I got two small pieces included with my flip top (The ones for v4-8) but have no idea where to place them.It said I should know here to put them by looking at my old top but that didn't help at all.
Two platic pieces.My ps2 wont switch on so I thought I may need to put them on,unless I have my ribbon hooked up wrong but I fiddled around with it several times and no luck.
Its very hard to describe.They just came in a little bag with v4-v8 on it and of course I disconnected the ribbon.It would have been very awkward for changing the tops otherwise.Now my ps2 won't power on since I cannot seem to get the ribbon to stay in place (Well I can just about attach it but it is still very loose)
Well, i have no idea what pieces your talking about. Ive gotten 5 v4-v8 fliptops and none had extra pieces. Also, did you actually disconnect the ribbon (which you shouldn't have) or just pulled the ribbon and the reset/eject buttons out of the original top together (which is what your supposed to do)?
It came out of the ps2.I wasn't sure what the hell it was.I got the worst instructions with my flip top.So can I reconnect it and get my ps2 working again and if I can just two questions.Whats the easiest way to do it and how secure does the ribbon need to be on the console end?