Intervideo DVD Copy Platinum
AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2004 @ 02:20 |
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heh heh heh, is a BJ considered payment?
25. June 2004 @ 04:50 |
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Brobear, yes I own both 321 XPress and Plantinum, but I got Xpress last August, an OEM version when I purchased my first DVD burner, I didn't purchase the 321 Plantinum version until Feb. 2004 when I read about the Fed. Court going to ban its sale and purchased it a few days before the ban. So I really have TWO versions of Xpress on my computer, the one I'm using is the latest Plantinum RF with ripper added, the "Simple" option Xpress. Xpress to me is good for the way I like to backup, movie only for the most part. I've been using DVDShrink for the last month or so and like the option of having the movie with no menus and the ability to add an extra and/or alternate ending after the movie, which I can access quickly with chapter skip on the player.
I guess my problem with Plantinum Advanced is partly familiarity and it really didn't ADD anything to the way I wanted to back stuff up. When Plantinum Advanced allows you to pick cells it really provides little info as to what's in these cells and I couldn't figure out how to keep only the English audio and subtitles with it, something Xpress/Simple will allow you to do. I only tried a half dozen movies in Advanced mode, so maybe I gave up too soon.
While I saw the German site comparing transcoding tools, linked in earlier posts on this board about quality of tools, I did my own tests. I tried the Intervideo Copy2 Plantinum trial product because of recommendations on this board. It disappointed in the one movie I tried it on, that's not to say it's a bad product, but I was suprised with how much worse it was the the 321 product at this one test. The hard disk folder of the "movie only" mode created with DeCryptor for Lawrence of Arabia is only 7.00 GB, but its 3 hour 40+ minute length and relative small size make it a real tough test. Again I watched about 90 seconds of one scene multiple times with each copy, noting details on different objects on each pass, a subjective standard maybe, but one closest to real life.
Time permitting this weekend I'll use both DVD2One and CCE Basic on this 7.00 GB movie movie file, and report back, even if no one reads my posts. :)
P.S. To the guy who asked if the Plantinum and the Gold version ($50) are the same in encoding/compression quality, it would surely look that way from the info on the Intervideo web site, looks like the IV Plantinum adds DIVX support, etc. And since there are no options in the Platinum (trial version) to add passes to the encoding/compression process, logic says yes, but you can e-mail Intervideo and ask their sales staff for a definative answer.
AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2004 @ 05:36 |
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brobear, I am absolutely befuddled as to why demondog, brian and a handful of others, a handful mind you, are not getting the quality results that the bulk of us are ending up with in intervideo dvdcopy2. Normally, I would say operator errors, however, this program is so simple to use I just don't think that is a viable answer. Several of the guys in this forum are no newbies when it comes to burning, yet they are having problems too. The only other conclusion I see is computer incompatability ie.plug-ins, settings, drivers, file systems, HD space, other software(we know Nero and roxio don't like each other) etc.,and all the other variables associated with video production on PC's. There seems to be no middle ground. To the majority of us it is bested only by rebuilder/CCE, with this kind of accolades it cannot be the software. To the few, it sucks, inferior video, pixelation problems, etc.,yet , if it isn't the software, and not user error, what's left? I am absolutely convinced this software is unapproachable when you look at the quality combined with the speed it has completing the job. Pinnacle Instantcopy 8 comes close, but it's speed is another matter altogether. (I just finished Bulletproof Monk in 30 minutes and did my 1st reauthoring in it). So, I'm right back where I started, Dazed and Confused. Ya know what I mean verne?
25. June 2004 @ 06:06 |
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bigorange, that beats me too. It's been giving me a headache just to read those comments. So, instead of popping Excedrin all day long, I am presently ignoring them. Maybe demondog and 64026402 are employed by the evil witch of the west.
BTW, bigorange, did you say you made a copy of Bulletproof Monk? I'll be glad to send you my commercial copy entirely for free. That movie has established itself in my personal Top Ten of Worst Movies of the 3d Millenium. Then again, maybe you are making a copy of that list to send to your Mother-in-Law. Hope so. Just kiddin'...
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 06:57 |
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Some people oppose things for the sake of oppotion itself. Even if they got good results they'd have to swallow their pride bfore stepping forward. The important thing is that we all know the truth.
The only people being harmed by this tootheless opposition are newbies, who while looking for something simple and versitile read these abstraction of the truth and are turned away from trying DVDcopy2 as a result.
Please not that this is a general statement and no one specifically has been targeted.
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AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2004 @ 08:58 |
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siber, it was a B-day gift because they knew I like Sean William Scott- American Pie movies, Evolution, and Rundown. Hate to hear that, I haven't even seen it yet. I'm desperate to backup, I'll even do yours for free.sophocles I agree, but there is another newbie who had problems also in this thread. I don't think she had an agenda. I'll tell ya one damn thing- I'm glad it works for me. I'm gonna go check out my newest creation of one of the worst 10 movies made. Interested to see how the re-authoring went. Have you ever reauthored in it or are you like me and use remake?
