Hi all, I just modded my PS2 slim v12 with DMS4 pro and Comsoft SLim Fix V3.
Console Slim works fine. After i added on the DMS4 Pro, i flashed it with DMS4 Flash 0.6, then ToxicOS 0.41. Flashed fine too.
I could start booting games then boot into ToxicOS. However, after a while, it hangs on a reset. Black Screen. Sometimes it shows the screen, most of the time it does not. When it shows the screen, it cannot boot the games anymore.
Is it overheating of the chip? I really have no clue to what is going on.
sounds like you have pressure on the chip. make sure the mobo shield isn't touching the chip when the screws are tightened down. allot of people cut holes in the shield, i prefer not to do that myself.......
wow ur really a pro. yes in fact the shield is pressing rather hard on the chip. I cant find a suitable spot to place the dms4 pro chip without clashing with the shield's structure. I have modded 2 sets of ps2 slim before and never had this problem.
I was thinking either
1)DMS4 Pro's chip has higher profile
2)My ps2 slim has a newer design (though it is V12, I couldnt find the exact spot to solder the Console Slim Fix. They have changed).
3)The metal shield has a newer design (not too sure, but since it is so difficult to tighten it Im assuming this too).
EDIT: sorry i misread that...........the points your showing defiantly do not need contact with the shield. if you can dent the shield to allow freedom from touching do that, i don't like the hole cutting but if all else fails you may have to, I've yet to ever cut a customers shield and hope i never do.
i've copied the model diagram (though not as professional), but I still encounter the same problem, though less often. There is no more pressure on the chip.
I have taped the top of the chip to prevent contact with the shield, especially the 2 big chips on the DMS4 Pro. Will it cause overheating or something?
I read some forums that the DMS4 chips have this problem "many resets to boot", "BSOD need 3 resets to boot", which are quite similar to my problem here, the BSOD.
Update: I have flashed the chip again to ToxicBios 1.4. Hope this helps!
believe me it's not the chip, i don't know where you read that the DMS takes multiple tries to boot but they were wrong, it's the ONLY chip that has a 99.999% boot success rate every time.
check your BIOS wires D and E, these wires are very sensitive and can cause BSOD if they are to long. make sure NONE of the BIOS wires are crossing one another.
also, use the EDIT button rather then making multiple posts, it's against the rules and moderators don't like it and it also makes it easier to follow the thread, only make a new post if your other post is NOT the last one on the page.
and lastly, you posted this is a Pro chip, the Pro uses Toxic OS, not Toxic BIOS. you can use the BIOS only but your limiting the chips ability that you paid to have. flash it to 0.41
I read it from the DMS forums and the ps2-scene forums. I dont know whats the problem now, since I did a remod and if there's any problem, it would not boot anything in the first place. Yet mine does, although stops working after a few resets and needs time to 'cooldown'.
I have had no problems with other chips like Modbo v2.1 and the Muppet Chip, guess if I still cant fix this then I'll get a Mars Action or Mars Pro instead =|