Well ofcourse but in time it will be a money saver....not suprised but now if you wan an HD DVD for the Xbox you will have to buy it seperate which is more money to fork out......
i dont think either technologies at the time are worth it. T.v's cant support them yet,overpriced and by the time the prices do come down most they will most likely have something new out.Dvd were supposed to stand the test of time and its already outfdated,screw getting screwed with all the upgrades. when you get a new t.v,u need the good canles,filters, there are only like 30 hd channels available on average. By the time you get the new t.v you'll need to go get another one because it wont have enough inputs and yada yada...just one big upgrade game they the average consumer cat afford. you finish "souping" up your entertainment center only for something bigger and better to be out within a yr. technology is moving at a fast rate to a fault for the consumer
u happen to know what it would be lacking? lacking as in the way the ps2's dvd drive sucked something fierce and burned out causing the systems laser reader...that kind of lacking that we've all come to love and know from sony consoles when trying to do too many things, age old ?better to be king of nothing and jack of all trades,or king of one thing and do that with undeniable perfection?
i agree with u but i think ps3 will win due to its cultlike fans who care not about competition but only seek to have the next sony console. for those who like the ps1,ps2,ps3 thats great just becasue i dont means nothing i just dont like the portion of fans who like ps3 for its name and not its substance.