HI......... Maybe you guys can help in selecting a high-performance "semi-pro" PCI board or USB stand-alone analog video capture device?
My goal is to digitize my C-band analog satellite's "First Generation" video to the highest quality NTSC possible without going to professional equipment e.g. Matrox. The fine detail inherent in this video extends to 4.2 mhz or 330 horizontal lines. My other high bw analog NTSC sources are the Laser Disk at 5.8mhz / 450 lines,
the S-VHS at 5mhz / 400 lines and the Sony DVD-Video player.
In contrast, my low bw analog camcoders are VHS at 3mhz /235 lines and 8mm at 3.3mhz / 255 lines. A capture board intended for these won't cut it for the C-band satellite and my other high bw video sources.
I have a TV test DVD that produces NTSC EAI Multibursts out to 5.75 mhz or 460 horizontal TV lines. A proper analog video capture device should encode this NTSC multiburst to at least 4 mhz with less than 2 db loss as viewed on an oscilloscope.
My questions for any candidate analog capture device builder is:
1) Do any of your boards use luminance comb filters after video A/D?
2) Are any of your boards specified for NTSC EAI multiburst responce?
3) What is the video A/D sampling rate of your analog capture boards?
So far Canopus, Hauppagegue, WSchip and Osprey have not answered
satisfactorily or not at all. I've got a Plextor PX-402U USB converter that is a disappointment. I don't want to make the same mistake again.
A comparison of Plextor and a professional Matrox ADC follows:
As expected, the Plextor rolls off much worse then the Matrox.
The first 2 bursts at .5mhz and 1.0mhz are about equal.
At 2.0mhz 160lines, the Matrox is down .4db,the Plextor is down 1.33db
At 3.0mhz 240 lines (vcr), the Matrox is down .58db, the Plextor is down 5.55db
At 4.1mhz 328 lines(c-band), the Matrox is down 1.57db, the Plextor is down 10.65db
At 5.75mhz 460lines (laser disk), the Matrox is down 5.8db, the Plextor is down 19.7db
How can I be sure the selected capture device will meet my expections?
Thanks for any meaningful responce.............TomComm