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12. April 2003 @ 10:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have noticed a trend in quite a few threads that have been bothering the hell out of me. It is a simple cure and I will deal with it right now.

If you have NOTHING nice to say OR helpfull to the person(s) asking, DO NOT REPLY. I will no longer tolerate replies like

a) Swap Magic discs are a pain in the...

b) Get rid of that stupid chip and get a real one...

c) Flip tops suck they never work...

d) Magic chips suck...

e) Get a real chip like Messiah...

Etc. Etc. Etc. This is a forum where people ASK questions and would like decent, honest and impartial answers.

I had to go into a few threads and remove such replies as above and give UNBIASED answers to people who came here looking for help.

If you have had problems with a certain chip or mod, that does not mean EVERYONE will.

Please be more insiteful when replying to a thread, remember it could be a Grandparent or Mother asking for help on a topic they know nothing of!

Just use a bit more respect and common sense to others. Not everyone can afford a $120 mod, and not everyone has the resources to solder, let alone put a $200 dollar PS2 in jeopardy.

If I see more of such replies I will give a warning (unless I have already done so, which I have to a few members) I will start banning people, because rplies like those only lead to arguements and flaming.

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12. April 2003 @ 12:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can't express opinions here?

12. April 2003 @ 15:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here, here!!!

Good point, if you have nothing to say to help, shut your hole!

Nothing constructive will come from these negative comments.

16 product reviews
13. April 2003 @ 13:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You can't express opinions here?
This is not up for debate. PERIOD. An opinion and a BIASED reply (especially if it is with a smart a$$ intent) are two very different things. I guess you have a guilty conscience.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2003 @ 13:59

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13. April 2003 @ 13:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DextrsLab i agree with you 100%
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13. April 2003 @ 15:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks DextrsLab..finally a forum where you can get UNBIASED answers and real help.

fliptop-case and sm 2.0
pioneer a05

16 product reviews
14. April 2003 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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14. April 2003 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i 100% agree with DextrsLab
thanks DextrsLab..finally you can get UNBIASED answers and real help Thanks again
14. April 2003 @ 17:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes ZRV you can express opinions here!! but there's a section called the safety valve on the main messege board page for that. If you came to find some help and asked a question about a fliptop cover, would you really give a damn if someone said "get a real mod"? People dont come here to be harassed, i'm not saying in any way that you yourself harassing people, I'm just saying because it does happen. I've seen threads where someone asked a question and it never got answered until like the 10th post!! thats stupid. If people quit coming here for help because they cant ever get a straight answer, I'd have to find something else to do!! and thats just not going to happen!! be nice, play fair, I've never heard a fliptop owner say "oh man, get a real cover, screw that stupid chip". we love everybody, blue chip, green chip, red chip, no chip, cow chip, potato chip. you all taste just fine to me.
peace peeps. - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
Senior Member
14. April 2003 @ 18:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Agree and disagree

I agree strongly with the the unbias responces rule
I think that this is very important to offer many different veiwpoints to a particular problem
however I like the fact that on this forum people can express their experience and there opinion on a chip that they have used weather it be a good one or bad and then it is up to the reader to decide based on the responces to take it how they will (everyone knows bias when they see it)

so comments like "Swap Magic discs are a pain in the..." are opinion based on experience that would be helpful for someone wanting to go in that direction. points like this are decent and honest from the point of veiw of the person wrighting it their opinion is the whole basis of forum
"If you have had problems with a certain chip or mod, that does not mean EVERYONE will. " ..True but it does not mean that we should not be informed about potential problems with some chips with a forum on ps2 issues you would think that problems with chips is a big issue
( i know for a fact that had it not been for someone describing the problems with the magic 3.0 chip and streaming games I would have put in another big order for them resulting in a loss of money for me)

