Put this message under DVD. I have been trying to get away to record football games from NFL Package games to permanent storage for several years.
My last attempt is to use a ?TIVO (DirecTV) Unit to catch the games and then put them on DVD (Panasonic DMR-ES10).
Games are often over 3 hours and when you record to LP you loose quality. Especially for stop action, slow motion and reverse modes. I have some games saved in MPG mode on my computer and some old games on VCR Tape.
I am trying to get all the games on DVD with the best quality.
Recently I purchased a Sony DVD for my computer that has RAM capability. I have tried recording a game with RAM on the DVD Recorder (best editing capability) and moving it to my PC Sony RAM. I would the like to save it to DVD on the computer
Trying to convert (VRO) file with (AVS ?demo product). Lost video quality plus the files went from 3.5 G (RAM) to over 17 G (VOB) files with a lost of video quality.
I want to try other programs. My goal is to get good quality on DVD that I can play in any DVD Player.
My issues are
1. Converting VRO (4 Gig) to DVD (4.7 Gig) good quality for slow motion for football games
2. Converting MPG (9 Gig) TO DVD (4.7 Gig) good quality for slow motion for football games
3. Converting VCR Tape to DVD (4.7 Gig). I have DL but the media is too expensive.
I tried 1 product and it deleted my MPG on my computer files.
I?ve tried editing MPG with ROXIO but it is much to slow.
Most of the problems I am running into are a result of the large files sizes and the quality of video replay I require.
Any Ideas?