`im pretty new to this so could somone please tell me in plain and simple english how to copy and play my ps2 games. please do not us abreviations, please do not send me to web sites that do`nt contain the relivant programs. some of the programs i have downloaded you need to work for nassa to understand. please please please could somone make it understandable to the computer illiterate like me
first, your playstation must be a/ chipped or b/ you use swapmagic discs.....best to get a flip top lid (easier to use) Now in order to make a backup of your disc you should use DVD Decrypter or Alcohol 120% or game jack or blah.. blah.. lets talk about DVD Decrypter.... first make and name a file and put it on your desktop...call it game copy or something like that,put the game into the drive, wait a few seconds and open DVD Decrypter. 1/click on MODE. 2/ go to ISO and make sure the tick is on READ 3/ in the SOURCE box you want to see your burner (i.e. IDE dvd rom 16x(E)) 4/ Then look at Destination....this is where your file will be sent, so you want to search for the file you made and left on your desktop.5/ Click on the picture of DVD - decrypt. Simple. Now in order to burn your disc after the last process finishes... 1/ click on MODE 2/ go to ISO and make sure you click in the WRITE tick.3/ SOURCE and find your named file ...... you want to burn the MDS file or it may read as a 5kb file ... in the destination box it needs to show your burner and before you click on DECRYPT make sure you set the speed low...1x or 2x ...Click on Decrypt and that is it. POINTS TO REMEMBER. Use good quality discs to copy to.....you will be able to copy using normal dvd discs but you may not be able to copy all games, such as the newer games so use good discs ....go to your local comp' repair shop 50 discs are around £12- £15. Skipping ( in game jumping, sticking ) happens because of poor disc use, AND can happen for other reasons....mine stuck for weeks ....then I turned off my firewall when burning and no probs from then on.....so have patience. Thats how you copy games, you will be able to get DVD decrypte and others from your mates or shareware, see what you can get and give it a try .....Ill check your post in a few days so leave me a message if you have probs....BUT please try to remember I helped you because i had the same probs as you....we all do, you must have patience and try to learn as much from the help that is on sites such as this, people who solved your problems wrote them , read the faq's, all the help is there. GOOD LUCK...
Nice answer, you might want to add that to have backups that last longer than 6 months you ideally should aquire either authentic Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim media, also ideally you want to be looking for either 4x or 8x media as 16x media is known to cause numerous backup problems.
PS A little hint always burn at half the maximum speed ie 4x at 2x or 8x at 4x as burning at half the graded media speed gives you the best PIE/PIF score 99% of the time.
I have backed up over 100 copies and are all burned onto authentic Taiyo Yuden 8x DVD-R (grade A media) burned at 4x and have yet to burn a coaster, for me nothing else will suffice.
I didn't know that ....about the length of time a copy would last...I had heard that a dvd ( movie ) will only last around 20 years, Who wants it after that! Well, if its a home movie of the kids lets say...
and I take your advice on the Verbatim discs, I'm still trying to get some.. I live in Smallville Scotland. Cheers.
I highly recommend you go for the 100x Taiyo Yuden 8x DVD-R unbranded @ £29.99 as these are there best media that is in stock at the moment.
Sorry there is no Verbatim 8x as of yet, sorry out of stock.
These TY's are authentic and are very good quality as you can see in the graph below;
Also they could have produced better results as well as the graph shown is of a Liteon burner which measures ECC blocks are measured 1 at a time instead of 8 ECC blocks at a time which most other burners do.
This means that the media quality could be scanned with a Liteon and a BenQ. But because the BenQ reports back 8 ECC blocks at a time it shows an average of them 8 blocks while the Liteon will report back 1 block at a time and so in theory will report alot more errors than a BenQ.
Please also note that when you purchase from this store I have set up a review going for this store as a sort of thank you for being the only place in the UK for supplying reliable media therefore it would be nice if after anyones experience they could post what they think about this store @;