I did movie and menus and got........... Reduction Level for DVD-5: 51.3%..............and on recode 2 I disabled the extras which is like movie and menus and got 80%....why is the compression so much better on recode
Are you sure you did the same thing in both programs, I usually compare compression level between programs and have not found any difference between RB, Recode, Clone or Shrink.
Well i just tried family stone and recode got it to 90% with me disabling the extras and just leaving the 5.1 audio on the movie................rebuilder gave me 53.4% when i selected movies and menus only (blank extras) and i also took off all but the 5.1 audio....whats going on?
the compression level is not showing/representing the gains the extra's blanking will produce.
if you notice it will say blanking all extra's below the compression level meaning that compression ratio is calculated before teh extra's are blanked.