*hope you dont take this the wrong way dex just expressing my opinion

14. April 2003 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i definatly agree with you, but we've all seen people get slammed for what mod they run. I think someone saying "hey "that" chip is a pain because you gotta do this or that" is fine, that helps people. But when people just say "hey your chip is junk, buy this kind". i dont think that answers anyone's question. and we've all seen the questions about "hey guys what chip should i get". to me those questions are inviting peoples opinions. I may be wrong but i dont think Dex means you (we,us) express your personal findings with a certain thing if it's going to help someone, but for people to stop posting negative stuff for the hell of it that has nothing to do with the question being asked. - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
Senior Member
14. April 2003 @ 18:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah the burning of chips based on that fact that it is not the on that you have in your system has to go (that dosent help anyone)
but with persoal experience or fact to back it up I think that criticisim of chips sould be allowed

14. April 2003 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
exactly. SEE!! can you feel the love people. but if that stuff is allowed in forums is up to upper management. so we shall see...:) - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)

16 product reviews
29. May 2003 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You are correct but here is the fine line. Saying that Swap Magic discs work as told but is a pain to use because you have to swap is fine because your not implying something that is not true. Whereas saying Swap Magic discs "SUCK" based on a personal opinion IS implying something that is not true and does not help forum members. It might seem like nitpicking but biased opinions are not informative or truthful.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. May 2003 @ 04:34

Suspended permanently
1. June 2003 @ 23:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Where has my post gone? Dextrslab you took what I said in my post and edited a previous post of yours using themes from my post and then deleted mine!!!!!! Why did you do that. I said nothing to warrant any need for the post to be deleted I merely was elaborating and responding to something c7015 said. I cannot belive how utterly stupid you are to edit your own post with aspects of mine.

If you do not agree with anything I say as you keep saying in your private messages then why use aspects of my post in yours. I'll tell you why it's because you are a hypocritical moron, who maybe has just realised how utterly stupid his remarks on this subject have been when not taking into consideration the specifics that I highlighted.

Please be aware that I have kept (as I always do in cases like this) each repsonse on this subject from all the previous threads (including the one which started this) saved in a text file (try and delete that) which I will be commenting on in afterdawns feedback form and sending to all the other moderators in each section of afterdawn and posting wherever applicable in an attempt to highlight your poor judgement and get you removed from a job you simply cannot do properly.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. June 2003 @ 23:46

Account closed as per user's own request
2. June 2003 @ 02:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Probably get a warning for this or banned for this, seeing as we can no longer EXPRESS OUR OWN VIEWS,
but here goes...

I agree with you about the smart remarks, but as long as the remarks are not malicious or
"get out of hand" (i.e. turn into a shouting match) then let it be.

This is where the agreement ends.

DextrsLab, or should I say "Big Brother!!" calm down, have a Guinness.

If people want to say that a particular modchip is rubbish, pants or totally waste of
money and advise that they should get a flip-top or vice versa then I do not see a
problem with that - do you? Or can we no longer express our opinions?

True if modchip A doesn't work, it doesn't mean that modchip B won't work either. But if you have just
forked out money for a particulat chip and it fried your PS2 then what is wrong in saying that they
are rubbish? Do you have shares in a particular modchip?

As for impartial answers, how can people give impartial answers when they are talking about their own
experiences or friends, etc? Correct me if I am wrong but we are not Judges and this is not a court
of law, or is it - DexterLab's Law?

As to laying things out for Grand parents, and the less experienced - maybe the issue here is the
questions being posted by them. As my login name suggest, I am "New 2 This", I learned by asking direct
questions and reading replies, some replies made no sense to me then (and still don't!!),
BUT I LEARNED and so can others. You, yourself have posted tutorials - maybe the less experienced
should read these first - as I have done so!!

Costs of equipment - it is not my nor anyone else?s fault that some people cannot afford more
expensive modchips, DVD burners, etc. But if you read what the majority of people are using,
then it would make sense to promote these, or do you want people to be advised to by a far
inferior pieces of equipment? Personally I would rather pay more for something that
I knew worked - wouldn't you and I believe that the vast majority of people would do so as well.
Ever heard the phrase "FALSE ECONOMY!!"

