Using Action Replay Codes on your R4/M3 Simply
17. February 2011 @ 15:39 |
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Hey. I know this is old but its still helped me out alot!! thanks for this. Had problems at the start with the firmware sujested not working so i fished around and got some for my m3dss.
Then started having problems with cheats not working. Took me a while to realise i was playign a us verison of the game and trying to upload EU cheats!!! duh...
Thanks again!! :)
7. March 2011 @ 14:02 |
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I copied the "usrcheat.dat" file from my brother's r4i, and i could cheat at some other games. But i couldn't cheat at pokemon heartgold on my r4. but i COULD cheat at it on my brother's r4i, the same thing with platinum. is there some other file i have to import? please respond
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. March 2011 @ 11:22
7. March 2011 @ 14:13 |
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How do i put the action replay number codes on the R4? You know,the really long ones, like 00010100101010101010100101hgkjhgjkhdbk, you know, stuff like that
14. March 2011 @ 15:36 |
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Does anyone know how to put in the codes like in an action replay? where you have to put in the codes number by number? anyone? please respond!
14. March 2011 @ 15:42 |
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ok um, i had to download the cheat code editor from another site. what's all this about xml files and stuff? all i do is go to 'code'> 'add new code' then i type in the name of the code, put in the code itself save it, then copy the usrcheat.dat into my 'system' folder don't know about importing xml files and stuff
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2011 @ 13:19
18. March 2011 @ 08:20 |
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Ok, so i just download the code manager but it doesnt seem to let me save the xml file after i import it, and it loads fine into the manager but then i choose the save cheat database option and it only lets me open file not save, im lost....
19. March 2011 @ 22:23 |
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Ok first of all, in the folder 'C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelist' there are two XML files, one is the Codejunkies Us thing, the other is called 'default_codelist' and, what do you mean by 'Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.' Because I'm not seeing a 'file button anywhere and certainly no 'Import XML' one either.
19. March 2011 @ 22:30 |
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Ok, first of all in the folder 'C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists' There are two XML files, 'Codjunkies US Games' and 'Default_codelsist' Yet no 'customcodelist' and what do you mean by 'Open the Code Editor and go to file and press Import XML file.' because I dont see a 'file' anywhere and certainly no 'Import XML'
22. March 2011 @ 14:06 |
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mine doesn't have any xml files. what's going on? are the xml files in the "usrcheat" folder?
23. March 2011 @ 11:14 |
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Originally posted by H4xx0r89: Quote:
Originally posted by H4xx0r89: I have a m3 ds simply and cannot get this to work. Its 1.04fw and I put the cheats as cheat.dat in my "_system_" folder. Still nothing happens when I press Y on any game. Can someone help me out?
did you rename it usrcheat.dat like the guide said? ;)
Yeah I tried that too. Still nothing.
did you put it in a folder or is the file itself there? also, do you have a file called CHEAT.DAT?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. March 2011 @ 11:23
23. March 2011 @ 12:20 |
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Originally posted by bethbky: When i copy and paste it opens them alphabetically but stops on the letter N. Also, do i put the memory card thing in before or after i do all this. i also can't find this file: C:\Program Files\Datel\Action Replay Code Manager\local_codelists
25. March 2011 @ 15:00 |
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You probably need to format your r4 card
look it up on tech help on your computer
25. March 2011 @ 15:04 |
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Originally posted by ArchLaugh: I have an R4 and I followed the instructions, and when I turn on cheats for Animal crossing: Wild world and try to play the game, both screens turn white and nothing happens! What should I do?
You probably need to format your r4 card
look up how to do it in tech help on your computer if you dont know how to do it
5. April 2011 @ 18:59 |
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Im Trying to put action replay on my R4 so i can use cheats on pokemon platinum.I put all the files needed on my r4, but it still wont work. what should i do?
Could i send you my save file for the game then you use cheats on it while i try to get it working?
