DVDInfoPro or Nero speed test?
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18. March 2006 @ 09:43 |
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When i just ran a test with Nero speed test with Taiyo Yudens DVD+R I got a test score of 93, at 4x speed. Now When I ran a DVDInfoPro test at the same speed, 4x i got a score of 98.90% Which one is correct? which one should I trust?
[img]http://www.userbars.co.uk/ubs/clonedvd2 user91.gif[/img]

18. March 2006 @ 18:25 |
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Ive tried the both but my favourite is nero.I would stick for it and to me happened the oposite of you.I got a lower score with dvdinfopro.Its just up to you wich one to use.
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21. March 2006 @ 14:20 |
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I think alot of people use nero speed test. I like them both but dvdinfopro gives 99 and 98% which makes me happy.. :)
I have been trying to get the DVDInfoPro picture up of the MCC04 test, but no luck sorry..but it did say 99.28%
[img]http://www.userbars.co.uk/ubs/clonedvd2 user91.gif[/img]

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Junior Member
21. March 2006 @ 18:05 |
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Maybe you should try the current version of Nero CD-DVD Speed.
Sony DRX-810UL cross flashed to a BenQ 164B (BEGB firmware)
Junior Member
21. March 2006 @ 20:28 |
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I often see the bar graphs in Nero peak in the beginning or end of the scan. What's the significance of this? Does it mean the outer or inner edges of the discs have more errors?
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7 product reviews
10. February 2008 @ 01:33 |
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Hre's my scan of a Memorex DVD+R 16X.

Senior Member
10. February 2008 @ 10:39 |
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The problem with Nero CD-DVD Speed (even the ones that comes with Nero 8) is that it won't scan Plextor drives or my brand new Samsung drice. The start button is greyed out....
Senior Member
26. June 2008 @ 23:36 |
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Originally posted by bratcher: The problem with Nero CD-DVD Speed (even the ones that comes with Nero 8) is that it won't scan Plextor drives or my brand new Samsung drice. The start button is greyed out....
Will DVDInfo Pro work with Plextor drives? I have a Px 800a and as said CD-DVD Speed wont work with it and since it is not a true Plextor neither will PlexTools, so I am in search of a method for doing quality scans.
Senior Member
27. June 2008 @ 00:27 |
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Originally posted by ferguj1: Originally posted by bratcher: The problem with Nero CD-DVD Speed (even the ones that comes with Nero 8) is that it won't scan Plextor drives or my brand new Samsung drice. The start button is greyed out....
Will DVDInfo Pro work with Plextor drives? I have a Px 800a and as said CD-DVD Speed wont work with it and since it is not a true Plextor neither will PlexTools, so I am in search of a method for doing quality scans.
Yes, DVDInfopro will scan with your Plextor drive & also works with my Samsung.
Senior Member
27. June 2008 @ 01:18 |
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@ bratcher
Thanks for the info, I will have to try it out.
1 product review
30. June 2008 @ 09:23 |
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Senior Member
1. July 2008 @ 08:13 |
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Thanks for the info but I have a couple questions regarding the changes you suggested. The post you linked to is for a Samsung drive so obviously I deleted Plextor instead of Samsung but it also said to delete TSST, what is that and do I need to delete that as well. Second, after I deleted Plextor I was able to run the scan. I ran it on a disk that I had just finished watching with no errors during playback that I noticed at all, watched on the laptop. The scan results were terrible with a quality of 0. I know that my disks aren't that great but is something still not right with my drive to be able to scan? PI errors: Avg=18.64 Max=1034. PI Failures: Avg:0.02 Max:253. I am new to quality scans so I really don't know what any of this means, any help would be appreciated.
1 product review
1. July 2008 @ 08:34 |
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TSST is Toshiba/Samsung Storage so you need to remove that entry from your registry also. To get a better look at what you have you can post a screenshot of the scan in CDSpeed and post it here in this thread.
As for scanning with the Plextor, I was assuming you could remove the block in the registry just the same as the Samsung but I may be wrong. Getting a poor scan really doesn't mean a whole lot to me as my ultimate test is always playability. I do a little scanning, but don't rely on it as a benchmark.
EDIT: After a bit of searching I think my logic was wrong. I was actually thinking that you might be able to crossflash the Plexy to NEC, but it doesn't look like you can. That being said there might be just enough Plextor injected into this 800A to not be a reliable scanner with CD Speed. You might give Plextools a try.
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Senior Member
1. July 2008 @ 15:33 |
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It looks as though I may be screwed when it comes to scanning with my current drive, because I have already downloaded PlexTools and the options for quality scanning are not available as far as I can tell. I guess I am back to square one when it comes to scanning, and yes I agree the ultimate test is how it views, but I was curious when it came to scanning and the results that I would get. Thanks for the help.
I tried to copy my screen shot here as you requested but I am not having any luck doing so, technically challenged today (or maybe everyday) I guess.
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1 product review
1. July 2008 @ 22:35 |
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CDSpeed-> File-> Capture to File....upload the image to photobucket and post here :)
Senior Member
1. July 2008 @ 23:29 |
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I can't get as far as saving the file,I get an error message that I will have to research, maybe need a clean install of speed, unsure. Anyway I am at work now so it will at least be tommorrow. May have to check back with you about the photobucket part, never used before. Thanks for the help.
1 product review
2. July 2008 @ 08:30 |
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2. July 2008 @ 20:19 |
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2. July 2008 @ 22:56 |
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I picked up a 50 pack of HP white inkjet hub printable that coded out as CMC MAG M01 or something similer. Burned a movie at 16x & it played back just fine on mny standalong Magnavox DVD recorder thats hooked up to the cable DVR. Scanned it with DVDInfopro. Results were not as good as Verbatim or TY however they were decent. I'm not saying CMAG is good stuff but perhaps they have improved it a bit. Either that or a got a good batch for $13.99 plus tax.....
1 product review
3. July 2008 @ 08:15 |
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ferguj1, I changed your pic to a link as it was throwing the format of the page off. You can run that test not maximized and capture it so it won't be so big.
Senior Member
3. July 2008 @ 13:23 |
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I am sorry about that, the ability to capture to file still does not function, so I just took a screenshot. I didn't know it would mess things up, once again sorry. Was there anything that stood out in the test that would give you any indications as to whether it is just my drive's inability to scan or if I have some other problem? Thanks for your help.
1 product review
3. July 2008 @ 22:41 |
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Alt+prtscr will also capture the active (top) window, then you can import it into MS Paint by Ctrl+V to paste the image. :)
The scan looks good other than the 200 PIF spike at the 2 gig mark. You average was still only 0.02 PIF's...I'd chalk it up to a bad disc.
Senior Member
3. July 2008 @ 23:27 |
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Thats what I thought initially as well. But it does almost the exact same thing on different disks near the same point. I may just have to wait until I can get another drive to check it out. I am going to check the link you posted and look for something similar in IDE. (My computers getting a little dated.)
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