think it's silly and petty. Well guess what, i disagree, and not because i'm one of the idiots who has to clean up the crap. I was a normal poster here once, and even when i first joined, my feelings on all the things i've posted in the reply, were the same, i didn't want to read thru threads and have to put up with idiocy/profanities/childish banter/etc etc etc. Yet some of you bleat, cry, p**s and moan about rules/'injustices' apparently done to you, ie sig rules etc etc etc. GROW UP for goodness sake. If you can't cope, get off the computer, go outside and enjoy the fresh air, talk to yourselves if it helps, but stop cluttering up the forums with mind-numbing idiocy. The kiddies in the console forums are bad enough, but seeing these things in 'adult' forums gets my goat. I was away from AD for 3months, only to come back and see the same old crap.
Originally posted by creaky: i lurk (ie and never post) on an obscenely unhealthy amount of threads, so i get to see how much crap does goes on. Oh and i forgot to mention, i notice a lot of 'help duplication' in threads, mainly the DVD Shrink Forum, am watching the situation a while longer first to see if it remedies itself
(the 'crap going on' mentioned here is random chatting btw)
Originally posted by creaky: here's how i'll explain it... i lurk on a lot of cdfreaks threads (even post on some when i have time) and for instance, it's very rare (admittedly i only lurk in a couple forums) that i see threads go awhol (saw one last week) so when it happens it jumps out at me like a poke in the eye so i can imagine what people must think of too many AD threads. I only don't clamp down on it a fraction as much as i should because my replies would be seen far,far more in (adult) threads, such that it would take the edge off my presence, ie people would see me so often they'd ignore my quips/putdowns and pokes in the eye etc...
- i'm now out of steam, and some of you will still p**s and moan as if the world's coming to an end. At the end of the day, if you need to chat endlessly, go do it in a pub or something, keep it off these forums. We usually tolerate the odd thread full of mindless crap in case it keeps most the idiocy off other threads/forums, but it doesn't work, and there are posters here with way too much free time on their hands, both to post crap and to moan when their 'freedom' is threatened. When i first came to AD (and thru the following year) I used to have far too much free time so used to be all over the forums, but not with mindless chatter, i put my fingers to good use, ie helping people and reporting all the crap i stumbled across along the way. I wouldn't sift thru endless crap off people at work while dealing with techie problems, nor do i like reading thru thread/helping in threads, to have to step over so much crud along the way.
/rant over
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Senior Member
16. April 2007 @ 06:56 |
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i guess that the auto promote works to a point, one thing to think about is to have a test or a quiz to see if that member going to that next stage at afterdawn, is well schooled in all areas of afterdawn, that way people would know that the AfterDawn Addict is a person who is desvering of the title.
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16. April 2007 @ 07:47 |
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Originally posted by rdmercer1: i guess that the auto promote works to a point, one thing to think about is to have a test or a quiz to see if that member going to that next stage at afterdawn, is well schooled in all areas of afterdawn, that way people would know that the AfterDawn Addict is a person who is desvering of the title.
if that were the way it happened there would only be a handful of addicts IMO.
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16. April 2007 @ 08:03 |
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How about one of you writer boys *stares at Lethal and Dvdback* checks with the admins, to see if they are ok with a short piece that requests that more people hit the report button when they see something on the site that's against the rules, and if they say yes, post it in the news for all to see?
*runs back to work*
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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4 product reviews
16. April 2007 @ 11:08 |
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Originally posted by The_Fiend: How about one of you writer boys *stares at Lethal and Dvdback* checks with the admins, to see if they are ok with a short piece that requests that more people hit the report button when they see something on the site that's against the rules, and if they say yes, post it in the news for all to see?
*runs back to work*
ill see what i can do dan.
