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trash will not empty .m2v file
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24. April 2003 @ 06:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I followed the DigitlMac post on backing up DVDs with my mac and despite some audio problems which I've fixed it's been fine. When i used 0SEx 0.0110a1 to copy the first 4.3 gigs of Panic Room, though, the m2v file i was left with would not import to DVD Studio Pro, it was greyed out. Reading some other posts I decided to trash this file and to try again as it might be corrupted or whatever. However whenever i try to empty the trash with this file in it (even force empty trash) i get an unresolved kernel trap memory exception 1,0,0 (I think it is). What can I do about this? the file is too big to ignore, I need the hard disk space but can't delete it. I'm using OS 10.1.5 if that helps. If anyone knows please tell me!!
24. April 2003 @ 07:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I cant import m2v into DVD studio pro from OSex either.

To empty your trash:

Cocktail will , under the links tab, Trash and empty. It a good utility for other things aswell.

Have been able to get a m2v into DVD studio pro at all.?

24. April 2003 @ 07:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah it has worked before. This is the first time I've had a problem. I'm just in the middle of trying to outsource the m2v video again to see if that works. Cocktail looks like it would work but the minimum requirements are for OS 10.2. Have you or anyone else got any other ideas?
24. April 2003 @ 14:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try some unix commands in the terminal app. located in your utilities folder in your apps folder. great site about OSX.

That should explain and walk you through emptying your trash.

Also it would be great if I could get my m2v to import into DSP. Let me know how you do it.

25. April 2003 @ 06:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Same thing happened but thanks for the suggestion peter. I have a screenshot of the screen that I got from my DV cam but I suppose I can't post or email to anyone (I am a newbie!). If anyone has any idea why trashy this file in any way is likely to make my mac crash and give me the memory access exception 1,0,0 thing please could they let me know. I have no idea about kernels and stuff like that i'm afraid.

Peter, have you followed digitalmac's post about importing m2v into DVD studio pro? Unless it's corrupt it should work. like i said the grey file I ended up starting again with through0sex but a lot of people I've noticed have said that some DVDs will not work. What is supposed to happen is that in DVDSP you go to file and import. the file is on a window at the bottom. If this works then you're set. you just need to add track and drag these files onto the green window. i suggest you follow digitalmac from there. I'm sure you've seen the post but I haven't got the link right here.
25. April 2003 @ 09:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You tried the stuff on OS X faq? hum.......????
The unix comands from the terminal should have worked.

You can repair permissions.
Go to disk utility in your ulitlities folder.Select the partition your OS is On. Click the first aid tab.Select repair permisssions. Then try to empty your trash.
See if that helps.
And not to put a bandaid on anything but you should update to 10.2 or get 10.3 this summer.
Alot has changed in OSX.2 and 10.3 from 10.1

I will try to keep offering suggestions.

good luck
26. April 2003 @ 08:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Woohoo! got it to work. I had to use that Mpeg append app. Worked great! Thay give you a 7day trial. Think ill buy it after the 7 days, $50.00

jonnys, did you empty that trash yet?
26. April 2003 @ 09:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great news about your file peter. no. It still won't work for me. Am working on "aquiring" jaguar though. You're right i reckon it would solve some glitches. Thanks for all the help. If I still can't do anything about it in a while though I'll keep you posted! I know it's nothing to do with priviledges, I just can't find a way to erase it without the error. Thanks anyway Peter, glad you had more luck!
28. April 2003 @ 03:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
FIXED! I'm so happy. Right thanks again for trying to help Peter. Eventually found a solution in some discussions on the apple os x support page though. it was actually a problem with norton's filesaver. It isn't necessarily an .m2v file so if you are getting a kernel panic from emptying the trash of a certain file i recommend you run live update and update systemworks to the latest version. It is the trackdelete option in filesaver that's causing the problem so then open up filesaver, uncheck all the checkboxes for your HD which will be Diskinfo and trackdelete and then set filesaver to OFF. Close the app and restart. I bet you it works when you empty trash now. > forums > digital video > digital video discussion for mac users > trash will not empty .m2v file

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