Hi all, before i go on why my Battalion_Wars_USA ISO burned onto Mini-DVD-R did not work, i would like to specify my set-up below therefore it will be easier for people to understand.
My Set-up:
Softmod (Max Drive Pro)
.dols on my Max Drive Pro
GCoS 2 Public Beta
GCoS 1.5!
GCoS 1.4
GCoM 2.3
The media i have used is Ridisc 8cm 1.4GB (Dark Blue disks)
The DVD burner i used was Sony DVD RW DR U-10A using ImgBurner as recommended by many people.
On Ridisc disks it does not say at which speed it should be burned so did some searching and so i came across a site that said that these disks were recommened at x4.
Today, i burned one an only Disk because i did not want to take the risk of all disks not working coz i know that some dvd-burners do make difference, anyway i burned the battalion wars.iso using imgBurner with Verification ON.
ImgBurner burnt the ISO fine but when it was verifying the data from the disk and when it was at 96% an error occured, i can not remember wat it was so it was unable to compete the complete verification.
I have tried GCoS 1.4, 1.5 and the new public beta as well as GcoM 2.3, here are the results running that disk on the following .dols.
GCoS 1.4b2
>>Boot Game Back-up
it gave me 8 secs to swap the disks but it did not load the back-up disk.:mad:
GCoS 1.5!
>>Boot Game back-up
once or twice it displayed battalion wars etc. on the screen but again no luck with it either i have tried may be 20 times but not a single did it boot back-up disk.:mad:
GCoS 2 Public Beta
8/10 times it stayed at the 'Mount is in progress' screen. again not boot.:mad:
GCoM 2.3
it always brought me to the screen where i have to choose the NTSC/PAL/default, again not boot.
Heres some more info i got while i ran GCoS 1.5!
[QUOTE]PAL BIOS Revision 1.0
DRIVE MODEL 04 2002/02 [B](61)[/B]...[/QUOTE]
Now i want to know whether the lens value is not allowing back-ups or was it because of the igmburner that it did not complete the verification?
BTW i have yet to play any back-ups on my GC, so it is quiet hard to understand that on my first try of playing back-ups its not working.
Ohh one more thing i have seen ridisc spinning in the gc drive on time to time, does it mean anything.
Can some1 plz help
Also if you reckogn it was because of lens then plz let me link to an tutorial as well as a place where i can purchase the multimeter(i think).