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25. June 2004 @ 09:39 |
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Bigornage, sophocles.
I really wish I could fully endorse Intervideo. I have tried & used every piece of DVD backup software & a good few burning packages. I have NEVER had a problem learning, operating or tweaking any of them. I have never had to refer to a guide, I'm not bragging but to me they are simple to install & run. I guess I have been extremely lucky over the last year or so.
I, and others are having problems with Intervideo. If we could find a solution to our problems we (and definitely me) would report back with solutions in order to HELP the countless "Newbies" & casual browsers that read our posts, and (sometimes) trust our advice. It is important that people "try" the software before buying but alas that is not always the case. For these individuals the membership on AD has a duty to inform them of any potential quirk or bug.
To the both of you, it must be mystifying that your set up performs so well with Intervideo. Frankly I envy you because I have tried everything.
I have never written any false claims about Intervideo. It is ALL based from pesonal experience as have all my posts on AD. I have never taken "anyones word for gospel" on here. I read, then try (if applicable) & then make my own mind up. The vast majority of members on this site probably do exactly as I do, well I bloomin well hope they do!
I am not being confrontational here, trust me please.
I am going to take a long break from AD. I have greatly enjoyed the threads that both of you have started, it's been fun reading.
Cheers lads...byeeeeeeeeee
Looking for my old AD
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 09:49 |
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It's not your lack of endorsement of DVDcopy 2 that keeps this debate alive. It's your constant attempts at trying to change our views despite the fact that many of us have chosen it over the other 1 click encoders. I'm not unhappy that you don't share our views but you seem to be unahppy that many of us don't share yours.
Give it up I've made 33 nearly perfect backups using DVDcopy 2 with out a single macro pixelation problem. DVDcopy 2 is my fast transcoder choice and REbuilder/CCE is my serious backup software.
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25. June 2004 @ 11:05 |
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Well, seems I'm a bit behind here. So, I'll have to catch up later. Glad to see demondog finally fessed up to not knowing everything. Seems his hatred of Platinum stems from a lack of familiarity. Wonder how far that goes with the rest of his input. I already noted the specifics, so I don't need to go back. My advice to anyone is to be familiar with a product before condemning or giving product evaluations. Belching back someone's test results receives no kudos when one doesn't have the personal experience to truly analyze what is being said.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 11:23 |
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25. June 2004 @ 14:06 |
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brobear, I haven't claimed to know everything since I was a teenager :) I merely stated that I find 321 Platinum useless, at least in Advanced mode in comparison to Simple/Xpress, I don't think anyone should take anybody's else post on this forum as anything other than personal opinion/preference. When I'm dissing something I may not bother with reasons, but I will try to back up any recomendations with facts or repeatable tests.
As to why some are having problems and others not with Intervideo Copy 2 Plantinum, it could be many things, but it does say a bit about testing/support from Intervideo, imho. Also the movie tested just may not have been IVC2P's cup of tea, only 7 gigs but 3 hrs. 40+ minutes long. Time permitting I'll backup with CCE and DVD2One this weekend using the same Decrpytor ripped folder.
I'll also try IVC2P on the LOR Two Towers and compare it my current backup made with Xpress.
When I post the results, I'll post the Nero video codec lists and system particulars as well. Maybe somebody will see a known conflict if the IVC2P doesn't perform well again.
AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2004 @ 14:13 |
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Interesting thread soph, I already did the edit in copy2, guess what, worked fine.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 14:19 |
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Yea but you've got enjoy a line where someone rips with DVD Decrypter, edits with instant copy, and compresses and burns with DVDcopy2.
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AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2004 @ 14:26 |
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lol,sophocles I was picking up what you were laying to brian I hope you don't forsake AD brian, it's been fun and hell, we don't HAVE to talk about copy2 every time your here. I, for one, would miss you and besides, there others that could use your input, so stay in touch. So I'll just say see ya in the near future, OK?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 14:40 |
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I don't want to see brian go either and I hope that wasn't conveyed in anything I've posted. It's time we found new interests and move beyond this debate. We are all becoming stagnant and lost in self promotion and we've lost sight of our genuine interests backing up movies and more importantly the pursuit of knowledge. We can do so much more together than any one of us could do alone. Think of were we've all come and what we've learned, that's got to be worth sharing.
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25. June 2004 @ 15:59 |
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You misunderstand the Platinum. You say you want movie only, mostly. Well Xpress is a one button wonder. It basicly fills the disk to its maximum limit with as much material as possible. You have no control over the process. When you get movie only, then the movie itself is well over the target size. If the movie isn't too large, you get the additional material. The algorithm chooses, not you. That is with the entire disc option unchecked. The only control there is subtitles and language choice. So how are you editing for movie only. With the entire disc option, the program goes max and compresses everything on the disc to where it fits the target, irregardless.
The nice thing about Platinum that you might want to check out. There is a complete users manual in the later versions in PDF format. There are still versions on the net. I noticed one in the UK just the other day.
