Im from Monaghan, Ireland...
at the moment living in Athlone, Ireland...
i know it was a big step to leave my birthplace and travel the huge journey (it must be at least 80 miles)
my main shock is the fact that there is another Paddy here, other than myself......Hello Dela!!!!
Seeing this post makes me think everyone is UK or US here. I am in Toronto, Canada. Seems like there are few Canadians from the meda posts. I have taken apart, modified and tested computers and Software for years, but I probally one of the only ones not in the computer workplace. I am in the biotechnology industry and play with computer in my spare time ( just for fun). I still remember the old days switching 5 and a quarter floppies, as hard drives were a luxury and as Bill Gates said 100Mb is more then anyone will ever need.
Surprisingly only people from UK get me web ID. I guess Patrick McGooan just wasn`t that popular in this amazing TV series. Danger man was good, but the Prisoner was the best series.
Be seeing you.
Way way late, but I guess I'll be the first to throw up a hand for Phoenix, Arizona! Hit 109F day before last. Electrician by trade - love anything to do with computers or semi-automatic firearms in my spare time.