In the forum 'Forum News And Announcements', thread 'Private Messaging Misuse' I have a general understanding of what the Moderator is trying to say, and what actually went on. But it's either A) Not specific enough, or B) The rules are much too vague.
Let me explain.
When you get here (to AfterDawn), you're asked to read the rules I believe (that's fine).
Take a gander at the aforementioned thread, now let's have a look-see at rule #6:
6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.
Personally I find the blatant ignorance (noun. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed)... Excuse me, (re-iterate rule 6)blatant foolishness of such members to be offensive.
Perhaps 'Lead by example' should be a new rule?
You may wonder, if I found the said thread to be so offensive, why didn't I just report it (as suggested in Rule 14)? You may wonder that indeed... Unless you notice who closed said thread, and posted said rules.
Don't get me wrong, guys, I think this site is awesome. I've learned quite a bit here (well, kinda...). But hypocrisy isn't the most desirable of traits.
No one is above the rules, especially those who enforce them.
As far as the PM's go, maybe a 'buddy list' could be created, denying anyone the ability to PM you unless they're on your 'buddy list'. How to get on the list? By simply asking in the forums.
is this more to ye liking..
as rule 5 from the afterdawn'dvdxcopy forum/
This is a public Forum. No swearing or swear words. No foul or obscene language, discrimination, flaming or verbally attacking anyone in this forum is allowed.
Violation of this rule will lead you to being banned from this forum without notice.
I like the whole 'Be respectful of others' thing you got going on there. That in itself *should* be enough, but it's obviously not (after all, it does break down into what you can't do).
Just so I'm not giving the wrong impression: I wasn't trying to strike nerves with anyone. Just something about that whole thread caught me as wrong, as soon as I read the first post, something wasn't right about it.
But! I still think the friends list thing is a decent idea - though it may be too much trouble.