Dbox In Ireland
Junior Member
26. April 2007 @ 10:13 |
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had sportster 1.08 on my box. Went back to 1.7 which seems more stable, but I miss the way you could press left or right while watching a channel and it would show the current and next program on next or previous channels (like ntl menu). Any way to get this on 1.7, or was this a new feature in 1.08?
26. April 2007 @ 12:07 |
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Hi everyone,
Ive been reading through this thread and have found it very helpful. However Im trying to get an image file and the service and bouquet files for the Dublin area.
I have a nokia box and Im on ntl.
I tried Benifa's link but it dosent seem to be working at the moment and I also tried booboomans and that dosent work either. So please if anyone can post commando or sportster image (Im not sure which is best) and the service files for the Dublin area it would be well appreciated.
26. April 2007 @ 14:18 |
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Originally posted by ibniba: Hi everyone,
Ive been reading through this thread and have found it very helpful. However Im trying to get an image file and the service and bouquet files for the Dublin area.
I have a nokia box and Im on ntl.
I tried Benifa's link but it dosent seem to be working at the moment and I also tried booboomans and that dosent work either. So please if anyone can post commando or sportster image (Im not sure which is best) and the service files for the Dublin area it would be well appreciated.
Not really familiar with this site.where do i upload files to please.....?
26. April 2007 @ 16:03 |
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Hey, i have a nokia DBOX2 sportser 1.7 on it, new to all this, i have read through the entire thread and cant get this thing going, i have copied the irish cables.xml file and the services.xml over and no joy. i have tried scanning myself using the ntl bruteforce it shows 3/3 transponders found, and then says transponder scan completed succesfully, but yet i cannot get any channels it keeps saying channel not found, i would really appreciate any help, im in dublin southside too, with basic ntl cable.
Senior Member
26. April 2007 @ 22:23 |
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Upload the irish cables.xml to /var/tuxbox/config and overwrite the old one. Delete scan.conf in the same folder. Unplug the box. Replug and select NTL cable Dublin in the provider line in the scan menue and switch off fast scan.
If you FTP to the box you are landing inside the var folder.
In some image made in UK the cables.xml goes to /share/tuxbox.
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 01:18 |
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Originally posted by garlad: but I miss the way you could press left or right while watching a channel and it would show the current and next program on next or previous channels (like ntl menu). Any way to get this on 1.7, or was this a new feature in 1.08?
no unfortunately. It is called virtual zap. Some images have it turned off, it is usually in
virtual zap
Commando has it. I want to try out the new commando this weekend for stability
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 01:25 |
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Originally posted by ibniba: Hi everyone,
Ive been reading through this thread and have found it very helpful. However Im trying to get an image file and the service and bouquet files for the Dublin area.
Quote: i have tried scanning myself using the ntl bruteforce it shows 3/3 transponders found, and then says transponder scan completed succesfully, but yet i cannot get any channels it keeps saying channel not found, i would really appreciate any help, im in dublin southside too, with basic ntl cable.
If anybody wants an image pm me your email. I have working images for sagem 1x, 2x, and nokia. All sporster 1.7, I think the 1x is pacino. Tell me which you want in the pm. They are all NTL dublin but contain a large amount of service providers, chorus, UK etc.
NTL is gone to shit at the moment, I am getting bad scans if I attempt them, no channels on the dublin cable scan. And jittery channels on others too. But my images should be OK.
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27. April 2007 @ 02:50 |
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Originally posted by mgb17: Upload the irish cables.xml to /var/tuxbox/config and overwrite the old one. Delete scan.conf in the same folder. Unplug the box. Replug and select NTL cable Dublin in the provider line in the scan menue and switch off fast scan.
If you FTP to the box you are landing inside the var folder.
In some image made in UK the cables.xml goes to /share/tuxbox.
Hey thanks for the advise, the only thing i didnt do in the above is delete the scan.conf file.. i will give it a go later when i get home.. thanks a lot.
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 03:29 |
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Quote: Hey thanks for the advise, the only thing i didnt do in the above is delete the scan.conf file.. i will give it a go later when i get home.. thanks a lot.
It still might not work. The fact you were able to select NTL BF means there might be no need to delete scan.conf
I rescanned with a working image and got the same thing, 3 transponders and no files. NTL are messing about at the moment. If you have a working service file it should be fine. If you flash on my image it should work and you will have all cables if needed again.
27. April 2007 @ 04:23 |
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cool, im new to this so, i will pm you with my email address for the image, what sort of software and setup do i need to flash the image on?