Please respond and point out my mistakes (as I am sure that you will), I would like to read your

This forum is good as it is - lets try and keep it that way.
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2. June 2003 @ 04:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New2This. I couldn't agree more. I have already stated something along the lines of what you have there several times already in several different ways and my posts have simply been deleted. It appears that when anyone presents a logical coherant argument against Dextrs point of view then he simply cannot take it and deletes the post. In effect he his doing the exact thing he is telling other people not do to which is express biased opinions. When you delete a post that opposes your particular views it's the very height of expressing a biased opinion because no one else in the position in deleting opposing views. I find this (as I have said many times already) hypocrisy of the highest order and if Dextrslab cannot come to his senses over this I would like to see him replaced as moderator.
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2. June 2003 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
EviLAnGeL, I agree with you whole heartedly. If he doesn't like what he is reading then maybe he should consider stepping aside for someone else. Personally, I am thinking that the forum has out grown him and he is trying, through totalitarian tactics, to gain control back.
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2. June 2003 @ 07:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you see Dextrslab. This isn't a one man army attacking you simply because you came down on me. Other people agree that you are taking this way too far and totally out of context. I asked you this before but you deleted the thread (probably because you didnt have an answer) but I'll ask it again....

If saying something sucks is unnacpetable, what about all the people saying something is great? The forum is littered with these types of posts and you said nothing about those. Surely if you logically follow though on your argument then saying something is great for no reason is just as bad as saying something sucks? Why did you fail to mention that? Are you going to edit your previous posts to now include saying things are great is not allowed and then delete mine like you did before to make it seem like you came up with it all by yourself and didn't leave it out?
Account closed as per user's own request
2. June 2003 @ 07:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DextrsLab, One more thing on unbiased responses - have you ever read the reviews on Amazon? Are they biased or unbiased?

A forum is where people can post their responses on various topics, biased and unbiased. The responsibility is up to the reader as to whether they take there advice or not.

Other than normal (i.e. stick to the subject, no bad language, etc) guidelines for a forum, the users of the forum should dictate where and what direction it takes - afterall it is those people that create the forum and not you.

You have previously answered questions I have put to you and I felt that you were the "main man". But now, with you decreeing laws you appear to be no more than a "child and his ball".

I now feel that with your outburst your position of Moderator is now unattainable - I would recommend that you leave your position and that other users of this forum recommend the same. I am sorry that you have made me say this, but for the future of this forum I feel that it is necessary - else please rename it to "DextrsLab Forum"
2. June 2003 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK OK OK hold your horses everybody....

...Take a deep breath......

....breath out......

That's better. This is not a sadistic one man crusade out to spoil your fun. You are all part of a community (I should point out that it is free, helpful, insightful and Dextrs does not get paid for it) that is supposed to be there for mutual help.

That is the backbone and I see no reason for unnecessary censorship, but it requires everyone to keep that spirit in mind in order for it to work. If all you do is flame on about things, then you are not helping others. I am a great believer in the old agage, if you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all.

I also believe in the following :

'Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one'

I also believe that people are prone to denigrate things they don't understand, so in my book, if you are derogatory about something, you most likely don't understand it.

There is no need to attack Dextrs like this, even if you do disagree, as he works very hard to keep the PS2 forum (the most unruly of them all, I fear) clean and tidy. Just imagine what an incoherent mess it would be if we left it entirely to the users without any form of rules ;-)


I'm back...
...can't you smell the fear?
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2. June 2003 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Loaded you said... "I also believe that people are prone to denigrate things they don't understand, so in my book, if you are derogatory about something, you most likely don't understand it"

Now this is going to get complicated. Firstly that is an opinion. Your opinion. It is not strictly true. You could argue that because someone understands something totally and utterly, inside out and back to front with complete clarity then they are more prone to understand the subjects weaknesses and be more capable of highlighting particular faults in the given subject/product etc. The whole crux of this matter is how those expressions are made. Can I pose the same question to you that I did to Dex. Why are we focusing on the negatives? Surely for instance someone saying something is bad for no other reason than because they don't own that particular product is exactly the same as saying that something is great just because they DO own that particular product. Why is that not being made clear here. Why is it all about if you say something is bad then that just isn't allowed. But I can post like crazy saying everything is great when quite clearly not everything is great. Dex seems to think that just because a product does what it was designed to do then it cannot be bad. That also is simply not true otherwise all cars would be great just because you can start them up and drive down the street. Or all perfumes are great just because they make you smell different. Obviously that cannot be right. Some people think a certain car is good for their own reasons and someone else may think it is bad for their own reasons. The point is each person is entitled to each opinion and is entitled to express it.

