recently i have purchased
DVD X Copy Xpress2.01 its reads dvd ok but when i put the blank dvd-r to dvdr drive
i receive blue screen with FATAL ERROR message and it has spoiled my 3 blank dvds
any solution?
I don't think DVDxCopy of any version is able to just out right copy a DVD unless there's no copy-protection on it.
If you want ONLY the movie and NO extras and keep the picture quality then, do the following:
1. Use DvD Decrypter to rip the main movie files from the DVD to your hard drive. When you start DVD Decrypter, it will automatically highlight the main movie files.
2. Use DVD2ONE to compress the movie files.
3. Use Nero Burn (Express if you want) and burn the files to a DVD.
That's it you now have a working backup of your movie. One thing that I would do is use a "RW" and test it, just to make sure you have a good copy.
I just started this about 3 weeks ago because I have alot of money tied up in my DVD's and I don't want to have to replace them. I have made about 13 movies so far with NO failures. I can play them on any of my DVD players in the house. I have 4 DVD players including the one in the computer.
Hate to say it, but Clonedron you are flat out wrong. All versions ov DVDXCopy are able to copy a dvd with copy protection on it, that is the reason such software exists, else noone would pay $50-100 for a program to burn a video to two discs with and anti-piracy warning on them. I would recomend to hany gold that you check that you have all proper device drivers and aspi layers, also scan for viruses, I do not often hear about the blue screen of death from DVDXCopy, but it can happen. Sorry that I am not of more help, I am sure you have tried contacting 321 Studios about this as well right?
Uh..... maybe I'm missing something here but, why does DVDXCOPY dump to the hard drive before burning to DVD?....To strip the copy-protection that's why! Check the link out.
I've just downloaded the DVDX Express demo programme from 321 Studios and after installing it just comes up with Error 1337 conflicting with applications running. So much for this new programme!!
DVDXCopy has always been crap in my opinion & if you have any problems with it you should be looking to the forums here instead:
DVDXCopy does not have the necesity of ripping the dvd files to the hard drive before burning if the computer has a dvd-rom and a dvd-burner, but that does not really relate to xpress, because it reencodes the film it most likely rip's to the hard drive. But with DVDXCopy standard it is possible to do a drive to drive copy.
So, as I was saying DVDXCOPY CANNOT out right copy a copy-protected DVD. I just did a test with DVDXCOPY and ran DVD Decrypter. I used my Lethal Weapon 4 DVD. This one I was able to get all files because it was only a single layer. However, if you checked the orginal with DVD Decrypter, it would state that it's copy-protected with CSS. Once I made a backup with DVDXCOPY, it copied complete just as the method I use but! You get this ugly black screen at the beginning stating that this is a DVD-BACKUP and then some garbage and finially states 321
BUT, once I checked the backup with DVD Decryter the copy-protection was NONE! Thus, proves my point that DVDXCOPY cannot out right copy a copy-protected DVD.