Ok this is an on going adventure for me, just like my xbox modding if you look in the forums long ago, But Ok heres the new fun, Im trying to make a back up copy of my Castlevania Symphony of the night, I own a Modded Ps1 that i still play a lot for some reason lol, Alot of my origional games are beat to the point they skip and wont load, sound gliching other fun things like that, Since there 16 years old now lol, after loseing some games to a resurfacer machine, i find i cant do that coz they wont play afterwards at all, but yeah i even payed to break my own games worse LOL, but the game i most want to play is Castlevania. I riped a copy of the game but my copy is really bad and cant get the job done at all, so i downloaded a copy of it and ive read a lot on here all ready and ive tryed alot but everytime i get a game that sits on the black Ps Screen and the words at the bottom become two out of place X's - I ripped a copy of my friends origional game as well to only get the same screen, I use Nero 6 i believe it is and the file i downloaded seems to be the one that should work after reading on here, it came with three files as follows:
Castlevania SOTN.ccd 789K
Castlevania SOTN.img 538,478,640K
Castlevania SOTN.sub 21,978,720K
Ive tryed to burn all 3 files to cd and failed, and read about diffrent things but im low on cds now, can someone help me to get these files to work? Ive never made a psx backup before, I dont know what files or how to set up Nero to do it right. Does SOTN have to be set up diffrently coz of the audio tracks on it or anything? I have a Philips Cd-rw drive that has worked for reading every cd i ever put in to it and after about 3 years has only messed up about 3 disks, i also have a portable Hp Cd-rw that i could try as well but the Philips has allways been better. I also am goign to try and load the file on to my Xbox with a Emulater and try from there, Ide rather not have to play this on my pc but at all least and a final i will if i must. I just need to know what i need to do, with the files and set up and if anything extra is needed for this game. Thank you for you time.
John Conner
Ok now can u read the next line for me? ummmm ......THSWILHURTU