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Philips Gogear HDD1630 6gb - Device Manager problems
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18. March 2006 @ 01:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello and I come in peace. You know, I love having this player since I listen to lots and lots of music 24/7. But recently I ran into this problem where my player had an error and said to 'connect to PC, use PHILIPS DEVICE MANAGER to repair'. Simple enough...
But for some reason whenever I turn the device manager on and click REPAIR and then YES, I receive this message:
"Failed to repair the device. Please reconnect the device to the computer. Please close all applications accessing the device and retry."
I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting and don't see what can be trying to access this device. I make sure that the Windows Media Player is closed. I don't know what else it can be refering to. Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice, other than 'get a different player'?
Thanks in advance.
7. May 2006 @ 11:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am having the same problem with my Go Gear 6gb. I have reinstalled the software and downloaded a new device manager. When I go into the repair section it says I am not connected. In Windows Media it says the samething. Have you had any luck correcting this problem. Support was of not help at all. Thanks
19. September 2006 @ 23:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a gogear hdd6330/17 and have had the same problem with device
manger. I have been trying to update firmware but device manger keeps
saying player not connected i can sink with media player though.
7. January 2007 @ 17:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I recieve a Philips Gogear 512 MB for christmas. I haven't even been able to use it yet. I've got the same problem. BUT.. I don't have a device manager. Forget even knowing what it is. I've herd alot of problems with these MP3 players. So. I'm just returning it. And getting a new one. I would advise it to everyone else. Because there is no way of fixing it. From what I was told. My fiance had one. And it crapped out on him to. > forums > mobile devices > portable audio players > philips gogear hdd1630 6gb - device manager problems

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