Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
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31. May 2007 @ 22:22 |
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please read the 3 posts on top of yours ;)
1. June 2007 @ 14:51 |
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i got it to install from the link that magus7091 provided, it just won't see the codelist. I disabled my firewall and everything but nothing helps.
EDIT: DOH!! No wonder the new one wasn't working, i had 2 versions installed. Works fine now.
1. June 2007 @ 21:56 |
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hey the cheats works now :] thankss !
7. June 2007 @ 10:35 |
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k heres a quick question. was wondering do i use this cheat editor from r4 on my m3 simply? or is there another one out there that we m3'ers use? links would be great lol. i got 1.04 on there but no code stuff
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7. June 2007 @ 12:30 |
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It worked fine on mine but just one thing. On my Animal Crossing DS it has a code called (M). And the code will not be accepted by the Code Manager, since at the begining of the code it has "master" then the code is below. Since it does not except it, the game won't work with the codes without that single code. And when I removed the "master" from the code, it accepted it but, it did not work either. What can I do to make the game boot up with the codes?
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8. June 2007 @ 23:31 |
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Originally posted by DVDBack23: Here is a very quick guide I found on how to use Action replay codes on your R4 card.
I only give instructions for the R4 but this works on the M3 simply as well, you just need to get the newest firmware, 1.04.
This is verified by myself, and it works great :)
Ok first, you need the latest R4 firmware, v 1.08:,3,7,29
Next you want the Code Manager from Datel:
US version:
Euro version:
Finally you want the R4 Cheat code editor:
or if the site is down, then get it here:
Now it gets easy :-D
Update you MicroSD card with the new firmware
Install the Code Manager.
1. Under Subscriptions right click Codejunkies US Games and select copy if you want all or just do this for games you want.
2. Under My Codelists right click and select paste.
3. Let it import the games into your codelist.
4. Once it has completed go this folder:
C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
Find the XML, it should say something along the lines of customcodelist.xml
Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.
Import the one you just made and then go to file and Save As cheat database. Save it as usrcheat.dat.
Now open the card again and navigate to the system folder. Copy the new usrcheat.dat file to that folder and you are done :)
If you have any question, post here and I will help you ;)
ok im dumb i need t no how i use action reply codes do i need something to hook up to my ds and thne download the codes or do i just pot them in someware? also if i need something to hok up or plug in how dio i get it?>
how do i use action reply do i have to get something to atacc to my ds?
11. June 2007 @ 06:29 |
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I also have a Chinese R4, and I also cannot get this to work, but in a different way.
I followed all the instructions EXACTLY, but NONE of my games have cheats, not just Pokemon Diamond.
Anybody gotten this to work on a Chinese R4?
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12. June 2007 @ 19:43 |
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I have a Simply M3. I would like to ask if any one knows if there is a m3 simply cheat code editor like the R4 Cheat code editor. Or can I simply use the R4 Cheat code editor on the M3?
Thank you!
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14. June 2007 @ 16:13 |
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I'm having trouble making this work out, I've done everything step by step as the first post says but somehow it still doesn't work. Yes I have the latest R4 firmware in case you wondered :P
It doesn't matter if I downloaded the US or the EU version of the Code Manager, does it?
Thanks for the help!
14. June 2007 @ 16:29 |
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Umm anyone knows any good site to download roms for ds?
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14. June 2007 @ 16:42 |
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14. June 2007 @ 17:50 |
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guys, lets PM him the answer to that and keep this on topic thanks ;)
14. June 2007 @ 20:17 |
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Apparently, this isn't what I though.
OK, just clear up something, this Action Replay list will only work with ROMs?
15. June 2007 @ 16:02 |
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Sorry for the double post, but I think I waited too much since I make this post, considering that this is a active topic.
Anyways, I think I know:
I need the actionreplay.nds to use the codes, right?
15. June 2007 @ 19:47 |
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No, the m3 r4 with the current fw versions supports these codes natively...
Every night has its day.
Even forever must come to an end....
I think.
15. June 2007 @ 19:56 |
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Then if I just need the .DAT file, what I have to do to execute my codes? also, no one answered if this only works in ROMs.
16. June 2007 @ 05:47 |
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This only works with roms on a microSD card in a M3/R4. I am having trouble running the cheats as when I enable the cheats and load the rom, I get a white screen. when I disable the cheats I get animal crossing loading succesfully. What on earth have I done wrong?
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16. June 2007 @ 09:35 |
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Thanks, that's somethihng I needed to know. Now how do I activate the codes?
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4 product reviews
16. June 2007 @ 14:33 |
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press Y at the game loading screen, before pressing start.
16. June 2007 @ 18:56 |
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Umm, does anyone know any site for action replay codes?
16. June 2007 @ 19:00 |
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Sites besides like codejunkies, and the popular ones, because they have sucky codes.
17. June 2007 @ 06:04 |
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Originally posted by Loneliest: Sites besides like codejunkies, and the popular ones, because they have sucky codes.
codejunkies is the only one I know
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17. June 2007 @ 06:11 |
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Originally posted by nebbdjur: I'm having trouble making this work out, I've done everything step by step as the first post says but somehow it still doesn't work. Yes I have the latest R4 firmware in case you wondered :P
It doesn't matter if I downloaded the US or the EU version of the Code Manager, does it?
Thanks for the help!
Is there anybody who knows or have any idea what could be wrong?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2007 @ 07:15
17. June 2007 @ 23:11 |
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when I try to import the file it says "the xml file format is error"
is that because I tried to add a cheat?
How do you add more cheats to your usrcheat.dat?
19. June 2007 @ 10:18 |
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i did every thing ur guide told me to do.. all i need help with is i need to know where to put the cheat folder i put it in the system and i updated my m3 and i turned it on and nothing happened....i made the xml into a .DAT file and everything