Member promotion mechanism is under construction
I hate titles
35 product reviews
5. May 2006 @ 01:18 |
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As several of our users have noticed, our script that "promotes" users based on their post counts, is now offline and we're working on a major rewrite of the whole forum system that will store the user post counts in a separate table. The problem with the old system was that the forum was never intended to calculate people's post counts, thus the data for each user was never stored anywhere -- everytime we ran a script that "promoted" members, the script had to go through all 2 million messages in our database and see how many posts were made by user X, by user Y, etc. Finally few weeks ago the system sorta halted, it seems that the Dual Xeon 3GHz database server decided that comparing 520,000 users against 2 million forum messages was too much for it and system tended to halt when the "promo script" was running.
Now, we need to go through the 2 million rows in msg table and store that data alongside the user info. But after this process and required modifications to the forums are done, the new promo script will kick in. That will happen on next week.
Suspended permanently
6. May 2006 @ 01:09 |
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why not save yourself some time drD,DONT FIX IT.......and then we could gop back to the old way.Maybe the computers were agreeing with me by shutting them selves down but then again thats probably and idle wish isnt it................
Senior Member
3 product reviews
6. May 2006 @ 01:14 |
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to i guess, ELABORATE on what andmerr said, i do not believe the ranking system should even be in place, maybe show the join date instead, the ranking system pretty much more assists to SOME new members wasting valuable scrolling time with posts that have either been covered previously, mean absolutely nothing at all or are just plain unecessary in general.
i know it is not my place to tell anyone on this site what to do, especialy an administrator, however i just believe it would be more beneficial without titles.
just my 2c
"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
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6. May 2006 @ 01:22 |
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nice phanty , you said a mouthful with just 2cents,but you could of suggested one more and have a post count under the users nic with the date they joined.At least that would maybe slow the useless post drivel thats been going on for years
Senior Member
3 product reviews
6. May 2006 @ 01:32 |
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nice idea.
"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
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6. May 2006 @ 01:38 |
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it would be if they incorporated it in to the board but well thats an admin decision
6. May 2006 @ 03:35 |
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In the long scheme of things, it is a good move. A quicker status upgrade system may prevent the
"I have 150 posts so why am I still a newbie"
type of threads.
Nice job.
6. May 2006 @ 04:16 |
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You know I was worried about this in the begginning, but now it doesn't really matter, most of the questions I answer are things that I found out searching, so status be darned...because half my posts point to other people with more practical knowledge, who have already answered that question before.
SPECS - DVD±RW (+R double layer) drive Optical Storage 1xDVD±RW (+R double layer)-5.25"x1/2H DVD±RW (+R double layer) drive - IDE Read Speed48x(CD)/16x(DVD)Rewrite Speed 24x(CD)/4x(DVD-RW)/8x(DVD+RW)Write Speed 48x(CD)/8x(DVD-R)/16x(DVD+R)/2.4x(DVD+R DL)
6. May 2006 @ 04:23 |
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You'll go far in this environment, buddy. If only everyone adopted that attitude..
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6. May 2006 @ 20:54 |
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I would agree the level title is obsolete. Date joined with posts made would be much better. The only ones that really need a title is the staff. I'm just getting tired of being brushed off because it still shows I'm a newbie when I been around the Internet for 20+ years. Leave the level titles for trackers. It should save a lot of time.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
6. May 2006 @ 23:37 |
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It does not bother me either way because the people that know me for me inregards to aD info input i have put in, is all i need the status thing is just a bonus, plus in the begining it was somethin i was striving for but one quote came to mind and it goes like this.
Quote: Knowledge is Power! Not Status
Thats as simple as i can put it.
What ever the admin choose i am for.
Just on a side note i do agree the only people that may need titles would b admin and mods, thats about it.
Edited by DVDBack23
"the mediocre teacher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher inspires."- William Aruthur Ward
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7. May 2006 @ 00:51 |
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I suspect dRD knows what he's doing. Post counts and titles have been a problem for some time. They're sort of meaningless now with some members with padded counts becoming Seniors and Addicts with mostly chatter. Irregardless, there's those members who still feel counts and rank are important. So, to keep from being endlessly aggravated, it makes sense to have a system that will do the count automatically.
1 product review
10. May 2006 @ 16:31 |
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I think instead of having such a negative term like "Newbie", you should change it to something else like "Guest" or Entry Level. It doesn't sound half as demeaning, and just seems a bit more appealing to me.
I also applaud the people who are still within the Newbie status and have not complained about getting to a higher ranking right away, or the person who makes it to Senior Member status within the first two months of arriving based upon idle chatter or pre-answered, one-lined posts.