9. April 2011 @ 01:07 |
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Okay so I have everything set from previous owner. Now my game went retarded and deleted my file for pokemon which I had a code for a complete dex yet it freezes all the time. Only once did it work but it was the file that was deleted -.-
Know anyway to fix it? Btw the code is L+R+select
10. April 2011 @ 18:49 |
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Okay so I have everything set from previous owner. Now my game went retarded and deleted my file for pokemon which I had a code for a complete dex yet it freezes all the time. Only once did it work but it was the file that was deleted -.-
Know anyway to fix it? Btw the code is L+R+select
12. April 2011 @ 13:21 |
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Originally posted by Katuhrina: Okay so I have everything set from previous owner. Now my game went retarded and deleted my file for pokemon which I had a code for a complete dex yet it freezes all the time. Only once did it work but it was the file that was deleted -.-
Know anyway to fix it? Btw the code is L+R+select
what it is, is that your DS is old. if you copied it onto an R4i and did the code there, then save, then copy it back to the original, it will probably work. it did for me
12. April 2011 @ 13:48 |
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OKOriginally posted by Raiden899: When I open the Action Replay Code Manager it says 'Load failed.'
Does anyone have an up to date usrcheat.dat file or know how I can get it to work?
in google type in " put cheats on your r4" you will probably see as your primary link. scroll down until you see "r4ds.wikia" or something similar you'll see that he has a lot of links to download it. click on the second one, then once the link opens up scroll down until you find your r4. click it, and click on the cheat code editor. if the editor doesnt work, google it so you can download it from another site
12. April 2011 @ 20:15 |
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ok, first off, great guide it worked like a charm. I have only had one problem thus far. I put in my own cheats that i find on the web and they usually work perfectly, except this time. Every time I input the cheats either from the code manager or the editor, they will not show up under the cheat selction. I would assume these particular codes didnt work, however, my buddy typed in the same cheats and they work perfect. I have done everything i can think of. Rename usrcheat to cheat, obtaining the correct game id, putting the cheat in both cheat manager and editor, and nothing works. The cheats are for pokemon pearl and the cheat option is there and the cheats even show up when i reload the xml or the dat file, just not on the r4. Anyone have any idea?
23. April 2011 @ 09:04 |
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Originally posted by dust24: thanks for the guide
i tried to follow all your steps, but in the end, when i opened my r4 it displayed a message (my r4 is in chinese, don't ask why :P) not sure what the message said, but it ended with three !!! if that helps. Anyways i think it has something to do with how i updated my r4 firmware. it's the first time for me updating the r4. i believe i made a mistake somewhere. what i did was i extracted the files in the .rar replacing all the existed _SYSTEM_, _DS_MENU_, _DS_MSHL_ etc. then, i assumed that the SHELL folder was now being called moonshl, so i deleted my shell folder. then, inside the _system_ folder, when i was pasting my usrcheat.dat, there was another .dat file called CHEAT. i deleted it assuming it was an already given cheat file.
did you download english firmware? i have a chinese r4 too, and luckily i do read chinese. in order to get it to work, you need to chinese firmware.
30. April 2011 @ 14:07 |
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I'm trying to add cheat to my dragon ques 9 but I don't know how to get the game ID
I'm a beginer but please help me
30. April 2011 @ 14:29 |
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I'm trying to add chat to my Dragon Quest 9 and I don't know how to get the game ID
I'm a begginer and this is my first time. Please help me.
Junior Member
4. May 2011 @ 03:13 |
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Hi! This is the first time that i post message here, because i am totally nothing know about the software and hardware. I know this forum is a high-level forum, would like to leran something with everybody.^*^
buy R4 two years ago, can be upgrade and how to do? M3and TT, which better?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. May 2011 @ 03:35
6. May 2011 @ 13:40 |
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Originally posted by Puig: Hi
I'm trying to add chat to my Dragon Quest 9 and I don't know how to get the game ID
I'm a begginer and this is my first time. Please help me.
If you have v1.01, just go to "tools"> "get gameID from rom"> then choose the game. then copy and paste to the rom ID section. or look it up online.
6. May 2011 @ 13:43 |
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Originally posted by Laura999: Hi! This is the first time that i post message here, because i am totally nothing know about the software and hardware. I know this forum is a high-level forum, would like to leran something with everybody.^*^
buy R4 two years ago, can be upgrade and how to do? M3and TT, which better?
what the f***? i didnt understand s***.