DVD-Pro brand Consensus
23. April 2003 @ 19:25 |
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Can anyone tell me if the dvd-pro brand results in coasters for movie backups? do they freeze or not?
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26. April 2003 @ 20:02 |
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They are very good, I made more than 200 movies backup with them using A-05. I didn't yet find a dvd player that can't play them, they offer very good compatibility. They also work great for ps2 games.
27. April 2003 @ 12:11 |
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ok where did u buy them, and are they dvd-pro 1x-4x ones, or are they the dvd-pro 1x only? thanks
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27. April 2003 @ 13:17 |
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At Meritline.com, they were 1x but I think 4x should be as good(they are certified), the only problems is that 4x media are still pretty expensive. The DVD pro 4x media is more than 1.50 each that it's pretty expensive if you buy in bulk.
Junior Member
28. April 2003 @ 15:26 |
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DVD pro disks suck! I have a A05 and I generated 50 coasters and 10 good movies.
Silver was the best.
28. April 2003 @ 20:11 |
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What silver?
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28. April 2003 @ 20:13 |
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Coasters are not generated only because of bad media. It's also how do you back up your DVD and wich softwares are you using. I also made some coasters at the beginning with the DVD pro media, I tought first that the media sucks just like you, but then I found that my problem was NERO, then I switched to RECORDNOWMAX and EREKA! no more coasters.
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29. April 2003 @ 16:52 |
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I have Pioneer A05.
I use Dvd Decrypter, RecordNowMax.
Basically, I ordered a 50 pack from meritline.com to test. They burn perfectly, 50 out of 50. Being impressed I order 200 pack. Crap!!! 4 flaws out of 20 burns!!! Unreliable. I noticed the 50 pack came in 2 25 pack spindles. The edges were flawless, and silver foil around the center on the purple side. The 200 pack was shoddy around the edges, I mean terrible!!! and no foil around the center on the purple side. I would use DVDPro if they can guarantee me the 25 packs even if I order 200 or 1000. Thanks
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29. April 2003 @ 16:57 |
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Want to mention that I have done over 350 successful burns. Princo 2x were totally unreliable. Glad they discontinued. The DVDPro media from meritline.com was 1-4X. But somehow only able to burn them at 2x. The 25 packs superior. The 200 pack looked, and was unreliable just like the Princo 2x crap.
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29. April 2003 @ 21:22 |
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Boriqua, maybe it was just bad luck. My first 200 batch came in 4*50 spindle, works great and my second 200 batch came in 2*100 spindle works also great. I didn't notice any difference from the 2 batchs they were the same. But then maybe because they were not 1-4x like yours but only 1x.
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30. April 2003 @ 03:02 |
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Hey Joe, (I am too much of a man to say your full name LOL). Well were did you buy yours at? Customer Service @ Meritline.com is like Motor Vehicles. I know the 25pack had the DVDPro Label around the spindle, so they looked well made. The 200pack came in 2 100 pack in plastic wrap.
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30. April 2003 @ 03:53 |
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Boriqua, at Meritline, all my spindle(50 and 100) came in plastic wrap with no "DVDpro" label around the spindle they all work great.
Junior Member
30. April 2003 @ 13:43 |
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I bought 75 -DVD_PRO general disks at cdvdr and I have nothing but trouble. I recorded with DVDxCOPY 1.5 and only the -RW recorded properly with 2 minor problems.
I believe that the silver on the disks for /RW reconfigures better. That might mean that they may last longer and at only $0.88 a disk.
I have 700 megs ram but the program only deals with 128 megs. Burning with A05.
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30. April 2003 @ 13:59 |
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Pioneer A05
DVDPro 1-4X
This is truly weird!!! Everytime I get a bad burn, its with DVD Decryptor. I take that bad burn and make a copy of it thru RECORDNOW MAX. I checked it and I have a perfect movie. Truely weird!!!
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30. April 2003 @ 15:17 |
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There's nothing strange Deago because DVDXCOPY is very tricky and seems only to like expensive media. The burning software that you use has a real impact on the quality of the burn. RecordNowMax seems to best burning software for all media and burners. I have also the A-05.
Junior Member
30. April 2003 @ 16:20 |
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tHANKS FOR YOUR INFO. hOW MUCH DOES record now cost? Also how do you negate the burn software in dvdxcopy to use record now ?
30. April 2003 @ 21:18 |
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deago, how many succesfull DVDPro dvd-rw's have u burned? I noticed something even weirder....the DVDPro Dvd-r's are cheaper than the DVDPro Dvd-rW's.
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1. May 2003 @ 00:08 |
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Deago, try to search on differents sites for different prices. Beleive it or not I had never been able to make a succesful burn with DVDXCOPY with their trial version that's why I had never buy it. Don't forget that RecordNowMax it's not a DVD copying software like DVDXcopy it's a burning software keep that in mind before you purchase it.
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2. May 2003 @ 06:35 |
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A05, WinXP, Decrypter, RecordnowMax.
Hey guys, not knocking DVDPro cause I use it. Depending on the batch you get, there reliable. I ordered a 25pack of Maxell 2x & Meritline 2X from www.meritline.com for testing purposes.
-Meritline 2X where good just would lock up at the last minute or two at the end.
-Maxell 2X was a great surprise. No flaws, and work perfectly every single one. Burn thru Decrypter no prob, copy in RecordNow no prob. Just letting you all know.
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2. May 2003 @ 06:36 |
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Reason I tried Maxell.
-30% off at Meritline.com
-free ground shipping
2. May 2003 @ 19:49 |
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there is no free shipping on the meritline maxells. Unless u bought them awhile ago.