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Senior Member
10. May 2006 @ 17:19 |
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Is the promotion mechanism back up and running?
Just curious.
As far as Rank goes, personally I am happy with whatever dRD comes up with.
All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse. -John Quincy Adams

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10. May 2006 @ 17:28 |
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I agree that a counter would be a much more pratical solution to the problem at hand. It feels demeaning to be classified. I know that i'm new to this web site, but i've been around the internet for a long time. Thanks to the staff for filling us all in on this subject.
"...Just another brick in the wall" -Pink Floyd.
Please, don't become another "Brick!!!"
You have a brain, use it!!!
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10. May 2006 @ 18:35 |
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Most of us, who have been around a while, realize Newbie only means a short timer at AD. There can be those of questionable intellect at all levels. Rank only indicates how many times a person has managed to click Reply, not what they know or who they've helped. A trained monkey could set and click Reply. The important part of being involved in a forum such as AD is being helpful and trying to deal with everyone in a sociable manner. Those that get caught up in the rank game and useless posting are just wasting their time and being a nuisance, especially since rank means little as far as helping others. Rank and a buck will get a coke from the soda machine. ;) Since a lot of people seem to be interested, the staff needs some system of tallying posts and assigning rank. The one dRD set up is as good as any under the circumstances.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. May 2006 @ 05:26 |
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once again i agree with you. the people who actually help out on here should be the opnly ones with a rank i think. take me for example. jr member soon to be member. i havent really donated anything other then a little that i know that might actually only help out someone who is new to the backup game like myself. as you know most my post have been in the question type post so why should i have a rank. hell i should still be a newbie, until i actually post something that helps out, other than my opinon like right on that note i guess i will stop ranting and drD do the decideing for us all.. good day paul harvey
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11. May 2006 @ 06:55 |
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Good point and well taken. Post alone shouldn't determine rank, it should be earned as you go. I thank all of you who have helped me in my quest to be more knowledgeable and for all I have learned from this web site.
"...Just another brick in the wall" -Pink Floyd.
Please, don't become another "Brick!!!"
You have a brain, use it!!!
AfterDawn Addict
11. May 2006 @ 07:25 |
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I never liked newbie from day one..
What I like is:
New member
Junior Member
Senior Member
AfterDawn Addict
and the reason i do not like it
A newbie (1337: n00b) is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the Internet, where it might refer to new, inexperienced, or ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. The term is generally regarded as an insult, although in many cases more experienced/knowledgeable people use it in purposes of negative reinforcement, urging ?newbies? to learn more about the field or area in question. Newbie itself is usually considered truly to be a person who's new at these events and not really an insult as opposed to n00b.
Variant spellings, such as newb, noob, and, in Leetspeak, n00b are numerous and common in Internet use.
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Suspended permanently
11. May 2006 @ 09:26 |
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How about AD "Short Timer"? More colorful than just New Member, but a continued low post count could leave us with a long time "Short Timer". With New Member, one could be left with an old New Member, if the member doesn't post a bunch real quick. ;) Or... to clarify the situation the title could read Afterdawn Low Post Count Member (Title not supposed to indicate diminished mental capacity.)
You have to overlook me at times, the insomnia just beats me down. ;)
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Suspended permanently
11. May 2006 @ 09:40 |
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Your questions and interaction on the forum may lead to help for Low Post Count Members and others. So your posts in the help threads are valid.
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Senior Member
11. May 2006 @ 12:53 |
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The newby title never bothered me because by rights I'm still a newby to computers and this is the only forum I belong to. I don't care about a title and come here to learn and enjoy the comraderie and relax {since I'm 1 of 3 males amidst 80 women at work].My 2 cents Chris
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. May 2006 @ 18:13 |
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3 men to 80 women i like those odd'
im just glad there is a site like this. cause if there wasnt i think(i know) i would have screwed something major up on my computer with out all the great info and help i have gotten here, so if someone wants there ranking higher they can have mine and ill just be happy with the info i get and the lauchs now and then from the good people i meet on the way of bunring the perfect burn.....
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12. May 2006 @ 00:03 |
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The term "Short Timer" takes me back to 'Nam days.
Short Timer = some one with a little time (less than 30 days) before they get to go home.
I know, I'm showing my age!
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12. May 2006 @ 00:19 |
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Yep, either gray or turning gray by now. That was well back in the last century. ;) Didn't they have something called an 8-Track back then and computers were about as big as a house and a couple of teminals filled a room? I saw a historical piece on the History Channel and there were guys wondering around with white coats on and carrying big tape reels under their arms. They even had things called slide rules. I'm still wondering what good a ruler is that slides. ;)