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16. April 2007 @ 13:39 |
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/me comes stumbling in from long day
Ah, now that reply is a sight for sore eyes :-)
/me walks off to get a nice, cold, tall glas of Murphy's Irish Red
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
Senior Member
18. April 2007 @ 14:48 |
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Constant bashing of the console forums have made me sad . I know that it is probably the most uncivilized, demeaning forum on this site, with all the newbies posting "OMG hw do i atuo aim battel rife in HAlo 2l11!!" or to something of that extent or nature, but regardless of that, I admit that I am a console senior. I don't consider myself to be a little kiddie who spams to get his post count up (even though I am still a young teenager). I won't even post on threads that I can't completely help someone with. I'm hoping to obtain addict status by the end of the summer, and I think I will have earned it.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
18. April 2007 @ 14:53 |
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Quote: Constant bashing of the console forums have made me sad
. I know that it is probably the most uncivilized, demeaning forum on this site, with all the newbies posting "OMG hw do i atuo aim battel rife in HAlo 2l11!!" or to something of that extent or nature, but regardless of that, I admit that I am a console senior. I don't consider myself to be a little kiddie who spams to get his post count up (even though I am still a young teenager). I won't even post on threads that I can't completely help someone with. I'm hoping to obtain addict status by the end of the summer, and I think I will have earned it.
If you have problems about the peoples attitude in those forum rooms just stay out. I remember going in there once and reading a thread and saying to myself this is not the place for me. If they need help but keep fighting amongst themselves let them do that, mods will take care of it if u hit the report button.
As for getting to addict status well all i can say it will take time.
Edited by DVDBack23
"the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward
Website: http://www.ampleblaze.com
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18. April 2007 @ 14:57 |
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I actually enjoy it in there though. I didn't come to afterdawn for help, I just like helping other people in my area of semi-expertise, which would be xbox.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
18. April 2007 @ 15:02 |
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Quote: I actually enjoy it in there though. I didn't come to afterdawn for help, I just like helping other people in my area of semi-expertise, which would be xbox.
Thats good to hear all i mean by saying what i did before is if its starting to get out of hand report the person and dont get involved in the games in there. Its not worth it. Just help where u can and when u see it move in another direction that is not correct just report and enjoy the show as i say to see when the mod comes in and deals with it :)
Edited by DVDBack23
"the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward
Website: http://www.ampleblaze.com
AfterDawn Addict
18. April 2007 @ 16:51 |
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as an addict, you should really try to develop more than one area of expertise.
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18. April 2007 @ 20:03 |
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Very true Aus.. I think that's part of the trouble in the console forums.. There are psp addicts who know nothing at all about anything but psp. Not even how to write a coherent sentence.
I feel a bit sorry for some of them as soon as they get a basic (I mean by that one we average seniors could do long before we joined AD) pc problem and ask a real n00b question.. I like the way they get the kind of "RTFM.. you are supposed to know how google works by now" and often get abusive about it. Hell.. If I don't know something I look it up.. If I can't find anything at all after a few days I may ask for ideas..(because lets face it.. If I don't know it, and nothing is forthcoming from google then chances are there isn't a standard answer.. or it's a strange bug that nobody else has ever reported).. not a picture guide, or a video.. I can read and understand..and a link or 5 is fine.. I can read for myself and see what matches the things I'm experiencing. another core skill I'd assume an addict should have.
Willingness to help... An addict should be prepared in some cases to attempt to help, even if they have no direct experience of the problem.. I like to learn, and use my google finding skills to answer the question.. Teach and Learn is the term I'm looking for...BUT.. and here is the clincher... only on threads that have either had no answer in a reasonable time, or one where bad/misleading/potentially damaging/dangerous information is being dished out by people with no real grasp of the problem or issues.. There have been a spate of disk swap ps1 (achieve nothing but wreck your disks and ps1.. gain nothing) tutorials.. Now I post a stock set of comments about the risks to disks and equipment.. let them call be an idiot and then report them. I was modding and hacking the ps1 while most of 'em were wearing nappies. I have site admins of ps1 modding sites as members of my forums.. so what do these "play backups by swapping the original disk with a backup while the disk is still spinning!!" kids really understand... not very much. There must be one of these every couple of weeks.. a few have even been as blatant as a cut/paste of a previous "guide"... always from a newbie, and always the same bad info.
The responsibility of an addict is to behave as a technical troubleshooter, pruning the rubbish and ensuring that only correct information, which isn't likely to involve risk of harm or damage is posted. It's not a popularity contest.. It's about having a site full of good and reliable information, where newbies don't feel the need to post anything.. I was a member for quite a while before I posted anything at all.. AD was an information source, like I still use cd-freaks. I think there are more people sent me pm's there than I have made posts..
