Open Alcohol. In General--->Virtual Device, make sure you have at least 1 virtual device installed (you can install many of them, if you wish). Click OK.
You should see listed, in the bottom of the main Alcohol window, both the physical devices (CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD units and so on) AND the virtual device(s), decribed as 'AXV CD/DVD ROM'. Right-click on the virtual device and choose 'Mount image'. Then select the CUE file of the image you want to mount.
Ok thanks I got all that.But How do I extract?In nero rom I burnt a image when put in the cd-rom nothing shows up,but the cd is full.In alcohol I burnt so many cd's already,it gives me the same problem.
Maybe I'm not putting the right data type, I leave it in customize...and dao/sao for write method.
Could someone please help me?
This is what I got..\/
I have a Pioneer dvd-rom dvd-77r.And a axv cd/dvd-rom which is the Virtual drive.
Then I got a Sony cd-rw CRX140E.
My operating system is windows millennium.
I checked the cd with ClonyXXL and their was no protection,There is 316560 sectors with no bad ones
I don't know the problem. Extract files is very simple. It fou 'mount' the image on the AXV virtual drive located, say, on G:, you just open explorer, go on G: and copy your files on C: as you would do on a CD Unit or on a Network unit. Nohting is simpler.