I want to buy an DMR-HS2, I am going to use it for taping TV shows and watching them later in my house and in my car, with a Kenwood 911 DVD player, will this work, and if it will what DVDs do I buy to tape with?
rdm2400, I have a panasonic DMR-HS2 unit and I absolutely love it!! I can record anything on it. I have digital cable and a DVD player connected to it. The DVD player is connected through a "Video Copy Master" by Sema ( www.sema.com )to get rid of the microvision protection. You can buy the VCM at CircuitCity, Best buy, or directly from Sema.
For DVD-R media I use DVDPro or Princo from Meritline.com, check out pricewatch.com for the latest prices on media. I bought a DVDPro 100 disc spindle Saturday for $77.
The DMR-HS2 is a pretty good unit. you can put a 2 hour movie on 1 disc in SP with good video quality or you can put 4 hours of VHS quality on 1 disc. I normally use SP and the videos look good.
The unit itself is pretty easy to use although I haven't used all of its features. I use it for very basic recording. Also you can edit the video a little bit by cutting, splitting, adding titles. It has a generic menue 9 choices for menue backgrounds for your DVD recordings. Also it automatically makes chapters every 5 minutes. it has a PC Card media slot for uploading digital photos and it also has a DV port. So far my unit has worked great. I have no complaints...
a few comments. I do not think the sima takes out all copy protection with the newer tapes/Disney stuff..unless it has been upgraded recently. Please comment.
If you read, Primco is not very reliable playing on other DVD players with the HS2. Good comments about compatability of the ACCU or Beall..try http://store.yahoo.com/cdrdvdrmedia/
If you want to copy from DVD player then you need to get one to hack and it will copy just fine. see vcdhelp.com/dvdhacks.php
great HS3 info at the wholewideweb...try to go there...video breakup is a complicated problem may have to do with your media(general consensus)...some blame it on the HS2...how much you are putting on the disk...and on and on...
I am still on the same 100 spindle of ACCU dvds and have good luck with them...I had Pixalization on one DVD toward the end..which is the most common place...I retaped and never figured out what caused it..same media...same movie...
Bought Sima Video Copymaster. Want to back up extensive VHS collection to DVD. Many of my VHS tapes won't copy because of copy protection. I thought copymaster was suppose to correct this? What do I do now? THANKS!
yes, I have heard that the sima does not do what you think. It does copy macrovision but not CMGS which is what most newer tapes and Dsiney, Star wars use....run CMGS is a search engine.
there are several "black boxes" which over come it and with the Sima I hear you get more stabiulization so you have not wasted you money too badly.
I use this box "zorillo filter" and it copies whatever I want but if it is an older tape I get black lines on the DVD in a spot or two...sima might cure that problem ...whether you buy it or not read the links to get more info
also go to whole wide web and you will see other boxes that are cheaper. I cannot vouch for them but do know the above works on everything so far...
I hear the star filter works too and it is cheaper... do a search to find it's web site.
I am new to this forum and I think I may have been duped. I have the DMR E30 and I just bought a Pyle PLTVD 91 mobile player because I was told it was macro free. I am still getting the copyright message. I paid $142 for it. What can I do next? Apex 1500 with firmware? Can I do the upgrade myself or is it too complex for a non-techie? HELP!
My suggestion would be to review the messages that have been previously posted. There is a lot of good information regarding the APEX as well as support DVD-Rs. I have the APEX 1500 with the firmware and it works great. In fact, I bought 2 and am saving one as a backup. It's a pretty easy process to follow - although I am a techie. Good Luck.
I use both the Apex and a filter because i do not want to hook and unkook cords and I copy both VHS and DVD.
the firmware upgrade is so easy as long as your computer has a CDRW.follow the instructions, copy it on your CD and put the CD in the DVD player.
Anyone have a suggestion on how to get this working?? Either a miracle with the current
Hardware, or possibly a small add-on to fix it? Or any hardware item that could do this short of tivo itself??? I actually have a DMR-HS2 with dual tuners so I cannot run the DMR-HS2 in front or back of it as there is no way to tell it what tuner to use for what recording session?..