19. February 2006 @ 13:46 |
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MADE BY "BEARTAXES" with help from "jonbtrini" and his tutorial at http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/203285
WHAt you need is-
- Computer with a router or
- 2 network cards-"jabala11"
- XBox connected to your router or network card
- Original Mechassault game
1) download mIRC ( go to their website and download anyone)
2) open mirc, you DONT have to register it untill the 30 days are up so DON't.
3) Fill in all the fields there and then click THE SUN ICON next to the connnect button.
4) in the top that says IRC network scroll down to find EFNET. thats all you do there the rest is done for you just hit connect
5) If you have trouble connecting then exit out and refill the info with a differnt name and a second name that is very original!
6) ok now that your connected to EFNET you will see a menu pop up asking for a channel name, put #xbins in that space and click JOIN.
7) Now you will see other stuff pop up just put "/msg xbins !list" at the bottom of the page and hit ENTER
8) now look at the top of the page and you will see a flashing button that says "XBinS" click it.
9) now you will see a FTP address: distribution.xbins.org and your port: 21 and whatever your username was and the password: Emulation
10) now download FLASH FXP or SMART FTP ( its just a matter of preference, they both do the same thing) i like FLASH FXP.
(The next part will be written for flash FXP, but Smart FTP is usally the same thing as FLASH FXP.So GIVE IT A CHANCE!!)
11) Click the I accept button, then you should see some of your files in your DOCUMENTS on the left side and on the right is nothing and same with the bottom.
12) Click the little thunderbolt symbol uptop or go to file and click QUICK CONNECT.
13) After step 14 you will have a maximum of 60 seconds per page to view the the contents, or your time expires and you will have to do all the mIRC stuff again :( its plenty of time to get stuff done but just make sure you dont be super slow or you will have to do the mIRC crap again
14) type in the FTP address you got from mIRC and the port should be 21, your username is also the same as mIRC's and so is your password( emulation)
It should look like this
SERVER or URL: distribution.xbins.org PORT:21
Password: ********* (the stars are the word Emulation)
15) OK you should see the right side start to do stuff,
Click- xbox
then- Operating system
Then- Linux
Then- Distributions
Then- ltools
16) find the file that says ltools_MA_v1.7.5
17) highlight the file and drag the files from the right to the left side where your documents are and it should start to download it.
18) This is when your ACTION REPLAY comes in!!
19) If not already, install your ACTION REAPLAY to your computer.
20) Find the ltools_MA_v1.7.5 file in your documents and open the Action replay menu.
21) Drag the ltools_MA_v1.7.5.ZIP file to the MIDDLE COLUMN where it will download it.
22) Now, in the middle column scroll down to find the Mechassault game.
23) open the file and you should see a program that says RUN LINUX
24) take that program and drag it to the LEFT COLUMN where it will put it on the Action Replay memory card!
25) make sure its done downloading and take the memory card out of the USB cord adapter and put the memory card in the memory card part of your Xbox Controller.
26) Open up the Normal Xbox dashboard ( simply by starting xbox without a game in it) and go to memory!
27) go to the memory card NOT the xbox HARD DRIVE! and find the mechassault RUN LINUX program and select the program and say COPY.
28) Now the RUn LiNUX program is on your HD and you can take out the Action replay memory card
29) Put in mechassault( the first and original one, make sure its not the platnum hits one) and run CAMPAIGN.
WARNING: This part might make you think you've *UCKED YOU XboX but you haven't, it's all working fine TRUST ME!!!!!
30) You should see you RUn LINUX program there as a profile Select it!
31) A Matrix looking screen should come up, jsut leave it alone and then a LInUX ltools screen comes up and you shoudl see 2 mechassault files
32) PRESS B, yes B not A, but B, the RED BUTTON!! (incase you didn't know)
33) Now you will see lots of selections to choose from. first pick BACKUP. this is to backup your xbox to its normal functional way incase you *UCKED UP!!
34) It is important you dont turn your xbox of untill the Eject button is flashing green, NOT glowing orange.
35) Now that its blinking green turn your xbox off and then turn it on again so your xbox menu is running and go to settings and then system information to find the Kernal of your xbox, just let it scroll untill you see something like "k:1.00.4981.67" write this number down.
36) Run mechassault and go to campaign again, and find RUN LINUX and run it again.
37) this time you'll want to go to "UDE install", to get the new dashboard.