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 05:09 |
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I just emailed it to you. You can use IFA to load it, this is the easiest if you have never used FTP software.
If you use FTP you can connect to the box then put it into the tmp folder, this should be at the top of the directories.
If you turn off the box the image is deleted from the tmp folder, so do not reboot after loading via FTP
Then go to the service menu and select image update, it might be image restore, or in backup or something.
You then select "without bootloader", then you should be able to see the image you just put in, move down to select it and press ok. It will now load and reboot or turn itself off.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2007 @ 05:13
27. April 2007 @ 05:39 |
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Thats grand i will FTP it over, once i do the update image, is that permanent or do i have to that each time? cheers for the help.
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27. April 2007 @ 05:51 |
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Going crazy trying to get my pc to talk to my nokia dbox2, tried everything but same error always, tried flashing assisant, fxp , null and crossovercables and still nothing, the error is in german so no idea,anyone in the Cork area or anywhere really willing to take a look could drive to meet,or can email the screenshots of the errors,the box may need a reset, but no idea how to do that,when I hook it up to the tv it seems fine,in english with nutrino.Help
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 06:28 |
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Post the error message.
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Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 06:46 |
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Originally posted by Nicework: Thats grand i will FTP it over, once i do the update image, is that permanent or do i have to that each time? cheers for the help.
It is permanent. You can backup your image on the box at any time, it will stay in the tmp folder until rebooted.
So if you want to play about scanning you should always backup your image, then scan for new channels. If you end up loosing channels, or deleting your bouquet or something you can always just load back on your image without the need for a PC. But if rebooted you lose the old settings unless you have them on PC.
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27. April 2007 @ 08:19 |
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These are the error messages I'm getting,hope you can figure them out and that Im doing something wrong?Here are the links to view the error.
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 08:28 |
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Originally posted by Trevis: hi guys,
just a quick question. I have a Nokia dbox2 running Sportster image and a uk/ireland cables.xml. I do a scan on cableNTLIE Bruteforce. It picks up all of the channels but no picture or sound.
Do I need to get NTL digital installed on my line? My sisters Pace box works in my parents (never enabled for digital)so I presumed that the digital signal is sent by ntl on the cable. I thought the dbox could just decrypt the channels without needing digital installed by NTL.
any ideas?
thaks in advance
Is there a yellow key appearing on the channels
I bet Network 2 works
your cams and ucodes are not installed
have a look on tecno-source.co.uk for info on how to fix
Or get a fully working image from some1
you using commando, yea?
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 08:36 |
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Originally posted by herim2: These are the error messages I'm getting,hope you can figure them out and that Im doing something wrong?Here are the links to view the error.
You have to assign a fixed IP to the network card which is connected to box. for instance.
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27. April 2007 @ 08:47 |
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Yes I did that,
NokiaDbox2- ip
subnet mask -
default gateway -
PC -
subnet mask -
default gateway -
Is that what the error is saying,I'm running xp home on desktop and xp pro on laptop, both giving the same error.
27. April 2007 @ 08:51 |
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Sorry but Im getting a bit confused. Can someone point me in the right direction please. I have a Nokia Dbox and Im on NTL in Dublin. Do I just have to upload Sportster Image 1.7 onto my Dbox. Then plug in my Dbox including arial and the channels will be recived or do I also have to upload the service and bouquet files?
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 08:51 |
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Do you use a crossover cable?
Did you choose the right network card inside IFA?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2007 @ 08:53
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 08:56 |
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Originally posted by ibniba: Hi,
Sorry but Im getting a bit confused. Can someone point me in the right direction please. I have a Nokia Dbox and Im on NTL in Dublin. Do I just have to upload Sportster Image 1.7 onto my Dbox. Then plug in my Dbox including arial and the channels will be recived or do I also have to upload the service and bouquet files?
You need a UK modded image and if you are too lazy for a own scan you need matching service and bouquet files.
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 08:57 |
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Originally posted by herim2: These are the error messages I'm getting,hope you can figure them out and that Im doing something wrong?Here are the links to view the error.
The IP address in the settings is wrong
follow the guide on techno exactly step by step
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27. April 2007 @ 08:59 |
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Yes,used a crossover and a null cable,how ever I didn't restart the pc after changing the ip on the desktop,would this be the reason??Thanks for helping by the way.
Senior Member
27. April 2007 @ 09:00 |
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Which IP?
The underlying bootmanager got and that means there was no fixed IP set to the choosen network card at the pc.
IFA use x.x.x.202 for the box and the first 3 ranges are taken from the pc network card.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. April 2007 @ 09:02