The point is the opinion you expressed that I quoted at the start is entitled to be viewed and you are entitled to have it even if me or anyone else doesn't agree. Dex thinks otherwise. It seems he wants to decide what other peoples opinions should be.

The greatest irony of this whole mess is that if we end up in a situation where every single individuals own personal opinions on any subject are deleted or changed by Dex then he will be guilty of doing the exact thing he is trying to stop which is expressing biased opinions. Namely every opinion is invalid if it doesn't fall in line with what he thinks is justified. Surely it doesn't take a genius to see that.
2. June 2003 @ 13:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
man this is deep!! I personally have never seen dex do anything that didn't need done. I do see the point in not wanting people to just say "that chip sucks" or whatever. i've seen where those words were passed around but then an explination followed. To me, thats fine (not that i matter). if I have a bad deal with a chip, to me it would suck. but for a n00b coming in here and asking a legit question then just getting "that chip sucks" as an answer, it's not really fair to the n00b because being a n00b, i'm sure the first question would be ok, why does it suck? to him it might be just what he wants. take the fliptop for example, i've seen people say they suck, i personally love it because it serves my purpose, no solder, no hassle. if i came in asking about a fliptop and just got a "flip tops suck" answer, that might sway me away from buying something i really want, just based on someone's opinion. I really do agree with you guys that you should be able to express opions here, but think of the person reading your reply, and try to cover any questions that may come from it, at least do it for the n00bs sake, we were all there at one time or another.

16 product reviews
2. June 2003 @ 15:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Darthnip, if only ^others^ could understand things the way you do, because that is exactly my sentiments except for the last bit where you say
I really do agree with you guys that you should be able to express opions here
That is where the misunderstanding is, I never meant or implied you can't have an opinion. **This is important** Just not a BIASED-OPINION in a reply that is not informative nor helps the situation.

But some people like to twist my words around to fit their agenda and swear they "psychologically outwit me" (to quote someone) and believe they are special and do not neeed to conform to rules, because they where wrong and go about having a tantrum, stomping their feet, crying and believing they are "owed" an appology when they are wrong.

It is a fine line, but that is why it is there for...TO TRY TO AVOID PROBLEMS LIKE THESE!! Which just proves why the implementation of this no matter who says what, I am correct. Because the moment insults where flung, it poves my point. This is why I ask to refrain from such comments like "That chip sucks, because it costs 3 dollars more" to paraphrase a comment by someone (especially after the fact they try to backpeddle to try and make what they stated substantiated).

2. June 2003 @ 16:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh i know we can express opinions here, i do it all the time, but with reasons behind my opinion. it's usually one of those "which is best" or "what should i do" threads, where you can tell the guy needs feedback from people on different things, so hell yeah i give my opinion. like, "maybe you should try this becuase it worked for me' or yeah those seem to be good because i've had good luck with them" and so on. I've been here for a while now and most of the time i'm one of the top 3 posters on the list dRD puts out and I have never once felt like my opinion wasn't welcomed, or that i pissed someone off, but then again, i give my opinions without slamming other stuff that i have no experience with. Even if i have had experience with something i didn't like (like no-solder chips) i tell whoever is asking that they smoked 2 of my PS2's and why it happened. from that a person gathers info on the no-solder chip possibly blowing fuses on the PS2 and can make their own decision from there. but I have never once just said that no-solder chips suck. I know lots of people here that love them, and thats great for them, i'm glad they haven't had any trouble. I know this thread isn't about a no-solder chip, but my point is personally i think they suck, but i can still provide info in a way that gives a person another view of something instead of just hearing someone condem it. I'm behind you on this 100% Dex, and 99% of the other Ad'ers are too.
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