38) NOW THE CONFUSING CRAP(I will try and simplify): HELP FROM: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/203285 "jonbtrini"
1) Choose which UDE to install by which Kernel you have, UDE1 should be used on kernels prior to 5713 (1.0 - 1.5 Xboxes) and UDE2 should be used on kernels 5713 and higher (1.6 Xboxes). The UDE2 only works on USA/Canadadian xboxes.
2) Now pick which loader/patcher to get, PBL-Metoo is a good one
3) after this it asks which bios you want, Choose Evox M8 for version 1.6+ xboxes(newer) and X2 4981 for 1.0 - 1.5 xboxes (older)
4) Now choose which dashboard you want, EVolutionX is the best in my opinion as well for "jonbtrini"
39) ok now the screen is messed up again. just wait untill it starts flashing again.
40) now that it has started to flash turn it off and now put in any game Like HALO 2
41) let the game run untill the halo 2 menu is loaded then press the eject button and you will see your new Dashboard :)
42) Now if your xbox is connected to your router you will see your ip address in the upper left something like ""
43) OK, now open your flash FXP again and enter the IP address on your dashboard into your SERVER oR URL section, your pasword and your screen name are both going to be "xbox".
It should look something like this:
Server or URL: port:21
Username: xbox
Password: **** (xbox)
44) you will be connected to your xbox hopefully.:)
45) now hopefully you have Halo 2's new downloadable maps already,( they're free now!) If not just go to xbox live in halo and go to content download where you can download maps like relic, elongation, backwash,etc.
46) Go to E In flash FXP
Then- $c
There will be 3 files to choose from each one has different .maps in them.
47) Take the new .map files from the right side to the left side into your documents to download them, where you will eventually MODify them.
48) If you want to make your own mods then I recomend using DOTHALO,a very simple mod program
49) If you wish to have someone else already have them done then i recomend downloading PPF-O-MATIC
*****Make sure when you do this that your xbox is in the EvoX dashboard*****
1) Open your PPF-O-MATIC and click the symbol next to the ISO FILE spot and MAKE sure that at the bottom where it says FILES of TYPE you scroll down to ALL FILES and find your .MAP files
2) pick any one of your maps that you have the .ppf for already and select it to go in that spot.
3) next choos the PAtch which is the .PPF file you downloaded from some site that has the mods already on it.
4) now that both are filled select APPLY and it finishes pretty quickly.
5) now go to Flash FXP again and find the .map you just put the .ppf on and drag it from the left side to the right side where it will ask you if you want to overwrite, click OVerwrite all and wait for it to finish
6) Now turn your xbox off and then make sure it goes right to Halo 2
7) The map you just uploaded to your xbox is now MODED and you can do whatever that mod allowed you to do. HAVE FUN!!
8) CONGRADULATIONS YOU CAN NOW MOD!!! YOU may want to create your own mods eventually and so i recommend DOTHALO.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2006 @ 17:01
19. February 2006 @ 13:59 |
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This is my first tutorial.. i made it as simply as i could possibly do it. Hope everyone figures everything out easily enough. if not dont be afraid to ask.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2006 @ 17:48
Suspended permanently
19. February 2006 @ 14:36 |
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You don't need a router :)
19. February 2006 @ 14:40 |
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you dont need a router just use two network cards
22. February 2006 @ 15:36 |
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Suspended permanently
22. February 2006 @ 17:27 |
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good tut..o and one thing..u can go on live and not get banned..u just cant go in matchmade games..u WILL get banned in matchmade games/ranked games in custom games u will NOT GET BANNED..nice tut. for ur first though
WWW.SE7ENSINS.COM for your ultimate MODDING/ HACKING/ CRACKING/ BRIDGING/ STANDBYING/ PROGRAMMING/ GRAPHICS RESOURCE. ranked one of the top halo 2 modding sites in the GLOBE with thousands of willing members eager to help you. -Se7enSins.com-
23. February 2006 @ 15:10 |
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so i dont need ppf o matic if i am going to create my mods.
Suspended permanently
23. February 2006 @ 15:22 |
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dude mishifus is wrong you will get banned as soon as you sign on to live even if you play custom
24. February 2006 @ 12:41 |
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ya toocool is right you get banned almost as soon as you log on with mods. I've accedentaly done it( i had automatic sign in on)
24. February 2006 @ 12:48 |
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O and HALOTWO no you dont need ppf o matic to make your mods, you need ppf o matic if you are too lazy to make your mods. A ppf is a file already with the mods on it so anyone can use it. To make your mods i recommend you download DOTHALO, which is fairly simple halo map editing program to use once you get the hang of it. Then you'll want to download a map resigner to encrypt the map. It's probably alot to handle at once , so you should send me a message and i can tell you where to get all this stuff.