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16. March 2006 @ 01:06 |
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ok the ps3 its comming november so what u gonna do til then?i know what im gonna do imma enjoy my psp and my computer thats the thing right there...heheeh
Senior Member
16. March 2006 @ 01:56 |
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I am going to enjoy the xbox 360
16. March 2006 @ 04:55 |
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I'm going to find a job.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. March 2006 @ 04:56
Senior Member
16. March 2006 @ 05:03 |
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im going to spend my time savin up and continue playin the still great ps2
16. March 2006 @ 05:22 |
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playin my 360 on my HDTV.
Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......
Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
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16. March 2006 @ 06:19 |
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hey SUB07 so u gonna find a after november what u gonna do?quite that job!lol
16. March 2006 @ 14:43 |
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play on my 360 yay
Senior Member
16. March 2006 @ 18:05 |
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Quote: im going to spend my time savin up and continue playin the still great ps2
Couldn't have said it better myself!
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AfterDawn Addict
16. March 2006 @ 18:57 |
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im going to enjoy my psp and ps2 as well
omg devil may cry 3 se is so good, i don't think ima put that game down anytime soon
21. March 2006 @ 09:42 |
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Finish my bachelor's degree, find a new job, find myself a nice widescreen HDTV and, whenever i get a chance, play on my PS2.

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21. March 2006 @ 18:42 |
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im going to enjoy life and not sitting around in my room all day and all night, cause i can do that when ps3 comes out, ps im not a ps3 fan im a xbox360 guys, but im going to get mi one when ps3 and halo 3 come out, even better microsoft would fix some mistakes on the 360, so it would twise as better, and more people would be on xboxlive. ;)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2006 @ 19:19
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21. March 2006 @ 19:45 |
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i'm gonna sit back and relax and wait till there's a mod for the ps3. :)
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22. March 2006 @ 03:31 |
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''im going to spend my time savin up and continue playin the still great ps2''
i 2nd that.
the allmighty mudearies...
79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
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22. March 2006 @ 16:13 |
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i am gunna get a job, buy a HDTV, ace my exams and play on my xbox 360.
p.s. i will probably buy two ps3 so that i can sell one on ebay for more, and if it makes a lot of money then i will sell the other and just sit back on my money and play halo 3 online.
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30. March 2006 @ 17:41 |
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im gonna play my x360 on my HDTV, and save up some more money. possibly sell my x360 for a ps3
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31. March 2006 @ 04:02 |
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wow really you are willing to go through with that whole carpy new system thing again, oh ok i get it you just thought that sony will not make rushed consoles and the games will look superb from the start and there will be over two million people to play with on day one with the online service, oh ok in that case go with it man.
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 12:48 |
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what to do ? .... play PS2 .. silly :)
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4. April 2006 @ 15:38 |
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lmao, couldn't agree more rabitty, i'm sticking with 360 till november, n maybe get ps3 4 months later it comes out only if it totally kicks ass
XBOX 360 ROX!!!

4. April 2006 @ 19:49 |
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Im going to saave up and buy a PS3, and then im going to sell it once i get it...
5. April 2006 @ 07:12 |
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Ill wait, keep on checking up on news of it and get more hyped over it. Drool over video releases, good news, release dates.
I have a HDTV but I'm not happy with it. Its 140cm widescreem and hasnt got enough pixles. I have seen 120 cm tvs that have more pixles.
Its only bothers me with DVD's (can see pixles and dots) my last hope is Blu Ray or this tv is going in the heap
This is it here, what do you think, good enough?:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. April 2006 @ 07:13
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5. April 2006 @ 07:36 |
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well maybe b/c its a 50 inch thats why its not as good as say a 30 inch HDTV. but saying that my fiend has a 50 inch HDTV and it looks amazing.
Senior Member
5. April 2006 @ 13:04 |
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The official price range of the PS3 has been given. It will be between 499-599 euro's, which in American dollars is $605-$726, but Europe is always that little more expensive so they predict it will be the same in dollars as euro's, so $499-599.
Thats atleast $100 more than 360 presuming that Microsoft dont drop the price of the 360 when PS3 is released.
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6. April 2006 @ 17:00 |
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i saw that price range of course that has been what everyones been guessing anyway. im still hoping it will be $200 hey its gotta chance please phill make it work!
13. April 2006 @ 17:24 |
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I cant tell u what im gona do in the meantime.....its against fourm rules.............puff puff cough cough
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13. April 2006 @ 17:40 |
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Spyder22, i agree with your sig in some situations but not all, like a pc 20 years ago probably would have cost like 3000 but now you can get one for the same price if not less and its 50 times better.