It is the advanced program that gives the editing ability to choose movie only. Working titles are included in the choice. As titles are a negligable issue with compression, I think it an excellent option. Most people like the option when available. You say you like the quality of Xpress, do you think the company would develop different algorithms for their programs? Too much R&D when one will suffice.
As you claim to be high on the learning curve, I only need to give you one hint and you can read the included guide and match my excellent results. The titleset with the largest number of chapters is usually the main movie. Use priview to check that you have the right file. Plus when you check a titleset the program gives you the size. So, read some manuals and you can really have a choice of movie only.
With my extensive experience and knowledge of the Platinum DVDXCopy program, I can say this is a good program with good results. I can also say that the Platinum program is not the best for mega size movies. I stopped using it for the big stuff. There were movies that skipped scenes and that was due to not handling the higher compression loads. The useful limits are around 5 to 6GB with video starting to suffer at the higher end. Go higher and compression gets into skippers and other compression woes. Good up to midsize, but the program looses it on the highend and that goes for Advanced XCopy and the XCopy Xpress. Even the socalled pro tests indicate the truth of higher compression problems.
Did a movie only short guide on here somewhere. Forgot where I posted it. Not going to waste my time looking it up. It is here somewhere. You might want to run a search.
I don't think anyone should take anybody's else post on this forum as anything other than personal opinion/preference.
How wrong can you be? When we take time to explain how something works, we explain how, not give a preference as to how. We usually note or it is obvious when members speak of a preference. Like when I say I like one program over another. Even then I give verifiable attributes and faults, things reproducable when the programs are used correctly. If I don't know how a program works or am not familiar with it, I keep my yap shut. I even say when I like a program due to familiarity. So, there is a lot more than personal opinion and preference going on here. Or is that all you're looking for, a place to sound off?
No need to respond unless you just want to flatter your ego. I've wasted enough time. Good luck learning the Platinum XCopy. When you learn and give legitimate reasons, someone may listen.
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25. June 2004 @ 16:10 |
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Sophocles, BigO
Sophocles is right in saying we should move on. We will run into those who want to disagree for the sake of it and draw others down to try to make a trivial point. Let them bask in their own self admiration. Everyone will see who they are and they only build their own coffins to paraphrase what BigO said.
BTW BigO, BJ is payment.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 16:27 |
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I've suggested to Vurbal that we start 2 new threads usimg DVD-RB/CCE Basic (exclusively). One for newcomers and one for the advanced and I'm even thinking that an intermediate level might also be practical. We won't be able to discuss the 1 click encoders, if we need to do that then there'r a "General Discussion area and we can start a thread for that. Common aboard brobear.
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25. June 2004 @ 16:39 |
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I'll get to be a newbie again. Makes me feel young.
25. June 2004 @ 17:36 |
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brobear said, "....Well Xpress is a one button wonder. It basicly fills the disk to its maximum limit with as much material as possible. You have no control over the process. When you get movie only, then the movie itself is well over the target size. If the movie isn't too large, you get the additional material. The algorithm chooses, not you...."
I'll give you the nod for expertise over me in the Platinum, but you have Xpress/Simple wrong. The default is movie only, if you check the "Entire Movie" box on the front is gives you everything, movies, menus and features, with of course more resulting compression.
And I never said, nor intimated that a different algorithm was used, but you are quite correct in stating that continuing discourse is futile, since I seem to be unable to write well enough for you to understand my intent. I only posted this so as to correct any mistakes others may get from your post about the use and/or ability of the Xpress/Simple option. Cheers.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 17:45 |
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Now Now, let's get along.
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Senior Member
25. June 2004 @ 18:01 |
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Hello again guys,
Work has been keeping me away.
I think to many people get good results from DVDcopy2 for it to have true quality problems. I'm going to change the way I'm testing and run more movies through.
Do you judge quality by pausing on your big screen or just watch at normal speed?
I figure to test on the TV instead of trying to blow up the frames shots on a computer. Since that is where I'll be watching.
Reguardless I recommend anyone, newbie or otherwise to try this program and just watch the movie to see if it is to your liking.
I suspect I will buy it when the budget allows.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 18:30 |
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I judge by both, I have a large 36" TV(not as big as bigorange's 56" TV. When I pause I also include a PC comparison. The PC comparison is the best of my tests. I increase the screen size in increments until it becomes pixeled. I have a 22" crt screen. Except for very expensive high end TV's, my monitor is about as discriminatory as it gets.
My video card is an HIS Excalibur IceQ Radeon 9800 pro and my monitor,a Viewsonic P225f 22 set at 1600 by 1200 with 85 hz refresh rate. If there's a problem I'll see it.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
25. June 2004 @ 18:42 |
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I'm done with this debate over DVDcopy 2 and whatever, you don't like it and that's ok and I don't care, it's a fruitless and pointless pursuit. Let's move on.
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25. June 2004 @ 18:43 |
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The main criteria I have is for a good picture on the 60" screen tv. The wife can't tell the difference between the copies and the originals. I guess we just need to use it if we like it and those that don't won't. The discussion is becoming fruitless as Sophocles said.
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