After spending some time reading "High quality DVD-9 Backups with DVD Rebuilder" and setting it up as best I could, I'm getting the following results:
[19:47:35] One Click encoding activated...
[19:47:37] Phase I, PREPARATION started.
- VTS_01: 1,727,992 sectors.
-- Scanning and writing .D2V file
-- Processed 152,132 frames.
-- Building .AVS and .ECL files
- Reduction Level for DVD-5: 100.0%
- Overall Bitrate : 3,412Kbs
- Space for Video : 3,011,316KB
- HIGH/LOW/AVERAGE Cell Bitrates: 4,949/2,841/3,412 Kb
[19:49:39] Phase I, PREPARATION completed in 2 minutes
[19:49:39] Phase II, ENCODING started
- Creating M2V for VTS_01 segment 0
At this point, I am prompted for thr CCE-SP Trial Encoder Basic. If I selelct cctspt.exe (the only one that it will let me), I receive an MessageBox with the heading "EclCCE" and the text "This CCE version is not yet supported. ECL support not avalable. See EclCCE.pdf for more information!"
If I don't select anything, I get an MessageBox entitled "Encoder Error" with the text "ERROR: file V01000000001001 shows completed, but no .M2V file exists. Aborted"
It looks like the versions that I downloaded were slightly different than in the write-up, sVerbose o I have mine configured as described below.
- Mode->CCE Mode Checked
- Mode->One Click Mode
- Mode->Suppress Warning Prompts
Same, but:
- Verbose Status Windows Checked
- Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates
In the Options Menu->AVS Options->ConvertToYUY2() is checked.
->AVS Options->AudioDub(BlankClip()) is unchecked
->Advanced (Expert) Options->MPEG2Source("source",idct = 7) is checked in both mine and the setup doc.
Moving to Options->Setup, the screens are very different - I am running V.097-Free March 19th, 2006.
Mine: Theirs:
Path To CCS Basic Path to CCE Basic
Path to CCE SP 2.5 Path to CCE SP 2.5
Path to CCE SP (New) Path to CCE SP (New)
Path to Rejij Path to Rejij
Path to QuEnc Path to QuEnc
Path to ECLPRO (ProCoder) ------------
Path to Decoder Path mfEG2DEC3DG
Path to DECOMB DLL: Path to Decomb.dll
They say to fill in Path to CCE Basic with CCT2.exe -- I don't seem to have this version, so I'm using cctspt.exe
They also say to use a 3rd party program called EclCCE so that the trial software can read the ECL (CCE) settubgs) files created by DVD Rebuilder. The link provides this software. They say you'll need to change the CCE version in the Opeions menu to CCE SP 2.67+ and go into Setup and set the path for CCE SP (new) to the location of EclCCE.EXE, making sure that you don't set it to the actual CCE executable because that won't work for the trial version and to make sure that the CCE version (on the Options menu under CCE) options) to CCE SP v2.6+... And after that, you can use the rest of the guide normally.
Any one have any thoughts on this one?