I have just recieved a fliptop mod for my V4 PS2 and after fitting it when I turn it on the red light stays in standby but the PS2 will not power on, also pressing the buttons on the PS2 dont seem to do anything at all. I am not sure what the problem is, any ideas?
I have taken a look at the silver strip connecting to the eject/reset button and when moved into a certain position the light is on but when in another position the red light is out, maybe the cable is faulty but when held in the position when the light is on the buttons still dont work.
I've connected the wire up correctly, atleast I think so. The buttons still don't work so I think it is faulty. I've ordered another one from a playstation repair shop, should be here soon.
OK, the new reset/eject cable arrived. I've fitted it and it now works, my PS2 powers on and displays fine, problem now is my fliptop. I've tried for hours fitting and refitting it but I can't get it to work properly. Whenever I try and load the swapmagic disc is just whirrs a horrible noise but if I press the lid down with my hand it works and boots. From this I gather it's a problem with the case not being on tight enough maybe or something to do with the lid, but i've tried to fit it so many times that i'm getting a headache. Also it looks like the fliptop hasnt been manafactured very well as one side of the case wont clip on correctly and seems to protrude outwards. Any ideas on what to do?
Well after looking at the inside of the fliptop case I have notice that one of the parts was too big so I filed it down, it was stopping the case from fitting. It now works perfectly, so I guess that fliptops aren't manafactured very well. I can now enjoy my PS2 huzzah!