Ok, heres whats up with my mod...
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 12:57 |
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When I load up the Gamecube, it can run original discs. However, when I put in my mini Ritek DVD I burnt, the laser blinks three times and it stops spinning. I burnt them with Nero 7, and that could be a problem I heard. What do you think? Bad install? Media?
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 13:05 |
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Also, its a Duo Q. Maybe its the POT?
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4. April 2006 @ 13:09 |
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I think its because of Nero7 try using nero6
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 13:14 |
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I am all out of DVD-Rs, but I have full sized DVD+Rs, think that would work?
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 13:27 |
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The furthest ive gotten in a boot is it read the first part, moved a bit, moved again, beeped (like when you put in a real disc) moves again, then stops spinning. Again, this is the mini DVDs burnt with Nero 7
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 13:55 |
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I downloaded Nero 6, its asking for a ML disc. I dont know what that means (I am assuming Multilayer) but I dont have it. How do I get it to burn on a DVD+R?
Junior Member
4. April 2006 @ 14:37 |
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How can I tell if its the media or the mod? I want to close my Gamecube up, but I want to make sure its not the chip.
Like, how far would the booting go before the disc stopped spinning if it wasnt the chip? The furthest ive gotten is past the "beep"
Senior Member
4. April 2006 @ 16:23 |
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Try burning your games using ImgBurn. You can find it in the downloads section here at AD. And yeah, you can use full sized DVD+Rs. That's what i've been using. And it could also be your pot needing adjusting.
If I were you, before I did anything else, I would doublecheck the installation and make sure everything is kosher. Then try the DVD+Rs with ImgBurn. I'm thinking the problem is that you burnt your games with Nero 7. I know a lot of people have issues with it.
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4. April 2006 @ 17:35 |
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DVD+Rs don't always work well with GCs. Try using DVD-R instead.
4. April 2006 @ 21:40 |
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Correct. The problem is DVD+R. No good. DVD-R is much more compatible.
Junior Member
5. April 2006 @ 04:33 |
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I checked my install. It could be the problem, although I am assuming everything went ok. The DVD+Rs are a no go. Im going to try to get some -Rs to test the install.
5. April 2006 @ 07:58 |
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duo q is very easy to install. if the leds light up in the right sequence it probably means the install was done right.
my initial setting was 220ohms. it could read verbatim mini DVD-R burnt at 2x with Nero 6.6. however, after one day things went wrong, had alot of DREs, even 5mins into the game.
i took out and set the POT to 200ohms, then used alcohol on the lens.
Works GREAT now its 100% loading and much faster.
hope this helps you.
Wassup? The Sky
Junior Member
5. April 2006 @ 11:23 |
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I didnt even install the LED. Im bored at the moment, so ill do it now.
5. April 2006 @ 11:47 |
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DVD+R's are more compatable on my cube than DVD-R's. The only DVD-R's that work are minis and they work crappy at best.
I have al least 40 games on DVD+R and no problems yet.
Junior Member
5. April 2006 @ 12:02 |
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I installed the LED, and it didnt turn on. I was bored anyway, so I redid all the points on the board. I tried again, and BOOM, the LED goes on. I try a game, and it worked! Wow, im happy! Thanks guys for all the help.
Junior Member
5. April 2006 @ 12:37 |
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I tried the DVD+R again out of curiosity, and that ran too! Things are getting better by the minute!
Senior Member
5. April 2006 @ 13:31 |
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Yeah, like Zombie_X2, DVD+R's work better on my cube too. I'm glad double checking the installation worked for ya. It sounded like it was either a problem with Nero 7 or the installation. Which program did you use to burn your games, btw? I've actually used ImgBurn and Nero 7 and they've both worked for me, but I've heard that Nero 7 causes some people problems.
Junior Member
5. April 2006 @ 15:57 |
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Right now some of my games are getting errors before the title screen. It says that there is an error with the console. Its happening with a few, and others are working flawlessly. Im sure it was the burn. I was using Nero 7, but I got 6 on a recommendation
Senior Member
5. April 2006 @ 19:17 |
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Did you adjust the pot yet? If not do it, then see how your game run.
Junior Member
6. April 2006 @ 06:14 |
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I have no way of knowing what my POT is, so I am afraid to adjust it. Is there a guide on how to do it?
Senior Member
6. April 2006 @ 10:19 |
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If you look in the "guide and tutorials" section here http://modthatcube.pxn-os.org/main.htm there will be a tutorial on how to do it. I did it right after I installed my Xeno GC and my GC laser has been working like a dream.
Good luck.
Junior Member
6. April 2006 @ 16:26 |
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I dont have a DMM, thats my problem. Is there an alternative way?
Senior Member
6. April 2006 @ 17:31 |
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Before we go any further, what brand of DVD+R's are you using? That could be the problem.
You should see if there is anybody you could borrow a DMM from, but if not, you can adjust it by turning it counter-clockwise a LITTLE BIT at a time, and testing it. Until you notice a difference. Just remember a TINY bit at a time. Overdoing it could burn out your laser. And that would suck.
Junior Member
6. April 2006 @ 17:36 |
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The two games I burnt to a DVD+R (Maxell) have worked flawlessly. Its a few of the RiTek mini DVD-Rs that im having a problem with. Some of those work fine, but some give me that error screen. The screen doesnt say a disc problem, it tells me to contact nintendo or something. Ill try to grab a DMM tommorrow (My uncle may of left one of his here, so ill check that possibilty out too)
7. April 2006 @ 04:48 |
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you will have to tweak the pot if u want to run those media that u cant. 180-220 is the best range.
Wassup? The Sky