if i use nero recode instead of dvd shrink to remove unwanted extras on a dvd and then use dvd rebuilder to compress the output so it will fit on a dvd-5 will recode be giving rebuilder a distorted copy the way some say shrink does or will it be an exact copy less the extras? ( i posted a similar question on the nero portion of the forum but with no response) sorry if this is considered a double post.
If yo are using shrink or Nero you don't really need rebuilder the automatically compress to fit movies on DVD-5 media. Expalin what yo are trying to do. In more detail.
I understand what you are wanting to do as rb with CCE or hc is a much better compression engine (encoders) than recode or shrink (transcoders). Personally I don't like to use a transcoding app even set at no compression as an editor or reauthoring app. I prefer to rip with DVD Decrypter or dvdfab decrypter and use dvdremake to edit my folder. Some say that a transcoder set at no compression will not alter (process) the files but I beg to differ and have seen the ill effects they can cause as a ripper/editor 1st hand.
thanks for the input i will try dvd remake. altough i was hoping the Nero app wasn't transcoding anything but i guess it makes sense that some type of process is happening. as for tdisom i used to do the decrypter shrink Nero to burn route but i was unhappy with some of my higher compressed results. so thru reading alot of the posts on this forum i now use dvd rebuilder pro but i haven't got the pre compression(removal of extras) worked out yet.
I burn only MOVIE with DVD-RB.....so my use of DVDRemake is set for only episode DVDs where there are many video files to encode to a DVD-5! With Remake I take out the unwanted stuff then use DVD-RB. It's easy, fun and the best quality there is! DVD-RB just keeps getting better and better..... I donate every 6 months, because it's worth it!