I have tried to burn jpg photo' files onto CD using Nero7. I burned the files as VCD. I can play the resulting CD, but the picture is rubbish. I am probably doing something wrong, but, I "no not what". I would be most grateful for any help that forum members could give me.
You didn't say what brand/model of standalone player you use, but here's how I got this to work; the resulting discs worked in the following players; Mintek DVD-1600 and DVD-2110, a Memorex player, and a couple of Apex players, too...
If your player says it is capable of displaying JPEG images, try just burning the disc as a data disc - nothing special here, and finalize it, too. Lots of players have trouble with multisession discs, at least in my experiences.
Saltydog, I have a Toshiba DVD player. I have read the manual, it has no mention of being able to play JPEG files, but can play VCD discs. I have tried using Nero7 to create a VCD disc and as I have said, the result was very poor.
Hello! Let me know the model number - I can check if my method is compatible with it. In fact, you can check the list yourself; it's here...
http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers Just enter your model number, and search. I did a search of all Toshiba models, with jpg capability, and came up with 88 models. If yours is one of them, try my suggestion, and see what happens. Good luck!
Saltydog, thanks for your reply. I have checked the web page that you suggested. It looks as though my model of DVD player does not support JPEG. As it happens, I have on order at the moment a Sony RDR-HXD710, it does support JPEG files, (so that web page says),so I will probably not bother any more with the Toshiba. Thanks again.