Sorry for rambling on.. I just felt like having some more input seeing as my post count is getting close to 3000. Unlike xxteakxx I don't have any timescale for making addict, in fact I don't care about that title at all.. I like senior.. with age comes wisdom and knowledge. Only the over 40's will truly understand what I mean by that.. no offence to the young un's
Now where did I leave me stick and teeth............
I hate titles
35 product reviews
19. April 2007 @ 22:35 |
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Without commenting whole of this thread, I'd like to participate on couple of topics discussed:
1) Yes, I agree, we should get people to use the "report" button more often.
2) I sorta disagree with jan & aus about "being responsible for widening your area of expertise. IMO, I'd love to have a guy as a regular on our forum who can hit a X360 with a sledgehammer and have his eyes blindfolded and build it back using only an IKEA tool as an assistance -- as compared to have tons of guys as members, who know little bit of this and little bit of that and can help only with the most basic questions. I think you English-speakers have a phrase for this, that goes something like "Jack of all trades, master of none". This is to say that our coverage of things on forums is so wide nowadays that its sometimes better to focus on just one forum room and be helpful there, because your knowledge of the topic grows rapidly once you focus only on that area and your help will become even more valuable for other users. But, as always, the most important thing is to be helpful and willing to share your knowledge, whether you're expert in your area or know some basic things, but still think that the person in need of an answer would benefit from your knowdledge.
3) From what I see on our support system, the PMs I (and rest of the admins & support team) receive, alongside the "hAxx0RR kiddie$" the major problem on our forums seem to be a certain attitude problem of some more senior members. Basically this comes to reality in cases where a new user posts a question, without knowing exactly whether it has been asked before or whether not knowing that he/she is posting in the wrong forum or -- in some cases, violating our rules. Now, the correct solution is simply to click the "report" button and let mods handle it. But instead, such post gets quickly 3-10 posts basically bashing the guy or having useless comments like "MUHAHAA, REPORTED, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!".. Now, if you have reported the post, its up to mods to decide whether anyone is "going down" or not and even in those cases, mods don't need to comment on such thread, but simply handle the situation (ban or temp ban, the user sees the reason when they try to log in with a banned account), close or hide the thread and that's it. Useless comments create hostile environment for new users -- and all of you have been new users in the past, no matter what your status now is. And if your questions would have been discredited originally, you would have probably left and found some other site instead. So, please, even Seniors, before posting a comment to a thread, where you aren't offering a solution to a question, think twice whether the post is actually needed -- and if you think the post you're replying to, shouldn't be at aD, simply report it to mods and leave it, its mods' job to handle situations like that.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. April 2007 @ 22:40
19. April 2007 @ 23:03 |
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Thank you. I was bashed by a senior when new and it wasn't a pleasant experience, and as you say went elsewhere. When I post here now I'm very carefully what I say and where I say it, and if certain people turn up I'm off. What I find particularly unpleasant is the 'Wolves chew on this' which sometimes turns up on the safety valve - it just seems to degrade the people involved...
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20. April 2007 @ 05:26 |
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@ creaky, if the vote thingy was implemented (re-) would i be accepted as an addict :D
but then again i suppose i would then need to accept and state that i have a problem, then the 12 steps then il needt o start cutting back <o.O>
"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
20. April 2007 @ 11:31 |
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It took me the best part of a year to achieve member status. wot's in a title anyway??? Unless you are the be all and end all of knowledge on everything, are we not all still nOObs at heart? I am what dRd desciribes as a "Jack of all trades, master of none" (well maybe not all, but a few anyway..). I have had my ups and downs with all sorts of things, i will ask on here if i cannot find what i want with a google, or (as has been the case of late) i go onto the IRC, where if you are sensible enough, a response will be forthcoming and helpful (maybe even from me if i know the answer).
just to further the "Muppets" Steve Wright on Radio2 hands out "Certificates of Muppetry" to the losers of his afternoon quiz. maybe when you ban the really bad muppets you could attch one to their title.............................
Senior Member
21. April 2007 @ 10:41 |
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Regardless of my title, I try to contribute as much as I can
Knowledge Is Power, Ignorance Is A Fool's Bliss
Put This In Your Sig (Original Quote)
I beat Mgs: SOL in 6 hours!